This zodiac panel is the largest body at home, according to astrologers

Comfortable sweats? Check. Netflix? Check. For some, it's the perfect night.

Just as Dorothy said inThe Wizard of Oz, "There is no place like the house." And if you are a certain type of person, it's probably more true than you want.More people extroverted would prefer to be constantly on the move, stopping only the house to sleep and take a shower. For others, however, the thought of this is like a nightmare. What is so bad in a comfortable evening in pajamas watching a film? Or organize an intimate dinner for friends? Astrologers say it could be the horoscope that dictates their preference to go out or stay. Read the rest to discover the signs of the zodiac which are the greatest homebodies, from light introverts to antisocial incubators.

Read this then:The most unsure zodiac sign, according to astrologers.


Senior friend group eating treats

Notices could be considered theZodiac worldwide travelers, but they secretly love their privacy. "Sagittarius is often considered one of the most extroverted and adventurous signs of the zodiac, but they are in fact surprisingly dedicated to the protection of what is, including their house and their personal effects," explainsMrs. IGEE, a spirituality expert and astrologer atHigher online vibes.

Of course, they like to have come out and try new things, but when it comes to entertainment, they "prefer to be in the comfort of their familiar environment," explains Ms. Igee. She explains that they tend to think too much, so this parameter allows them to control.



Ram arecompletely independent. And most of the time, it means that they like to be left alone because they know that they can be entertained. They will hit a museum or see a solo concert without a second reflection.

"Aries loves their private time to create, organize and think," notes Ms. Igee. She explains that this sign prefers not to have to worry about what others think in their autonomous ways. "An area without judgment is the place where a ram feels powerful, so unless someone can provide this in company, they will probably remain far from uncertain public spaces."

Read this then:The most emotionally unavailable zodiac sign, according to astrologers.


Cheerful young Asian woman lying on bed enjoying the weekend, watching movie on laptop and eating popcorn at home in the evening
Istock / Asiavision

Virgosare such perfectionists that it can become overwhelming to be in the world. They also believe that no one can do things as well as they can, so they often prefer their own business. "The Virgin is very focused on details and likes a safe and clean space to be their naturally analytical strange self," notes Ms. Igee. In addition, she adds: "disorganization makes them crazy." They will see all the dust in your home, but they know that their space is impeccable.

In addition, the nature of the sign of Virgo's land means "they like to eat and have a natural talent for domesticity, gardening and help others," explainsKyle Thomas,,Pop culture astrologer andscriptwriter. Virgos can socialize with the best of them, but once they have finished, they will get home. "They can have an introverted nature, which allows them to prefer privacy and isolation to recharge," adds Thomas.


Young man watching movie on laptop at home

Aquarians are in their own little world. They could spend hours online looking for their last obsession andNever miss human company (Except maybe to tell someone else what they learned). "The slow Aquarius likes to isolate itself to win peace and clarity," explains Ms. Igee.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Like Virgos, aquarians will occasionally hit a party, but they will need a lot of time to decompress. "As extremely extroverted as aquarians can be, don't be surprised when they turn off their phone and stop answering SMS or calls when they need to recharge alone," said Ms. Igee. She also underlines that this is often more a necessity than a preference, because they "are easily embarrassed by the energy of others [so they must] recharge in a coherent manner or they can become emotionally unstable".

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Close up image of a white and orange cat lying on the bed near a woman's feet in socks.
Ruslandashinsky / Istock

Thomas notes that the fish are "governed by Neptune, the planet of spiritually, and Jupiter, the planet of hope". Therefore, they really love relaxation, whether it is a spa treatment at home or contract with a good book and a cup of hot tea.

Similar to the Virgin, however, fish often require this time alone to feel better. ThisSign of ultra-sensitive water I can't help but take the emotions of others, so it can be overwhelming for them to spend time with a lot of people. Their solo time is the way they blend and refocus their energy. For this reason, fish would also prefer work work at home which allows them to focus on their artistic side. "These are incredibly creative house projects and love them who bring joy to others," saidLegalist astrologer Valerie Evans. For them, it is the best of both worlds.


woman eating cookie

Cancer is "traditionally the sign recognized as a body at home," notes Evans. They thrive when they arenourish their loved ones. If a family member falls ill, he will enter the kitchen and whip of the chicken soup. If it's a friend's birthday, they will organize a dinner. They like to be at home and organize their spaces to become their interior sanctuaries.

But it can be difficult to drag them when they prefer to spend time with Netflix and a new comfortable recipe. "Cancer, crab, looks at their" shell "for the necessary feeling of safety and stability they want," explains Ms. Igee. It does not help that they do not feel entirely themselves when they Around new people. "They can easily become anxious or overwhelmed in too much time away from home," adds Ms. Igee.

Thomas says that this is due to the fact that "cancers are governed by the moon, which is a very self-replication and nostalgic light". Consequently, cancer is a born guard who truly prosperous when he embraces their domestic life.

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