Abdominal Diastasis: many suffer without knowing it

What is abdominal diastasis? What are the symptoms? And the treatments?

More than a few people who suffer from diastasis upright abdominal, many even without knowing it. It is a problem that appears physiologically in women during pregnancy and that, with time, can turn into a real disabling condition. But they are also suffering men and babies. What is a fracture? What are the symptoms and possible treatments? You will find all the answers you need below.

What is a fracture upright abdominal?

The abdominal diastasis consists in an excessive separation of the right and left parts of the rectus abdominis muscle. Usually people which manifest more are pregnant women and newborns. But a fracture can also affect men, for the wrong lifting a weight, excessive physical exertion and repeated or too intense workouts. Even at a very small percentage, among the causes of diastase there is also a genetic component.

A "problem" typicalpostpartum

The most frequent onset occurs after childbirth. During pregnancy the removal of the recti abdominis is a natural physiological process, which is necessary to make the uterus space that expands with the growth of the fetus. Usually within a few weeks everything returns to its original position. The maximum time to which you refer are 12 months from the end of pregnancy, but if the muscles do not return to their normal action is required.

What are the symptoms?

Among the most common symptoms caused by the diastase there are severe back pain - through excessive fatigue of the spine - and a constant feeling of weakness and fatigue. You also have pain in the hips, hernias and, not infrequently, incontinence. Even the intestines swelling, nausea and digestive and breathing difficulties can be symptoms of diastase.

Possible treatments

Often a fracture resolves spontaneously in adults and in infants. In women usually disappears after pregnancy and in infants disappears with natural growth. In some cases, however, the problem should be treated with the help of a doctor. According to many experts it is possible to solicit and speed up the process of reconciliation of the abdominal rectus muscles with constant and specific physiotherapy exercises. In severe cases it is necessary to resort to an abdominoplasty to approximate the muscles and remove any umbilical hernias or belly.

The last conference

Just this year, during the last weekend of May, a National Congress was held on "Diastasis abdominal upright: definition, symptoms, diagnosis and medical and surgical treatments." This event was organized by the Women Diastasis ODV and saw the intervention of the leading experts in the field, who spoke of the news and the progress that science has made this disease.

The commitment of the associations

Among the many new features, one of the most important was the commitment of nell'interloquire associations with Parliament to ensure that a fracture is recognized by the National Health System as a real pathology. This way you will no longer need to ask patients who suffer from it to provide in person to the payment of the intervention, as if a cure is not necessary.

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