Erectile dysfunction could be the boost you need to have your blood pressure checked - here is why

These two common medical conditions have a surprising link.

When a delicate situation occursYour sex life, it can be embarrassing to speak (especially if it is with a new partner). Erectile dysfunction is common and can come fromSeveral different health problems, including mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and stress; Health conditions such asheart disease, diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol; And lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption and lack of exercise.

Although the causes of erectile dysfunction are numerous, high blood pressure is one of the most common culprits. Read the rest to know why you should have yours checked if you encounter this problem in the room.

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Several factors can cause high blood pressure.

Person with High Blood Pressure
Me Dia / Shutterstock

High blood pressure (also called hypertension) is one of the most common health conditions in America, affectingAlmost half of American adults. According to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), high blood pressure is defined as systolic blood pressure (the force exerted on the arterial walls at each heart rate)greater than 130 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure (force exerted on the arterial walls between heartbeat) greater than 80 mmHg.

While anyone can develop high blood pressure fromvarious causes (Obesity, genetics, sedentary lifestyle, high sodium intake, smoking, alcohol), a higher percentage of men in the United States (50%) have hypertension compared to women (44%). Over time, high blood pressure can damage blood vessels and cause hardening and arteries, restricting blood flow and potentially alter sexual function.

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This common problem can report high blood pressure.

Man with Erectile Dysfunction
Photoroyty / Shutterstock

If you have trouble achieving and maintaining an erection, you can be among the30 million American men which have an erectile dysfunction (ED). This number may seem high until you realize that ED is the sexual problem most often reported in men around the world. Although the inability to occur in the room can be frustrating and embarrassing, this could be a red flag of a more serious health problem - namely high blood pressure.

Men with Ed are approximately38% more likely Having high blood pressure that men without Ed, according to a study that analyzed medical records of more than 1.9 million men. So, even if you have not received a hypertension diagnosis and you are not under medication, you should see your doctor to check your blood pressure, because ED can be a symptom of hypertension or other problems Cardiacs.

Laura Purdy, Md, mba, afamily doctor certified by the board of directors in Fort Benning, in Georgia, tellsBetter life, "Over time, if blood pressure and other medical problems lead to hardening of the arteries, we can see development in people."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Regular exercise can improve sexual function.

Man Exercising Outside
Helder Almeida / Shutterstock

Regular exercise Cardiovascular health can be considerably improved by reducing blood pressure and helping you maintain healthy weight. In a 2018 study published inSex medicine, the researchers examined the effects of the regular exercise on erectile dysfunction linked to high blood pressure, obesity, physical inactivity and heart disease. They found what to do160 minutes of aerobic exercise (like running, fast walking or bicycle) for six months have considerably improved the ED.

Although physical activity is vital to improve cardiovascular health, exercise alone is not a panacea for emergency and heart problems. Decreasing your blood pressure also requires reducing current risk factors for the condition. Purdy says: "Risk factors for smoking include smoking, diseases of the peripheral artery, chronic kidney diseases, obesity, a history of prostate cancer, drugs, low testosterone and depression. ""

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Adopt healthy life habits to lower blood pressure and respond to your ED.

Couple Eating a Snack at the Gym
Mladen Zivkovic / Shutterstock

Regarding cardiovascular health, an ounce of prevention is worth a healing book. The implementation of healthy lifestyle habits in your daily routine can cause healthier blood pressure and aBest sex life. Most risk factors for hypertension can be changed, which means that you can resolve them using natural methods.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), theMost common risk factors For high blood pressure, in particular obesity, excessive sodium consumption, a diet rich in saturated fat and low in fruits and vegetables, lack of physical activity, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Reducing these risk factors, as well as eating a healthy diet and doing regular exercise, will help keep your blood pressure in check and your blood pumping, so that you can perform like your old self in the room.

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