Top 8 most useful exotic fruits

Usually we give preference to bananas, oranges, mandarin. Sometimes we can afford pineapple or coconut. But there is another mass of interesting exotic fruits rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. We collected a selection of the most useful copies.

Usually we give preference to bananas, oranges, mandarin. Sometimes we can afford pineapple or coconut. But there is another mass of interesting exotic fruits rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. We collected a selection of the most useful copies.


Not everyone knows that avocado is an exotic fruit, not a vegetable. It is nutritious and contains a minimum amount of sugar, so it must be included in the diet to those who follow their figure. The flesh of avocado is rich in vitamins A, E, D, as well as potassium, calcium and iron. In addition, its composition includes useful unsaturated fats. The daily use of this fruit has a beneficial effect on the skin.


In India, Mango is called a "Molding Apple" for its ability to stimulate the production of collagen. If you turn on the mango into your diet, you can achieve excellent results: smooth the skin and get rid of small wrinkles. The effect occurs after a few months. No wonder this fruit adore beauties from all over the world.


Pomelo is a real heavyweight among citrus. The weight of one fetus can reach 10 kg. This exotic fruit is the most valuable source of vitamins and useful minerals, so it is especially recommended to be used in the peak of viral diseases. The composition of the pelvo includes a unique enzyme, splitting fats, - note to those who fight over weight.


In Europe, Kumkvat is called a dwarf orange. Like most citrus, it is an excellent source of vitamin C. It strengthens immunity and stimulates the natural protective functions of the body. Chinese tincture Chinese are treating fungal infections. From this fruit you can cook excellent desserts. But feel free to add kumkvat to fish, meat and salads. It gives me dishes a special, bitter-tart notch.


Papaya is rich in carotine, vitamins C and D, as well as a unique enzyme papain, contributing to the healing of the stomach ulcers. This overseas "melon" strengthens immunity and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. In tropical countries, Papaya pulp is used as a cosmetics - it prolongs the youth of the skin. Can be ripe papaya can eat as dessert, and immature bake and serve as a side dish to meat or fish.


Cherimey is often called the most delicious fruit on Earth. She also has the other names - the creamy apple and the head of the Buddha. The pulp of Checherimia smells like pineapple, and in taste it resembles a mixture of banana, vanilla and mango. Unlike Banana, this fruit is Malokalorien - a note of sweet tooths, followed by his figure.


Lychee, or Chinese plum, has a wonderful aroma and sweet, tart taste with light wine notes. Inside the fetus, a small bone hides, in shape resembling an eye of an oak animal. No wonder the Chinese call this fruit "the eye of the dragon." The lychee is particularly rich in vitamin RR, which contributes to a decrease in cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. It also has a lot of magnesium, potassium and vitamin C.


Maracuya is a low-calorie product, in her juicy pulp a lot of proteins and fiber. It has a lot of phosphorus, iron and vitamins of the group V. Maracuya, also a source of tryptophan, which under the influence of enzymes turns into a hormone of happiness serotonin. This fruit has the ability to increase pressure.

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