5 ways to keep clothes without wrinkles in your suitcase, according to travel experts

You will not have to worry about the iron or the steam boat if you follow these packaging tips.

Even if you have time to withdraw the wrinkles from your clothes once you arrive at your hotel or in Airbnb, there is no guarantee that there will be a decent iron or steam boat - or everything at all , Besides. But When we travel , Wrinkled clothes are one of the most common puzzles that people face. This is particularly true if you fall into the travelers category that pack their suitcases to the brim. Fortunately, all hope is not lost. According to travel experts, there are simple ways to keep your clothes without wrinkles in your suitcase. Read more to hear their best tips.

Read this then: 7 clothing to never wear thanks to the safety of the airport, say the experts .

Roll and look at your clothes.

rolling clothes in suitcase
Boyloso / Shutterstock

You've probably heard this one: instead of folding your clothes, roll them. It's true, but it's not that simple.

For articles like pants, t-shirts, blouses and dresses, "start by placing flat on a surface, then fold each side to the middle", explains John Smith , textile designer at Leather skin shop . "Roll from bottom to top until you reach the neckline."

Allen King , Travel Professional and founder of Surf Aqua , also uses what he calls the "wrap bundle" method to pack your rolled items.

"This way of enveloping begins with your clothes least subject to wrinkles in the center of the package, and the most subject to wrinkles are found outside," he said. "You essentially create a brick of clothing that does not allow much movement in your suitcase, which causes most wrinkles."

And, of course, always put heavier items at the bottom of your suitcase so that they do not crush your lighter items.

Fold in bulk.

Woman packing a suitcase

If Rouling is not for you, Smith likes to fold several clothes together to create fewer wrinkles.

"For pants, fold them in half in terms of length with one leg on the other, then fold them in thirds. For t-shirts and blouses, stack several parts together to reduce the quantity of folding necessary. ""

Read this then: 6 things you should never pack for a flight, say the experts .

Superimpose tissue paper or dryer leaves.

Close-up of pink, purple, and blue tissue paper for gift wrapping
Chelaiselizabeth / Istock

Whether you drive or bend, several of the experts we have consulted suggest that you put on tissue paper between your clothes.

Anton Radchenko , founder and CEO of Air advisor , explains that friction is what causes the most wrinkles, and put pieces of smooth tissue between clothes can prevent it.

"Place tissue paper inside the sleeves of long-sleeved shirts and fold the sheets of additional cowardly fabric on top and between the two," he said. For an even more wrinkle defense, he also suggests lining the edges of your suitcase with tissue paper.

Alternatively, you can use dryer sheets. "They are a great way to reduce static, which can wrinkle and group clothes," notes Stuart Lewis , travel agent and publisher of Travel scoop . "The simple fact of placing a dryer of dryers among your clothes will help to prevent them from sticking to each other, thus reducing the chances of offending themselves."

Use dry cleaning bags or packaging cubes.

A young woman organizing or packing her suitcase in a hotel room

Simple and plastic dry cleaning bags make a world to save wrinkles.

"The breathable plastic material used in dry cleaning bags helps to remove humidity from your clothes, trap the heat and prevent them from becoming deformed while they are stored. It is particularly useful for delicate tissues like silk and flax, "explains Liz Smith , co-founder of the Travel blog This Florida life . In addition, he reduces the friction between the articles.

For something that can help you organize your suitcase better, John Smith likes small packaging cubes or plastic bags stolen under vacuum. "Cubes will also help you stay within the weight of your luggage, as they can be easily compressed during packaging," he said. "Consider them as an additional protective layer for your clothes."

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Pack a bottle of wrinkle release spray.

Clothing hanging on a clothing rack in a shop or home closet.

Sprays with wrinkles are a quick, easy and inexpensive way to get rid of wrinkles when you do not have access to an iron or a steam boat. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"When you arrive in your hotel room, arrange your clothes on a flat surface. Hold the Spritz bottle 8 inch from the fabric and apply the spray in a sweeping movement, being careful not to saturate the clothes," said Henry Schultz , founder of Diving center . "Use more spray on thicker or more wrinkled tissues. Pull and smooth the wrinkles gently. Hang your clothes to dry."

As a bonus, your clothes smell so good and fresh!

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