15 things to know about the first year of parenthood

Initially, I thought I was writing this article from a 22-year-old woman with a magnificent Yorkshire Terrier she considers her child. I changed my mind for obvious reasons. It will be a serious room. As...

15 Things to Know About The First Year of Parenthood 1Initially, I thought I was writing this article from a 22-year-old woman with a magnificent Yorkshire Terrier she considers her child. I changed my mind for obvious reasons.

It will be a serious room. As serious as possible, because becoming a parent should make you tremble a little. Parenting is not a joke. It is a mountain of responsibility and an avalanche of problems. Your first year as a parent will be the happiest period of your life as a couple, as well as reinforcing the existence of hell on earth.

Although I am not a parent, I have very valuable advice to share with you who has been transmitted from two mothers that I personally know. One is a close family member, and I looked at the morpheus of a 24-year-old woman in the courageous mother of an angel who has a little over a year. This angel is also now my guideuse. Being a godmother means that I relate in a sense, which gives me experience and wisdom about motherhood that I would otherwise not.
During the first year of parents ...

15 Things to Know About The First Year of Parenthood 21. You inevitably miss a few moments.
Start with evidence. Despite the fact that you will be a parent for the rest of your life, as long as you live, you will have moments of your child and see everything like a milestone. You will want to re-live all these moments that have passed on to you by your baby, but there are so many more exciting moments. Embrace it with everything you have and wait with impatience all future moments.

2. The child will lead you insane.
In the right direction! You will be stifled with new feelings of love and affection. It will be like falling in love again and you and your partner will be jealous of the mutual obsession of everyone on this child you need to share.

3. You will cry because you want to sleep.
Take some naps now, take naps when you do not want NAPS, take some naps when you should sleep / eat / drink. When you get sick of this diet, sit down and reduce a new one with your partner. Make a routine with equal responsibilities of mom and dad and a just routine. That's why you got married after all. Everyone will tell you that this is not going to be a work of a man.

4. It will happen a moment when you just want to give up and do not necessarily see your baby as an angel.
Not all agree, but most do. There will be a point where you will say "I'm tired of this sh **." Literally and metaphorically. It will not hurt you, everything is fine and is not a crime. This is precisely why you will need all hands on the bridge; Your family members close and extensive, long lost friends, knowledge and perhaps colleagues to help you overwhelm for desperate moments.

5. You will learn to be a ninja
Without an earlier training, you will make backflips and tricks you have never imagined. These are the superpowers that are accompanied by the intense responsibility of lifting a baby. You will learn to walk on the air and dancing without a member and sing without notes. You will learn all tips in the book and they will come to you naturally.

15 Things to Know About The First Year of Parenthood 36. You are going to spoil.
Sooner or later, but you will make mistakes. It's completely good as well! There is no way you are going to know everything despite your impressive collection of pounds "how to be a good parent". You will fail to change the layers and fail to comfort your child and fail to be a 24/7 good parent. But what should you soothe, is that all these things will be temporary and you will learn over time.

7. Your patience will be tested at the limits
This is questionable. My mother says that after the first year, that will not happen. Your craze with this being will be infinite and for life. That being said, all children are different. Some are cooled, for example, I entertained wherever I have been placed, and some are simple crosses.

8. You will be amazed at the speed with which their brain develops and begins to form a personalityyou
It is by far the most fascinating. You will become a disguised scientist. Keep a notebook nearby, because you will be surprised at what this union of cells of you is capable and whose traits it takes after.

9. You can not start with this maternal instinct
My cousin said she gave birth and had the impression that the child was given her to be supported. I will not enter the details of an organic perspective because it will bother you, but to childbirth, every woman is supposed to release chemicals that make her relationship with her child. As if I mentioned, everyone is not touched by this gift. My mother was a protective falcon. She did not want her babies to be managed by someone other than this one.

10. Your sex life will suffer
Do not worry, the dry fate will last until you leave it. Your priorities will change and your child will become your new life. How you and your partner manage this situation is yours and too personal so that I advise you.

15 Things to Know About The First Year of Parenthood 411. Every day will be new and exciting
It is a promise. No day will be the same and thank you the heavens. Babies change so fast in the first year that you will cry tears of sadness when he / she is too heavy to be in your arms 24/7. Be prepared to grow with your child.

12. Four hours of sleep will feel like a disguised blessing
Although this point may seem too closely linked to N ° 3, I want to address a different subject. The routine is everything. When your child sleeps, you should sleep. When the child eats, you eat. Or see the warning above. Put your family on the military weather! Just be grateful for the 21st century technological gifts that will make you additional sleep hours such as washing machines, etc.

13. You will become addicted to Camera
Yes, you make fun of all these women on your Facebook feed now, but you are on the fast track to become one. You will want to take pictures all day daily because you can not afford to miss something, because they are precious moments, you will never come back. They will be crushed by better, but those you miss, you just have to explain all the words and risk going out like crazy and obsessed.

14. Children are expensive
Financial priorities are pushed first when it comes to having a baby make a vague plan on how you go forward with the way you manage money. You can guess, or you can schedule a whole budget that will include everything you need. You could even have a number in mind at this point. Multiply this number of 5 and you could get closer to what it will actually be.

15. Do you reap what you sew
On a dramatic note - these are words of wisdom of my own mother, who said that this first year will mean everything to sculpt your child in a human. All you give to your child (love, time and dedication) will be the most vital importance for their development and it will be reflected in the last years to come.

Say no on television! Read books. You raise an important member of the company. Your responsibility for the human race is to build a little girl or a boy in more than that. So do them visionaries.

Categories: Lifestyle
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