Elena Huelva's story and her fight against sarcoma: "My desire win"

He has conquered thousands of people thanks to his tireless effort to demonstrate his day -to -day progress through his social networks.

Elena Huelva showed the whole country an example of struggle facing the world's raiser disease. Being a tender and sensitive young woman, she knew how to face the conditions that were off her life little by little until she could no longer. Next we tell you who Elena was and everything we could know about the influencer that overcame cancer for several years with immense desire to live.

She was a 20 -year -old Sevillian young woman who was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma when she was only 16 years old. Ewing's sarcoma is a rare cancer that forms in the bones or in the soft tissue that surrounds them. The first signs of the disease appeared when they were a minor, so it initiated treatment with chemotherapy and radiation.

Upon realizing that his illness continued to progress, he used his Instagram profile to publicize his illness and how it is and lives inside and outside hospitals. Among their thousands of followers were Sara Carbonero, Manuel Carrasco or Ana Obregón who did not stop manifesting their support and be by their side along the way. Thanks to this unexpected fame, Elena Huelva was invited to various public events provided that her health allowed it. That was how we saw it in premieres of films and awards deliveries.

Ewing sarcoma is the second most common bone tumor in children. It is a form of child bone cancer that attacks to the softer parts, Elena explained in an interview. The diagnosis was not initially granted, but that it was only after months of leg pain and that a doctor diagnoses him sciaticly. Thanks to an orthopedic exam, it was revealed that it was a sarcoma tumor in the pelvis.

Since 2019 Elena began talking about her daily life on social networks, accounts that today have hundreds of thousands of followers (more than 800,000 on Instagram and almost 700,000 only in Tiktok). His viral motto was a phrase that tattooed his sister and that has motivated everyone: "My desire win."

After just over a year of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, cancer seemed to have disappeared. However, after a few months the disease resorts with metastasis in the lung, which is very common in the Ewing sarcoma. Because of this, he had to undergo chemotherapy and in September 2021 he found an effective treatment.

Elena was encouraged to publish a book entitled just like her famous motto: "My desire win." In him that he showed that the disease would not stop her and that she would do everything possible to continue fighting for her dreams.

In the summer of 2022, they told him that his treatment was no longer working and that the disease complicates the situation by compromising this time to Elena's trachea. She continued with her treatment, but a few months later, on December 4, the young woman published a video saying that her condition had worsened.

Elena Huelva confessed that her family's support helped her a lot in difficult times. And although his parents separated before cancer was diagnosed, they remained together to give him more strength and support, just like his older sister who has shared with her the most exciting moments. Elena Huelva died on the morning of January 3, 2023 after a four -year battle against Ewing's sarcoma. This was announced by his family through an emotional publication on social networks. This has been the last publication of his account, which left a deep mark on the hearts of all his followers.

Categories: Entertainment
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