Listeria's epidemic struck 10 states - it is the most likely foods to cause listeriosis

Be careful if you regularly consume one of these foods, according to experts.

The flow Listeria The epidemic has many of us to wonder What foods are safe To eat, and which are better avoided - at least until the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which first sounded the alarm of the epidemic, provide more information on the source of the problem.

Listeria's poisoning results Exposure to bacteria L. Monocytogenes , which "can be found in wet environments, soil, water, decomposing vegetation and animals, and can survive and even develop under refrigeration and other food preservation measures", according to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). "When people eat food contaminated by L. Monocytogenes , they can develop a disease called listeriosis, "said the agency.

The CDC says that the current epidemic probably affects more than the 10 states it has listed In a February opinion , which has encouraged us to ask experts which foods are most likely to cause listeriosis and how worried the general public should be. Read the rest to find out what foods to watch.

Read this then: Listeria's epidemic struck 10 states - these are the signs of listeriosis warning .

Listeriosis is more dangerous for certain groups of people.

Older People in the Kitchen Unpacking Groceries
Floor image / trigger

Bernadette Boden-Albala , MPH, HRD, the Director of the Public Health Program At the University of California, Irvine, says that people 65 and over, people with weakened immune systems, pregnant and newborns are most at risk of listeriosis.

"For the general population which is not part of [these] groups, exposure to Listeria can manage the spectrum of very serious light symptoms," she explains. "But if you are one of those groups, then Listeria can become very deadly. If you have fever, muscle pain and fatigue, immediately call your health care provider. ""

"There were 11 cases of Listeria in 10 states linked to the current epidemic. The FDA and the CDC have still not been able to trace the source of the epidemic, however, no death has been reported, " Dahlia Philips , MD, medical director of the care partnership / SNP in Metroprushe , recount Better life . "Unfortunately, there are multi-state epidemics of Listeria In the United States, almost annually, after an intelligent food security measure will guarantee that the public remains protected. ""

Boden-Albala stresses that because the CDC has not yet discovered what specific food is behind the current epidemic, it is preferable for people in vulnerable demography to "avoid consuming one of the possible food groups that can transport Listeria , "Noting that" for anyone else, it is always better to avoid the consumption of these articles, but you do not need to be so concerned ".

On this note, we have compiled a list of nine foods that Boden-Albala and Philips say are the most likely to cause listeriosis.

Unpasteurized milks and cheeses

Different types of cheeses.
Africa Studio / Shutterstock

Milk and cheese that have not undergone the pasteurization process are the number one element to be wary, according to Philips and Boden-Albala.

"" Listeria is easily killed by high temperatures, "explains Philips - and since pasteurization involves Heat things to kill bacteria , it is logical that everything that has not been heated could bring contamination by Listeria.

Queso Fresco and Brie are only two names of Philips cheese as Listeria Suspects, but any soft cheese is probably unpasteurized.

Read this then: 2.5 million pounds of meat recalled on contamination fears, USDA warns .

Ice and yogurt cream

Homemade Neopolitan Ice Cream with Vanilla Chocolate and Strawberry

Sorry, ice cream fans - cheese and milk are not the only things that could be non -pasturized, and therefore potentially dangerous. Non -pasteurized ice cream - and yogurt! - can also wear Listeria , Say that Philips and Boden-Albala.

Raw fruits and vegetables

A Variety of Fruits and Veggies
Monticello / Shutterstock

They can be healthy, but raw fruits and vegetables are also possible suspects with regard to Listeria poisoning. Washing raw fruits and vegetables before eating them is crucial, Peter Michael , Md, Chief of view , recount Better life . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Hot dogs and cold meats

Plate of Deli Meat
Dream79 / Shutterstock

THE Increased cancer risk Isn't that the only reason to reconsider your consumption of cold meat. Experts to whom we have spoken said that hot dogs and cold cuts can transport Listeria .

Philips adds that dried or fermented sausages are another possible source of contamination, as well as pre-made cold cuts such as cabbage salad, potato salad, tuna salad and chicken salad.

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Smoked fish and seafood

smoked salmon on black backdrop
Shutterstock / HLPHOTO

To date, you may receive the message: foods that are not heated are more likely to cause listeriosis. Philips and Boden-Albala say that it includes Lox on your Sunday morning bagel, unfortunately.

Gross cabbage

Broccoli Sprouts

Do you like to add a handful of germs crisp and crisp to your salads and sandwiches? You may want to put yourself into play a little. "Food heating is important," said Philips, in case we need to recall.


Fresh melon with feta and blue cheese, topped with herbs
Istock / Peteers

"Cutting the melon left in the heat for more than two hours" is another main suspect with regard to listeriosis, explains Boden-Albala. With summer picnics and barbecues just at the corner of the street, it augurs badly for your favorite melon recipes.

Read this then: The soup sold at Walmart and other large retailers recalled due to health problems, the FDA warns .

Salad and buffets

people in line at cruise buffet

Who does not like to load their plate in a buffet or a salad bar at will? But be careful: "All buffet or salad bars that have no time indication for how long [food] has been left out" could be Listeria -Lan, warns Boden-Albala.

Poultry under cooking

woman hand holding fork and knife eat chicken breast meat with potato in a plate

Finally, make sure you carefully cook the chicken or turkey before consuming it. Experts agree that if it is still rosy, it could transport Listeria —And the lists of the FDA raw poultry or more cooked as one of the foods that has been linked to the past Listeria epidemics.

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