New research finds 3 reasons why you cannot wake up in the morning, including your breakfast

Still tired? Here's how to be with shiny eyes and bushy tail with A.M.

Look, we get it. Withdrawing from the bed can be difficult, especially when you Wake up tired every morning . It is tempting to continue pressing the rehearsal button so that you can stay in the heat and comfort of your sheets for a few (or more) additional minutes - but the way you start your morning often sets the tone for the rest of the day. Getting out of bed ready to fight against your tasks, it is more likely that you will have a positive state of mind and that you are more productive until bedtime.

Matthew Walker , PHD, sleeping researcher at University of California (UC), Berkeley and author of Why we sleep , Told Eat this, not that! , "As soon as you wake up after a night's sleep, you should Bed . If you awaken in bed, your brain is awake to be in bed. ""

However, starting your day on a positive note is easier to say than to do when you are groggy after a bad night's sleep. If that looks like you and you want to know why you cannot seem to wake up in the morning, we have excellent news: sleep problems causing your morning weariness are under your control. Read the rest to discover the most likely reasons why you cannot get out of bed in the morning and what you can do about them.

Read this then: 7 supplements that really help you wake up in the morning .

Lifestyle factors play a more important role in sleeping quality than genetics.

Woman Yawning During the Day
Anton Mukhin / Shutterstock

A study published in Nature communications In November 2022, suggests that modifiable lifestyle factors such as sleeping, physical activity and diet have a significant impact on morning vigilance more than genetics. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Raphael Vallat , PHD, co-author of the study and A postdoctoral researcher At the University of California in Berkeley, says Better life "In this study, which included 833 adults (including identical twins) followed for two weeks, we have shown that the way you feel alert each morning is not strongly genetic. Instead, we discovered that there are a set of specific factors which are very much under your control (unlike genes), which determine how much you wake up and stay vigilant every day. "

According to the Sleep Foundation, these results are essential for public health, given almost Half of the Americans experience diurnal sleepiness Between three and seven days a week. In addition, a third of American adults say they sleep on average for less than seven hours recommended per night. In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) says that daytime sleeping is an important contributor to road traffic and professional accidents, representing thousands of deaths each year.

"Insufficient vigilance is also associated with a loss of productivity linked to work, greater use of health care and work absenteeism, thus costing billions of dollars per year," adds Vallat.

Read this then: Eating this type of cereal for breakfast can reduce the risk of diabetes, say the experts .

Your breakfast has an impact on your morning energy levels.

Egg on Avocado Toast
Nina First / Shutterstock

Here is how the researchers examined the effects of the breakfasts of the participants in the study on their morning vigilance: first, they gave them identical meals in calories and in nutritional value, including foods rich in carbohydrates, in protein and in fibers. The participants consumed these breakfasts in different days, and the researchers compared their level of vigilance after each meal with the one after a reference meal which provided moderate levels of carbohydrates and proteins.

"Optimal vigilance was found when people have consumed a breakfast rich in carbohydrates, with moderate quantities of fat and protein," said Vallat. "People felt less alert when they consumed large amounts of sugar or simple proteins (for example, 40 grams of protein)."

Simple sugars - such as refined cereals, pastries, white bread and fruit juices - the blood sugar and cause energy collisions, causing fatigue and a decrease in vigilance. This indicates that avoiding highly glycemic food for breakfast is essential to stimulate vigilance and concentration.

Physical activity in the morning stimulates vigilance.

Woman Stretching in the Morning
Africa Studio / Shutterstock

The study revealed that the more active a natural person was during the day, the more he was alert the next day. However, only physical activity in the early hours of the day improved awakening, while physical activity later in the day or in the evening has really decreased the vigilance in the morning. This is probably due to the effects of the exercise on the body temperature of your heart. Exercise before bedtime Allow your body to cool , which can delay sleep, harm the quality of sleep and Stand up at night .

"It is well known that physical activity, in general, improves your vigilance and also your level of mood, and we found a strong correlation in this study between the mood of the participants and their level of vigilance," said Vallat in a UC press release. "Participants who, on average, are happier, also feel more alert."

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The duration of the sleep and the moment of sleep affect the awakening.

Woman Sleeping in Blue Bed
Floor image / trigger

The study revealed an association between the duration of the sleep with the vigilance in the morning. When participants slept longer than usual or woke up later than normal, they were more likely to show higher levels of vigilance the next day. In addition, they noted that the maintenance of a constant sleep schedule (going to bed and waking up at the same time), even on weekends, is essential to improve the quality of sleep and feel more awake in the morning.

Overall, these results are empowering because they show that we can improve our ability to feel awake, alerts and energized in the morning. "The way you wake up every day is under your control, depending on how you structure your life and sleep," said Walker in a report . "You don't need to feel resigned to a spell, throwing your hands in disappointment because" ... these are my genes, and I can't change my genes. "There are very basic and achievable things that you can start doing today, and tonight, to change the way you wake up every morning, feeling alert and free from this genius."

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