The worst epidemics of coronaviruses that you have not heard about
These are not only big cities. There are hot spots of Covid-19 in the country's small towns.

As thecoronavirus pandemic continues across the country, much of the attention has been paid to thehospitals of the city: New York, Detroit, Chicago. But while the big cities seem to have flattened the curve, the coronavirus rates are still increasing throughout the nation. Many of these outbreaks occur in cities and small towns that have a small number of cases compared to the country in general, but a number of cases echibly high compared to their populations. Using data compiled byThe New York TimesHere are some of the worst epidemics of coronavirus in seven states. And for more hot spots,It is the states that the CDC is the most worried about.

According toThe New York Times, There are953 Case of coronavirus in the County County On the eastern coast of Virginia. And although this number may seem small compared to the cases of other counties of the state, it is proportionately very important: with 2,911 cases per 100,000, HECCACK has the second largest number of cases per capita in Virginia.
An article of May 5 in inverter called the eastern coast a "Coronavirus hotspot. "" I can speak for a large part of the population; We are so protected from everything "Mate Hart, Mayor of the City of Onley, told the exit. "I thought it was just lighting and we would not have been touched by Covid as much as we have." And for more states where the numbers are increasing, here is6 states where the numbers of coronavirus blow.
2 County Lowndes, Alabama

AlthoughThe New York Times just261 Case of coronavirus in Lowndes CountyThis translates into a rate of 2,550 per capita per 100,000, which gives it the highest rate of CVIV-19 cases in Alabama.
The county, which also has the highest unemployment rate in the state, hasThe second coronavirus death rate of Alabama. "I had several good friends from the County of Lowndes die", the Lowledge County sheriffChristopher West said WSFA. "One of them died last weekend."
3 Moore County, Texas

TheHighest coronavir rates in Texas is currently in Moore County, according toThe New York Times: The 840 county cases, effective June 4, result in a rate of 3,853 per 100,000. As a comparison, the 13,268 cases in the County of Harris, the most global of the state, represent a Rate of 288 cases per 100,000.
In April, an ABC affiliated company noted that "theNumber of confirmed COVID-19 cases Monte to Moore County faster than any other County of Texas Panhandle. At the time, Moore County JudgeRhoades rowdy said to ABC, "our number looks terrible." And if you want to keep safe,Do this thing at home considerably reduces your coronavirus risk.
4 County Imperial, California

With 2,459 cases on June 4, CaliforniaImperial County has a coronavirus per capita rate of 1,364 per 100,000, likeThe New York Times reports. It is the highest of the state, well above 577 per 100,000 by the County of Los Angeles.
And while the numbers have increased dramatically, imperial onlygot his first test site June 3, according to Kyma. In May,The desert sun reported that the Imperial had theThe highest per capita coronavir rate of coronavirus hospitalizations in California. And for information on how COVID-19 will affect the line,Here's how winter could make the pandemic coronavirus even worse.
5 Butler County, Kentucky

The largest number of coronaviruses per capita from Kentucky is in Butler County,The New York Times reports. There are 235 cases, which is a per capita rate of 1,844 per 100,000. Recently, however, the numbers have fallen, which is a promising sign for this community.
In April, theLexington Herald-Leader reported on a source of the epidemic in Butler County, aRest house This has seen a point in cases of COVID-19. "This is a small town in the city, the narrow community where there are several nurses and the CNA that we really grew up to know because they took care of my father and my mother, who have spent four years ago and my mother-in-law, "Shawn Dockery, son of one of the residents of the retirement home, told the newspaper. "I think all the inhabitants, staff and families face this horrible invisible monster."
6 Yakima County, Washington

According toThe New York Times, Yakima County of Washington now4,057 cases of coronavirus, which represents a rate of 1,627 per capita per 100,000, the highest of the state. As a comparison, the King County-Home in Seattle, once an important hot spot - has a coronavirus per capita rate of 383 per 100,000 people.
May 2, Yakima County had theHighest COVID-19 case rate on the west coastAlthough numbers fell to Washington. "We just have not been so below that the rest of the state because our workforce will work"Bravo Lilian Yakima's health district saidSeattle's times at the time. "Going to work physically every day will you at risk higher than others."
7 Neshoba County, Mississippi

WithThe New York Times account722 Case of coronavirus in Neshoba County As of June 4, the region is the highest rate per capita of Mississippi, with 2,458 cases per 100,000. It is not much higher than the Holmes County, which has a rate of 2,440 per capita for 100,000, but declining cases.
Neshoba has been identified as aCoronavirus hotspot At the beginning of May, likeThe Neshoba Democrat reported. At the time, Mississippi Director of HealthThomas E. Dobbs III Said that Neshoba was one of four counties in the state where the growing number of CVIV-19 cases was disproportionately disproportionate given the relative population. And for more information on the propagation of COVID-19,It is when the coronavirus is the most contagious.

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