Three -quarters of us secretly like to be sick, so that we can stay at home, the discoveries of the survey

The most guilt of Americans.

The big titles of "triplemic" this winter escaped news sites, but the majority of Americans face this flu season with something other than total fear. A new survey revealed that three quarters of us secretly like to be sick so that we can take time for ourselves, avoid work and other obligations.

The survey, conducted by OnePoll for Residential Trane, has also evaluated the most frequently missed events due to the disease (or "disease"), essential foods and drinks, which is more boring when it is Sick: You, your spouse or a child. Read the rest to find out more about what could be the most guilt of Americans.

How often are people sick?


The survey of 2,000 owners revealed that 74% of us like to be sick and stay at home. Meanwhile, around 40% disconnect and disconnect from the Internet and social media, while almost a third (32%) like to practice personal care and care.

The average person falls ill and on the occasion to play hook three times a year, while almost half (47%) are sick four times or more. One in five people said they generally catch their child's disease (22%) but are generally more worried to catch something in the office (33%) than at home (12%).

The most missed events due to the disease


The most common events report that people are missed because of the disease are birthday parties (37%), sporting events (33%), weddings (32%), job interviews (31% ) and dates (30%). The concept of like being sick is a favorite subject of the Reddit / R / unpopularopinions page. A Redditor argued that it was "not unpopular ... Sometimes it's nice not to need another excuse other than I am sick, I will take care when I am better."

Best foods and drinks when sick


The survey revealed that favorite foods and drinks during the recovery of an illness includes hot tea (27%) and chicken noodle soup (26%). Perhaps surprising: pizza (19%) and pancakes (17%) have ranked strongly. "I start eating chicken noodle soup with eggs when I am sick," said a Redditor on / R / Unpopularopinions. "So comfortable that I do nothing all day and that I am comfortable. In addition, everyone in the house always treats you well."

Essential and major troubles



Other necessities when they feel sick: over -the -counter drugs (43%), a favorite coverage or duvet (28%) and easy access to control the temperature of their home (26%). High embarrassment: being unable to take advantage of favorite foods in the event of a patient (35%). The finalists included pets causing noise or wanting to cuddle (25%) and the sound of neighbors (21%).

Who is the most boring?


Is it the eternal competition: is a child or a spouse more irritating when he falls ill? It's almost a draw. Several other people said their child was the most difficult patient (29%) instead of themselves (14%). More than a quarter of those questioned say that their spouse is the most boring person while sick (27%). And almost half of the respondents (48%) report having headache when they take care of the most difficult patient in their household, mainly due to the exaggeration by this person of their symptoms.

Categories: Health
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