What is the Dead Sea salt? A lot! Let's find out together

You might think that all salts are the same, but it is absolutely not like that. The Dead Sea salt seems to have magical properties for the mind and body and from many centuries is used as a beauty product, to keep healthy and even as a medicine.

You might think that all salts are the same, but it is absolutely not like that. The composition of the Dead Sea salt is different from that of any other halls of the world. The Dead Sea is a huge salty lake that was formed millions of years ago between Palestine, Jordan and Israel and its salt is known since ancient times. It seems that they have even been attributed to the magical properties for the mind and body and from many centuries it is used as a beauty product, to keep healthy and even as a medicine.

Unlike the smooth Epsom salts crystals, the Dead Sea salts have an friable and slightly humid consistency. They contain between 12 and 18% sodium chloride, where a normal sea salt contains about 85%. This means that this salt has many more nutrients and has 21 minerals, including potassium, magnesium, zinc and sulfur. If you are looking for a quality jump than Epsom's salts, something with a little more grit, take a look at the many benefits of this fantastic natural element.

Bath therapy

Why spend hundreds of euros in expensive spa treatments when it is enough to simply take a super relaxing bath with the Dead Sea salt comfortably at your home? Moreover, adding a few drops of essential oil you will certainly have a bit more relaxation. A healthy tap for your body and a softness treatment for your skin.

Detoxify and treat the most common skin disorders

Thanks to the high percentage of sulphates, this salt helps detoxify the skin and body. Its grainy consistency helps to eliminate dirt and bacteria from the obstructed pores (welcome clean skin!), Balances the natural levels of the pH and stimulates circulation. You can also make steam baths by adding hot water to salt. Magnesium moisturizes the skin and reduces inflammation. It is no coincidence that the Dead Sea salt is known for the care of acne, eczema and even psoriasis.


The nutrient properties of the Dead Sea salt are a great alternative to pumice stone. It can be used as an exfoliant all over the body, also because it is less rough and more humid than the common Epsom salt.

Heal the wounds

If during your athletic performance you report an injury of any kind, you know that the death Sea salts can be of great help. Although (fortunately!) You didn't get a real wound, but having only some pain here and there, for training or even for a long day spent sitting in the office, a frozen salt bath will help you feel immediately Better and relax your muscles!

A remedy against arthritis

Thanks to its high quantity of nutrients, this salt is an excellent ally for health. By immersing in a death sea salt bath, the minerals are absorbed through the skin, blood circulation improves significantly and one has immediate relief for conditions such as psoriasis, arthritis, arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Combat allergic reactions

It looks strange, but drugs against allergies and death sea salt have something in common. Bromide and magnesium can be very useful for relieving skin allergic reactions because they significantly reduce inflammation.

Goodbye wrinkle

The Dead Sea salt is great for reducing deeper wrinkles and to eliminate more superficial wrinkles. Use the salts in your beauty routine regularly is an excellent strategy to eliminate signs of aging.

Reduce dandruff

The sulfur and sodium present in the Dead Sea salt remove the dandruff with a scalp in a definitive way. No more expensive treatments or special shampoos. The salt eliminates the dandruff already formed, improves circulation and normalizes excessive production.

Fresh breath

Of the 21 minerals present in the Dead Sea salt, Zinc is the perfect weapon to neutralize the smelly breath. The bad breath often depends on a low intake of minerals and regularly use this salt in gargle can really be the solution to this problem.

Spritz for marine salt hair

The "sea salt" hair spray is not a novelty, especially to make everyone feel that you have just returned from the sea. A particularly useful spray in winter, when the hair loses elasticity. With a few ingredients, you can create your Dead Sea texturizing spray at home, without needing anything else.

On the market there are different types of death salt, up, large and extra large. Some can contain aromas such as eucalyptus or lavender, which to be careful if you prefer an odorless and hypoallergenic product.

Categories: Beauty
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