10 things that girls do in movies but never in real life

Have you ever watch a movie and find you think "that can not be true"? And we are not talking about fantasy or science fiction. It's too obvious. As a girl, I often think that when you look at romantic comedies more than anything. The way girls are described in the films is so strange and unrealistic. There are so many things that seem just bad and made me. But do men believe that? Do you look at it and wait for us to be like that in real life? Let's talk about 10 things that girls do in movies but never in real life.

Have you ever watch a movie and find you think "that can not be true"? And we are not talking about fantasy or science fiction. It's too obvious. As a girl, I often think that when you look at romantic comedies more than anything. The way girls are described in the films is so strange and unrealistic. There are so many things that seem just bad and made me. But do men believe that? Do you look at it and wait for us to be like that in real life? Let's talk about 10 things that girls do in movies but never in real life.

1. Wake up - flawless
As much as we would really like getting up every morning with a perfect skin, a smooth skin, shiny hair and large, quite long eyelashes to fly - in real life, it does not happen. Unless you are Beyonce.

2. Outfits for days
In movies, girls always have these huge closets full of all kinds of clothes conducive to all occasions. It seems like it's like they need a classic desktop, a pencil skirt, a red carpet bullet dress or a fairy suit for a children's party - they have everything. In addition, they always wear a completely different outfit every day. In reality, our closets are much smaller and contain some dresses, but mainly jeans and tops. In addition, in real life, no one had time to choose a perfect outfit every day. We usually come to put on the same old pair of jeans and a t-shirt that seems the cleanest.

3. Huge apartment in the heart of the city
Have you noticed how most of the movie characters have these huge apartments or lofts in the heart of the city? How are they? There is no way of a 20 year old, even with a roommate can afford an apartment that cool and this great. But hey, I guess the movies explain that by giving them these incredible and paying jobs.

4. Great work in your 20 years
We would like to graduate in college and immediately get an incredibly interesting and prestigious work that pays millions, but real life is just not as easy as movies allow it to look. Whenever I see 20 years working as a chief editor in a famous fashion magazine or be the head of some things, I inevitably mock on television.

5. Eat shit all day every day
There is no way of actresses playing these female characters in movies eat as they do on the screen. Unless you are one of these lucky monsus with a super fast metabolism - there is no way to eat an entire ice bath every time you are sad, you have been dropped or it's just this period of the month . Do not even make me start eating with pizza casualties in bed or having hamburgers for lunch. If American girls ate as if we were going to roll around the form as planets.

6. Lookin good during the exercise
How is it in movies girls look so cute when working? They have tight workouts of adorable skin, bright colors, skin and a full face makeup. And after training, they have only a few hairs out of place. So not true. In reality, if we really plan to have a deadly training session, we carry the most purchasing clothes that we have and our hair are attached. The concept of makeup is laughable, caused at the end of the training, it would run on our face in the rivers of sweat and we would eventually look like the KISS band.

7. Have underwear pillow fights
Make me trust when I say we never come out of underwear with our girlfriends and there are no pillow fights. If we really have a wake, you can be sure that we wear sweatpants, old-fashioned shirts below and our faces are covered with Icky green masks, while we drink wine and pizza from the Shovel with mouth.

8. Running in heels
First of all, few girls will really choose to wear heels every day. They are not comfortable and they slow us down. Most of the days we wear apartments. However, the days we wear heels, it must be a special occasion and there is no way we run. If we put in the effort to look awesome and we wear heels, whatever the occasion, it can wait.

9. Combat for the bouquet
We have all been married and you know what? Nobody wants to stay there and catch the fucking bouquet. Am I the only one to usually try to leave the room before the bouquet is thrown or trying to dodge if it flies me? Make me trust, there is never a fight for the bouquet at the wedding. Nobody cares. We are too busy trying to get so many free drinks in our blood as possible.

10. Have an incredible sex life
In many films, women are described with incredible sex. As if every time you meet with someone, it's so good, you have no choice but to shout at the top of your lungs. I mean, do not deceive me, we have good sex from time to time. But in real life, it takes a lot more time and it does not always imply screaming.

Categories: Lifestyle
By: rob-upton
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