Marriott will no longer give the hotel customers from December 1

This is the last change affecting how customers are reserving stays with the emblematic hotel chain.

No matter where you register when you travel, hotel customers are used to obtaining certain amenities with each stay. The very bases include fresh sheets, soft towels, andA clean room. But for emblematic hotel chains like Marriott, it is not uncommon to findIntegrated additional advantages To encourage guests to come back. In addition to the quality of coherent service and well -maintained properties, staying faithful to the company can also obtain special upgrades and other premiums. But now Marriott has announced that he would no longer offer his customers an advantage to which they have gotten used to. Read more to see how it could affect your next trip.

Read this then:5 secrets of the former Hilton employees.

The Marriott Bonvoy loyalty program has recently undergone changes.

Marriott Rewards Parking Sign
Melissamn / Shutterstock

People who spend a lot of time traveling know that he can pay to stay dedicated to specific long -term companies thanks to reward programs, including hotels. Regular Marriott guests use the companyBonvoy loyalty program To help earn a special elite status, unlock bonuses such as room upgrades and earn points to free stays on the 30 company's real estate brands.

Similar to other large award platforms, Marriott has also negotiated special provisions with other companies that allow members ofCollect and exchange points On everything, from the plane ticket to credit card expenditure. But last month, the company announced a significant change when it declared that it would abandon a long -standing incentive which it offered to transferred customersBonvoy indicates its airline partners, according to the point guy.

The new company's new policy has abolished a 5,000 -mile bonus that guests received for 60,000 points that they transferred from Bonvoy to the AAD further points, Avianca Lifemiles and Delta Skymiles. This decision not only made more difficult to mark additional loyalty awards, but alsodevalued the points of the hotel In transfers of 2.4 points required by Mile at 3, according to the point guy.

Marriott brings another change to the loyalty program by abandoning another partnership advantage.

The exterior of a Marriott hotel

But now it seems that the hotel company has not finished taking off the same bonus from other airlines. On November 7, Marriott announced that he would also get rid of the BonvoyPartnership transfer bonuses Previously, it had been set up with Korean Air, reported a frequent miler for the first time.

As with the previous modification, the updated transfer will considerably devalue the points of the loyalty program when the new policy comes into force on the 1 have won within the framework of the previous arrangement.

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Marriott did not recognize the change on their website.

airport and airplanes
happy / trigger

Even if the last change in policy removes a long -standing offer between Bonvoy and Korean Air, Marriott does not exactly publish the fact that he has disappeared. So far, the company has contacted the guests who have already transferred points to Korea by e-mail, reports the Guy points. But the company has not yet updated its points transfer page, recognizing only the previous modification to the American Airlines AAD further bonus, Avianca Lifemiles and Delta Skymiles.

Once the new policy has come into force, there will be34 airlines on the left Among the partners of the company who will always receive the bonus, notably Hawaiian Airlines, Emirates, Southwest, Lufthansa, Alaska and Frontier. Marriott also confirmed that he did not plan to end the bonus for any other airline at the moment, according to the points guy.

Some regular guests are afraid that more and more Bonvoy changes will soon arrive.

Marriott Hotel in Poland
Grand Warszawski / Shutterstock

While the last change of program comes less than a month after the last bonus drop, some have argued that this could point out a wave of change in the opposite direction to the loyalty program.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"This devaluation was a bit of a surprise, and I suspect that it could be a warning sign of the future change", "Tim Steinke Concluded in his frequent milement position announcing the change. "Hilton has already defeated its airline transfer diagram to the point of non-record, and I would not be surprised to see Marriott follow the plunge, especially once the program goes at dynamic prices in its own right next year . "

Other loyal guests of the company added their opinions to the comments section, some saying that it points to amove to the program . "Now that we are using more hotel points than before, I have always thought of the airline transfer option as offering a value floor for Marriott points," wrote a commentator to milate frequent. "I guess not so much ... too bad."

And even if the change between Korean Air and Bonvoy may seem small to the average traveler, another speaker used a disturbing analogy for Describe the current situation , writing: "I feel like a lobster in a pot."

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