Ignoring back pain can be a big pancreatic cancer error, say doctors

It is not always a warning signal for this fatal disease, but it can be.

Pancreas cancer symptoms Can be subtle , varied, or - in the early stages of the disease - not existing. This is why "pancreatic cancer is The deadliest cancer In the human organization, with overall five -year survival rates at around seven percent despite all the progress in recent decades, "according to the Mayo Clinic News Network." There are no revealing signs for pancreatic cancer and symptoms such as weight loss, abdominal pain, jaundice and loss of appetite are not specific. ""

This is why knowing which symptoms to monitor, no matter how unrelated they may seem, as is aware of all the factors that can put you at a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Read the rest to find out why back pain could be a warning sign of this deadly disease and when to have it checked.

Read this then: If you notice it on your face, check the cancer .

The pancreas fulfills important functions.

Doctor holding a model of a pancreas.
Shidlovski / Istock

"The pancreas is located at the back of the abdomen behind the stomach lying on the spine, in what is called the retroperitoneal location," said James Farrell ,, Professor of medical and director of the Yale Center for Pancreatic Disease at Yale Cancer Center and Smilow Cancer Hospital. The pancreas has an exocrine gland and an endocrine gland, which play digestive and hormonal functions. The Exocrine function produces enzymes that help digestion, according to the Cleveland Clinic. The endocrine function is to send hormones that control the amount of sugar in your blood circulation.

"Pancreatic cancer usually start In the Pancreas conduits, " Chee-Chee Stucky , MD, tells the Mayo clinic. "Small changes in cell DNA lead to an uncontrolled multiplication and accumulation of cells in bunches called tumors. If it is not treated, these cancer cells can spread outside the pancreas to other parts of the body . "

Various factors can increase your risk of pancreatic cancer.

Doctor talking to patient.
SDI Productions / Istock

Some of the Pancreas cancer risk factors cannot be checked. The American Cancer Society advises that family history and genetics may indicate a higher risk for illness , as well as age, sex and race.

"The risk of developing pancreatic cancer increases As people age According to the site, noting that almost all patients with pancreatic cancer are over 45, and about two -thirds are at least 65.

"Men are slightly more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than women," reports the American Cancer Society. "African-Americans are slightly more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than whites."

Research has shown that there may be a link between blood group And the risk of certain diseases, including pancreatic cancer. And the American Cancer Society warns that certain lifestyle choices - such as diet, physical inactivity, smoking and intense alcohol consumption - can Impact your risk of the disease.

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Pancreas cancer can be asymptomatic for a long time.

Man suffering from back pain at his desk.
Prostock-Studio / Istock

Pancreas cancer can be not detected for a long time due to the place where the organ is located. "The pancreas is deeply inside the body, so early tumors cannot be seen or felt By health care providers during routine physical exams, "said American Cancer Society." People generally have no symptoms until cancer has become very important or has already spread to other organs. ""

When Warning panels arise , symptoms depend on where cancer is in the pancreas. "You can have a relatively small tumor at the very end of the pancreas, near the opening of the duodenum, that can cause jaundice , " Matthew walsh MD, told a Cleveland Clinic podcast.

As a tumor grows from the pancreas and invades certain nerves and organs, this can cause pain in the middle of the back. "Some people also point out that They feel the pain In their shoulder or under their omoplade, "warns the action of pancreatic cancer". "Others feel pain in the back and abdomen at the same time." AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Back pain can be a warning sign of more than one type of cancer.

A doctor explaining lumbar anatomy to patient.

While back pain can be a sign of pancreatic cancer warning, it is also a Very common condition in adults. "540 million people worldwide are affected back pain At any time, "reports the right body." Eight out of ten Americans will experience back pain in their lives. ""

Osteoporosis and muscle tension are only two of the potential reasons For back pain, but the cause can be much more serious. Pain in variable back areas can point out different types of cancer that include lung cancer, blood and tissue cancer and pancreatic cancer, explains Healthline, which also warns For other symptoms As Changes in the bathroom , sudden weight loss and weakness, tingling or numbness in your arms and legs.

Farrell also warns that other symptoms associated with pancreatic cancer include "weight loss, dark urine , anorexia, nausea, vomiting, depression, pancreatitis, [and] new diabetes of appearance. ""

Categories: Health
Tags: Cancer / News / Symptoms
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