Common pain relievers can worsen arthritis, discovers a new study

Research shows that over -the -counter options could actually exacerbate your pain problems.

Even if it may not seem as serious as the potential heart orcognitive problems, the ills and pain associated with aging such as arthritis can still deeply affect daily life as we age. Many of those who live with the disease can manage symptoms by taking medicationreduce their discomfort, even if it is a simple over -the -counter option (OTC). Fortunately, the relief they offer can often facilitate driving a more normal daily routine. But according to a new study, some of the current pain relievers that you could take to treat arthritis could actually make things worse. Read the rest to see which remedy may not be as effective as you thought.

Read this then:I am a pharmacist, and this is the analgesic that I recommend.

Arthritis is a common condition, especially among those who are older.

man sitting at home holding his left arm wrist due to pain caused by osteoarthritis, arthritis, tendonitis, rheumatism.

People of all ages can suffer from ailments and pain that can go and go over time due to injuries or other diseases. But as we age, the body can also develop aMore chronic condition called arthritis. Also known as degenerative arthritis of articles or simply called "wear", affliction generally affects the knees, hips and hands because cartilage in the joints is damaged or decomposes, according to the centers for disease control and Prevention (CDC). Unfortunately, it is also quite common, affecting more than 32.5 million adults in the United States and 500 million people worldwide.

Although there is no remedy for osteoarthritis, it can be treated using a wide range of approaches, including physiotherapy, increased physical activity or even surgery, according to the agency. But for many patients, drugs such as over -the -counter pain relievers can play a huge role in the fight against condition. However, new research could change the way we manage the pain of arthritis.

A new study reveals that certain current pain relievers can actually worsen arthritis in certain patients.

Spilled Ibuprofen
Michelle Lee Photography / Shutterstock

It is common for patients to turn to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to manage their pain in osteoarthritis. These include ibuprofen - which is sold as Advil or Motrin - and Naproxen, sold under the Aleve brand. But in a new study which will be presented next week at the annual meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), a team of researchers sought to understand how the treatment couldaffect the condition long-term.

"To date, no curative therapy has been approved to cure or reduce the progression of knee osteoarthritis", "Johanna Luitjens, MD, the main study of the study and postdoctoral scholarship holder in the department of radiology and biomedical imaging at the University of California in San Francisco, in a press release. "NSAIDs are frequently used to treat pain, but it is always an open discussion on how the use of NSAIDs influences results for patients with osteoarthritis. Use of MRI structural biomarkers. ""

In their experience, the team enlisted 277 participants who had received a diagnosis of moderate to severe osteoarthritis and who had maintained a use of NSAIDs to treat pain for at least one year. The researchers also established a control group of 793 patients with the same condition that had not taken the medication. The team then took a knee MRI of the patients at the start of the study, then again about four years later. The results have shown that not only did not seem to be long -term advantages of taking NSAIDs to treat osteoarthritis, but those who used the drug had a quality of knee cartilage worse after four years compared to the group witness.

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Researchers think there are two potential explanations for their surprising conclusions.

Older man with pain in knee

The use of NSAIDs can help some patients reduce osteoarthritis pain and provide momentary comfort. But according to the researchers, this could also explain why those who count on them ironically have seen their stateworse over time.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"On the one hand, the anti-inflammatory effect which normally comes from NSAIDs may not effectively prevent synovitis, with a progressive degenerative change resulting in the aggravation of synovitis over time," said Luitjens. "On the other hand, patients with synovitis and who take pain medication can be physically more active due to pain relief, which could potentially lead to aggravation of synovitis, although we have adjusted physical activity in our model. "

The team concluded that more research was necessary on the subject.

Doctor talking to male patient

In the end, the team concluded that "more prospective and randomized studies" were necessary to fully understand the relationship between NSAIDs and their long -term effects on osteoarthritis. However, they added that their results should also start a discussion on drugs should be used to deal with the condition in the future.

"In this large group of participants, we were able to show that there were no mechanisms for protecting NSAIDs to reduce inflammation or slow down the progression of osteoarthritis of the knee joint," said Luitjens . "The use of NSAIDs for their anti-inflammatory function has been frequently propagated in patients with osteoarthritis in recent years and should be revised, because a positive impact on joint inflammation could not be demonstrated."

Best Life offers the most recent information from high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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