It's rats season - there are 8 ways to keep them out of your home

Pannant experts share the easiest ways to make sure your home is without rat this winter.

Have you seen more rats than usual? It's because it's rats season. AsSnakes and other rodents, once the cooler temperatures arrive, the rats are starting to think about escaping cold and finding food sources for the coming winter. In addition, rats reproduce throughout spring and summer, there is therefore a boom in rats population in the fall, according toCharles Van Rees, conservation scientist and editor -in -chief ofGulo in nature.

"For the same reason, many of these rats will be young people who will receive themselves for the first time," said Van Rees. "Like young humans, it makes them more likely to get lost more and sometimes find themselves in places that they should not be, as in our homes, our garages and our hangars."

If you feel uncomfortable, it may be time to intensify your efforts to prevent rats from making your way in your home. Read the rest for advice from pest experts on how to keep rats out of your home.

Read this then:6 foods in your kitchen that bring mouses to your home.

Do not leave food sources.

organized pantry with containers
Kristen Prahl / Shutterstock

When food is rare outside, rats will be quick to discover a meal inside your home. So store your provisions in hermetic containers and make sure you put these dirty dishes directly in the dishwasher.

AccordingAmerican rat control, some of the foods to which rats are the most designed are fruits and berries, seeds and grains (also keep an eye on these bird feeders!), Neuts and meat (including bacon and animal fat) .

Rick Conti, harmful inspector and owner ofDoctor sniff, says that rats are also particularly attracted to pet food. "Nourish your pets and take the bowls when they are done," he advises.

Keep the garbage in tight containers.

person throwing away trash
Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov

Everything that rats can feel will encourage them. "The rats eat almost anything; the leftover food and even an open trash can attract rats," saidJordan Foster, antiparasitic control supervisor atFantastic services.

Make sure your trash cans, including those in the bathrooms or the bedrooms, have secure lids and do not leave garbage bags (even if they are attached) lying in the house. American Rat Control says to take special caution when you putSteak, chicken or pork remains in the trash.

Seal the holes and cracks.

caulk gun caulking area between siding panels
Shutterstock / Dimik_777

Rats have foldable skeletons and can twist in tiny spaces to enter your home. Check the loose windows, cracked storm doors, holes in the walls or ceilings and doors that do not close properly.Natasha Kulinski ofCastor pest control Advise being more diligent if you recently moved or if you had done work on your home.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

If you need to seal the gaps that rats could use to enter, you can always contact a professional. But if you do it yourself, Kulinski says it is best to start with "low level holes and gaps around the pipes". It recommends using both steel wool (to connect the opening) and a good sealer because the rats can easily eat away at the sealer.

Read this then:Sign n ° 1 There is a tarantula in your home, warn the experts.

Install the lights in dark spaces.

Changing to LED light bulb

According to David, rats do not like shiny areas, which is why they are rarely seen in broad daylight. If you have parts of your house that do not get any natural light, such as a cupboard or a corridor, install lights to dissuade rodents. Likewise, if there are parts that are not used frequently, remember to keep a night light on when the sun sets.

Keep your house and your courtyard tidy.

raking leaves in a leaf-covered yard
Shutterstock / ENTERRO

Rats love to hide in a jumble of unused stuff, so keep the pieces less used without incident and dust and under the vacuum cleaner often. The attics and the basements are very common places to find rats, especially since they are generally dark and fresh.

You will also want to make sure that your courtyard is tidy, so rodents are not hiding there, then find their way inside. The rake frequently leaves and do not feed a lot of waste or leftovers in the courtyard.

Check the drains.

Shower drain

If you cannot understand how rats enter your home, have the drains checked by a professional from the antiparasitic control.

"An amazing estimated at 80 to 90% of the RAT activity is linked to emptying defects," notes Kulinski. "We have found that drainage companies, although they are experts in drains, do not understand the behavior of rats and therefore lack faults that allow rats to move between houses using the drainage systems . "

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Try a natural repulsive of rodents.

peppermint oil

One of the most common ways to repel rats is with an electronic repellent that produces a noise that disturbs rodents but which is above the height that humans can hear. These repulsions, however,can be dangerous, and the jury is examined if they really work.

Instead, try a natural repulsive of rodents who will be safe for you, your family and your pets. The peppermint is a well -known rodent repulseer, so try peppermint oil to keep the rats outside (while keeping your house with the smell of fresh mint).

Sholom Rosenbloom, Owner ofRosenbloom pest control, suggests whipping a DIY concoction made up of oil with horseradish, garlic and a lot of cayenne pepper. "Let the oil rest for several days, then filter. Use a spray bottle to coat the surfaces with the deterrent of the rodents."

Get a cat.

A gray tabby cat standing next to his litter box and looking up at the camera.
New Africa / Shutterstock

If everything else fails, you can always "hire" a consultant in fur controllers to assume the responsibility to keep your house without rat, while keeping your knees warm.

Do not forget to keep cat food under the wraps to keep your employee's work as easy as possible. And frequently empty the litter tray: according to Conti, the rats love the coca poop.

Of course, the best thing to do if you see a rat is to call a professional.

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