Do this before a party helps to gain weight, says the doctor

Holiday gatherings do not have an impact on your scale.

It starts with Halloween and continues until New Years Day, with Thanksgiving, Hanukka, Christmas and other holidays offering many opportunities to meet with friends and family and deliver you totreat, cocktails loaded with calories and fried foods in Gogo. All this celebration can easily lead to one thing: a higher number on the scale than you are used to seeing.

So how can you have fun and be able to zip your favorite jeans in January?Rekha Kumar, MD, MS, chief of medical affairs atWeight care program Found, share a single party pre-match tip withBetter life- And that is perhaps the thing you need to help you maintain a healthy weight throughout the holidays (and the rest of the year too). Read the rest to find out what you may want to start trying this holiday season.

Read this then:7 drugs that could make you gain weight, say pharmacists.

Holidays are known to ruin diets.

people serving themselves from holiday buffet table / shutterstock

Whether you try to drop a few pounds, avoid foods that bother you with your stomach, or just stand in healthy diet, the holidays can really throw a key in your plans. Who among us has not returned to the Buffet table for seconds (or third parties) and lived to regret it? Pommel puree in butter, pumpkin pie stacked with mounds of fresh whipped cream, sticky jelly donuts, this decadent chocolate pie that your sister only does once a year - the food traps are everywhere This time of year.

A study published in the December 2018 issue ofBMJ found that theMiddle vacation weight gain is less than a book - a fact that could be surprising for anyone on a scale after New Year's Eve, feeling inflated after weeks of consumption of cold meats, cheese and champagne.

However, if you prefer not to be tempted to train too much your next party, going armed with a healthy food strategy can be useful.

What you eat has a greater impact on your weight than exercise.

close up of blue jeans with measuring tape, concept for tailor or size of manhood.
Bill Oxford / Istock

If you have already tried to compensate for the effects of going a little too hard at the dessert table by dragging you, you may have already learned something that weight loss experts confirm: it is difficult to lose weight additional thanks to the exercise alone. The so-called "80/20 rule" maintains that weight loss is 80%The result of your diet And only 20% due to the exercise, reports Healthline.

Of course, ideally, you will combine a healthy diet with regular exercise, but if you are looking to lose weight, it is much easier to jump thatGlass 300 calories of peanh that it is to burn this same number of calories. Livestrong estimates that it takes 50 to 80 minutes of walkingspend 300 calories, depending on your body weight and other factors.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

So, unless you want to spend your holiday season to sweat in the gymnasium, doing control at the refresh table could be the best way to do it - and Kumar has an infallible strategy to facilitate the task.

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Having a "protein preload" can help take weight gain.

Close Up Of Man Making Protein Shake After Exercise At Home
Singe Images / Shutterstock

Kumar, an endocrinologist who was medical director of theAmerican medicine of obesity medicine and as a deputy editor -in -chief of the newspaperObesity, says that doing a "protein preload" before your next party is "a great way to control appetite in scenarios that could be a challenge, like before a vacation gathering or a party where there could be out- of work that could be difficult to resist if they continue to come before dinner. "

Why? "The protein signals fullness to the brain," she explains. "Having a bar or shaking an hour before an event like this limits appetite and will allow you to enjoy food, while making good choices on the game and quality." Entering these events with an empty stomach, she says, is a recipe for exaggerating food which, otherwise, may not try.

Weight loss drugs can be a good option for some people.

young man consulting with doctor about weight
Annastils / Shutterstock

If you wear sufficient additional weight for it to be aPotential health danger, you can see that the simple consumption of a protein bar before a party is not enough to do the trick.

"Obesity doctors can also ask patients to take certain anti-obesity drugs before events to help biology, in addition to the modification of protein preload behavior," said Kumar.

Fortunately, a number ofVery effective weight loss drugs exist these days. Talk to your health care provider if you think you could benefit from the trial.

Categories: Health
By: amy
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