The most afraid zodiac sign, according to astrologers

Do not expect them to put a ring on it so early.

If you dated a lot , you know that different people have savagely different approaches to commitment. Some people are ready to move with someone after a month, while Others take years To define the relationship. There is also a group of people who completely hate the idea of commitment, fearing a loss of independence or feelings of possession. And it turns out that these people could share a sign of horoscope. In front, astrologers tell us the members of the zodiac who are the most afraid of commitment, of prudently paints with the real phobes of engagement.

Read this then: Why are you most likely to be thrown away, depending on your zodiac sign .


A woman is upset as her partner holds her looking concerned.
George Rudy / Shutterstock

The fear of the commitment of a bull is often subconscious, so they can have trouble articulating What holds them in the romance department.

"In their minds, they want and want to get involved, but their bowels tell a different story," said Ian Altosaar , astrologer and creator of Astrologer Freedom .

This subconscious bias against the installation can be attributed to past relational struggles, whether romantic, family or platonic. "Most of their transformations and pain are all linked to relationships, which makes even more scary to get involved in someone," added Altosaar.

They require years to know a person before feeling comfortable locking things. However, once they do, Altosaar notes that they love with passion and intensity.


A man sitting in an airport with his luggage holding his head looking distressed
Istock / Fizkes

A Sagitarrius is probably more concerned Plan their next vacation Or a kitchen seminar with everything that might require more than a few months.

"Sagittarius values adventure and exploration and can fear the limits that a committed relationship can impose on their ability to travel and discover new things," explains United Agape ,, Oracle and holistic well-being expert.

This struggle to engage can also occur in other aspects of their lives. For example, they could hesitate to book a trip too far in the future for fear that they change their mind; Or they could avoid choosing a major at school during luck, they find a new passion.

Read this then: How to know if someone cheats, depending on their zodiac sign .


Shot of a young couple having an argument at home

The sign of RAM has trouble engaging almost everything.

"Aries are known for their impulsiveness And may have trouble liability and dedication that a committed relationship requires, "explains Agape." The idea of engaging in one person or a career path can look like a cage for these wandering souls. ""

They are much more comfortable when they know they have a way out - so it could be difficult to convince them to put a ring on them in their relationship or lead them to sign a multi -year contract in the office.


A young couple under the covers at the foot of the bed, each looking away from each other and upset.
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The internal bustle of this panel can lead them to fight to commit. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"A virgin is someone who is extremely critical and who can therefore have a really difficult period with regard to commitments," explains Patsy Sanchez , deputy editor for Zodiac sign . "If something does not work for them, they will explain and leave a situation in which they do not want to be part."

Their relationships and their professional life can take a hit. "A virgin strives with perfectionism In their lives, and if something does not go up, they don't want to stay attached to that, "adds Sanchez.

Their high standards mean that they are glowing as soon as they notice something that is not up to the task.


Couple Going Through a Hard Time
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Gemini, the sign of the twins, have a double personality which sometimes disagree. And when this happens, the Commission is almost impossible.

"This sign is known for their adaptability and flexibility, and they can fear being trapped in a committed relationship that restricts their freedom to change and grow," explains Agape. "They may also have trouble making decisions, which can engage in a long -term relationship difficult for them."

It is not surprising that they are also one of the Signs most likely to cheat .

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A young couple facing away from each other on the couch, with the woman looking distressed.

Aquarius is a bit of a lone wolf - and commitment is simply not their nature.

"This sign enhances freedom and independence above all, and the idea of being linked in a committed relationship can be intimidating for them," explains Agape. "They can fear losing their autonomy and being unable to continue their own interests and passions."

Fortunately, the sign is not really attracted by long -term relationships in the first place. "Aquarius, the third sign of the zodiac of the air element, is experimental and would be the first to question monogamy and tradition in general," explains Fernanda Paiva ,, an astrologer Certified by the London School of Astrology.

They will do so open one's own , whether it implies a commitment or not.

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