If this happens when you eat or drink, you need your checked thyroid

Experts say this event may indicate that a larger problem is at stake with your thyroid.

Your thyroid plays an essential part In your metabolism, with regular body functions. When things go wrong with your thyroid, many different parts of yourThe body can cope with the consequences. But it can be difficult to say when something does not go with your thyroid in particular - that's why you will want to pay attention to a problem of problem casual. According to experts, if you notice a certain recurring problem when you eat or drink, you should have your thyroid checked. Read it to find out what you should search for, and for more warning signs,If you notice that on your nails, get your truth about the thyroid, say doctors.

If you have trouble swallowing while eating or drinking, you need to check your thyroid.

woman suffering from sore throat drinking water in her bed

If you encounter difficulty swallowing when you try to eat or drink, you may face a thyroid problem. Difficulty swallowing, also called dysphagia, can make it difficult to reduce food or liquid, saysDavid Beatty, MRCGP, ageneral practitioner With more than 30 years of experience. "If anyone has difficulty swallowing, it can find food or liquid is slow down, they can have a regurgitation in the mouth, or they can get a partial reflux with cough and choking if The food or fluid starts to "get off the wrong way," Beatty explains. And for more alcohol concerns,If you drink this bottled water, your liver can be in danger, says FDA.

Difficulty to swallow is associated with several different thyroid problems.

cold and health problem concept - unhappy sick woman with sore throat at home

According to Fort Worth Enl's experts, various thyroid disorders can cause your thyroid gland - which is usually the size of a quarter ofbecome expanded and compress swallow organs.Inna Husain, MD, the section head of theDepartment of laryngology At the medical center of the University of Rush, says that when this gland becomes enlarged, it compresses an airway, it is faced with the trachea. And the trachea is in front of the esophagus - the tube that offers food and liquid to the stomach - which then becomes compressed. All this makes it more difficult to swallow, says Husain.

Thyroid conditions that can cause difficulties to swallow include grave disease, thyroiditis, hashimoto disease, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism by Fort Worth Enl. The disease and hyperthyroidism of the tombs are conditions caused by the overproduction of thyroid hormones, while thyroiditis implies swelling or inflammation of the thyroid. Hypothyroidism is the undernourishment of thyroid hormones, as well as hashimoto disease, which occurs when the immune system attacks the thyroid gland, causing damage and swelling that limits the capacity of the thyroid to produce hormones. And for more symptoms to pay attention, see these20 subtle signs of a thyroid problem are hiding at the sight of the view.

The difficulty to swallow can also be a symptom of thyroid cancer.

Over the shoulder view of a doctor touching a patient's throat while doing a medical exam.

Unfortunately, the difficulty of swallowing can also be a symptom of thyroid cancer, according to Beatty. But "Dysphagia is more likely to be a late symptom of disease rather than an early symptom," he adds. The symptoms of thyroid cancer presentation will more likely appear as a solitary nodule or swelling in the neck around the thyroid gland. OtherSymptoms that you might encounter as thyroid cancer Advancements include a cough, hoarseness and pain in the throat and neck, by Singhine. And for more useful health information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter

Other significant symptoms of thyroid problems include weight change and coldness or heat sensitivity.

A young man sits up on an exam table while on a visit to the doctor.

According to experts from the Clinic of Cleveland, "when yourThyroid does not work properlyThis can have an impact on your whole body. Therefore, there are multiple signs and symptoms that might indicate that something is wrong with your thyroid. Through the Cleveland Clinic, the symptoms of thyroid problems can be divided into two groups: signs of a thyroid hormone too much and signs to have too little thyroid hormone. If your thyroid produces too much of this hormone, you can feel anxiety, irritability, nervousness, sleep problem, weight loss, irregular menstruation, heat sensitivity, muscle weakness, tremors and a problem vision. On the other hand, if your thyroid produces too little from this hormone, you can experience fatigue, weight gain, forgetting, periods of frequent and heavy menstruation, dry and coarse hair, hoarsely from your voice and intolerance at cold temperatures. And for more ways to monitor your health,If you can not do that in 90 seconds, your heart is in danger, the study says.

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