The star of "Grease 2" Michelle Pfeiffer says she "hated that with revenge"

The actor was not proud of the 1982 film musical suite.

It is a common chorus to complain that there are no new ideas in Hollywood, like franchises and suites Dominate the box office. However, the sentence in cinema is not only a phenomenon of the 21st century - The theater of the 1980s were full of empires striking their backs, Police Academy 3 ,, Rocky IV , And RAMBO V . And it is not only action films that have also obtained additional features. Almost all the films that struck Big found a sequel in the works, including the 1978 classic musical film Fat , which was followed by Fat 2 In 1982. Of course, it was not as well received, and criticisms were not the only ones to think that it was not good, especially compared to the original. A boom Michelle Pfeiffer Played in musical as a new queen of pink ladies Stephanie Zinone and said that she "hated that with revenge". Continue reading to learn more Fat 2 And why the actor was so embarrassed.

Read this then: This co-star was shocked Michelle Pfeiffer "said hello:" Not to mention a connection with him .

The original Fat was a phenomenon of pop culture.

Olivia-Newton John and John Travolta at the Grease premiere in 1978
Michael Ochs Archives / Getty Images

Musical fat, written by Jim Jacobs And Warren Casey , initially made his debut in Chicago in 1971. Based on the experience of Jacob at the William Taft high school in the city At the end of the 1950s , he lasted eight months before moving to Broadway in 1972. It was also a success in New York, taking place for eight years and closing in 1980. But even before the end of this original race, the popularity of the musical had already inspired a cinematographic version. Fat , with John Travolta And Olivia Newton-John , hit theaters in 1978. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

The cinematographic version has become the Most profitable film musical time, despite a cast of "high school students" of which The average age was 28 . He transformed Travolta and Newton-John into night sensations and was nominated for the multiple prices of the Academy and the Golden Globes. The only thing that prevented the album from becoming The best -selling soundtrack from 1978 was Travolta other Dancing box-office hit, Saturday night fever . The film is considered a classic today, having been kept in the National register of American films by the Congress Library.

Paramount images put a universe of moving suites.

Didi Conn and Maxwell Caulfield in
Paramount pictures

Even before Fat Found an audience of film, Paramount Pictures had already contracted Allan Carr , which adapted the play, To write consequences . There would have been three follow -up films and a planned television series, each taking place in a new generation of high school students, ending in the late 1960s. However, the hopes of Bring back the original tracks Because the cameos fell. Instead, the only follow -up of feature films to date, Fat 2 , presented a new set of "Teens", led by Pfeiffer as Stephanie and Maxwell Caulfield As an exchange student Michael Carrington, Sandy's cousin. It takes place two years after the events of the original film and came from a mainly new creative team, with Jacobs and Casey notably absent.

Critics have decided Fat 2 was not the one they wanted.

But The Tomatometer would not be invented for decades to come, Fat 2 was a total splat. (It has a dismal 35% on rotten tomatoes.) For The New York Times ,, Janet Maslin wrote: "This time, the story cannot even hide as an excuse to chain songs" and called these songs "desperately unbound". Roger Ebert gave two inches downwards , write that Fat 2 simply "recycles Fat "And is" drifting in time ", as opposed to his sharp predecessor. Go out the same weekend as AND. And Star Trek II: Khan's anger , and there was no hope that the film will succeed at any level, even close to the original.

Pfeiffer was trying to pay attention to his role choices.

Michelle Pfeiffer in 2022
Dfree / Shutterstock

In an interview in 2021 with The New Yorker ,, Pfeiffer said she was prudent About the roles she took when she started in her career, aware that a single misstep could do or break it. However, his first works followed him. As Rolling stone observed in a star profile in 1992, when Batman returns was released, Pfeiffer had "broken more eraser than champagne sipped" on the screen - a reference probably to Fat 2 . Pfeiffer admitted that it was probably the role she regretted the most, blaming her greenery and believing in the power of a franchise.

"At the time, I was young and I didn't know better," She said to Wenn in 2014 . "I hated this film with revenge and I couldn't believe how bad it was."

Fat 2 has become a classic cult.

Still from Grease 2
Paramount pictures

Whatever she thinks of the film and her work now, Pfeiffer has more than survived the experience. The following year, she played like Elvira Hancock in the crime drama class Scarpace . Five years later, in 1988, she marked the first of the two consecutive Oscar nominations, obtaining a sign of the best support actress with Dangerous Liaisons . In 1989, she was in place for the best actress for her performance The fabulous boys Baker. Caulfield even set Page six In 2021, it was jealous that the profile of his co-star increased so quickly after their famous flop.

Either way, Fat 2 The reputation has also improved during the decades since its release, young viewers enjoying its feminist and sexual stories. Den de geek even called him " A classic cult Cooler than the original "on his stage birthday in 2022." It may have taken 40 years, but this musical formerly described, highlighted by songs like the four tops "Soaring Overner", "Back to School", and the hymn of sex-ed "Reproduction" was Revalled to the point that she even presents herself to the classic films of Turner occasionally, "said the point of sale.

In 2014, Pfeiffer was already aware of Fat 2 is an improbable resurgence. "I hear it's a cult film now," she told Wenn. And in 2019, the The actor said about The late late show It is one of the films of his filmography that fans are approaching the most.

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