Is it prudent to disinfect your phone? Here's what you can not disinfect
Hard chemicals in many cleaning products can damage your phone, jewelery, counters and more.

These days, people are trying todisinfect anything and all they own Prevent the propagation of CVIV-19. However, although it is a good idea to disinfect most of the things you enter in contact every day, your obsessive cleaning may ruin some of your most valuable (and expensive) business. Some chemicals in the products approved forFight coronavirus Can seriously damage objects like your jewelry and leather wallet. To avoid this, we have rounded some of the things you could ruin in disinfectant,Of your phone to your floors. And for more advice on cleaning during pandemic coronavirus, checkHousehold cleaners who destroy the coronavirus.
1 Mobile phones

Seeing that your mobile phone is one of the things you always carry, inside and outside your home, it is imperative that you clean it to avoid the propagation of Covid-19. However, not just a disinfectant or approach will. After all, moisture can quicklyDamage your phone.
"Apple recommends pulvering 70% isopropyl alcohol on a microfiber cloth before rubbing the iPhones, but you can also use Clorox cleaning, make sure it's not too wet," saysAnthony Baldini, aTechnology expert and current strategist with aileron strategies. "Paste to this approach is the simplest way, the safest way to disinfect your phone and make sure you will not engage your screen. Exit specialized cleaners and everything you do, do not use water of bleach. "
2 Jewelry

Your delicateJewelry can not handle abrasive chemicals, according toLaura McCurdy andDana Fiddles, the experts behind the jewelry line based in New York and Lex. While they say it's easy toClean your own jewelryIt is also easy to ruin your precious jewelry using products such as ammonia, bleach or toothpaste on "metal pieces or precious stones".
Instead, for most jewels, McCurdy and Fiddes recommend using hot and soapy water, which is soft, but effective. However, if you have peak jewelry threaded on the wire or leather, they take caution against the use of liquids, including water, and rather recommend wiping these sheets with a "soft and soft tissue fabric . "
3 Leather wallets

You may have heard that your portfolio needs a good deletion of the Covid-19 pandemic, but some disinfection methods can ruin the leather, explainsHammadE-Commerce Portfolio Site Aurochs. He says he has tried to use alcohol on his leather wallet and has changed the next day, destroying the "beyond repair" portfolio.
According to the pros in Aurochs, youcanuse alcohol forClean your portfolio; Simply pay attention to the amount of moisture you leave sit on the leather. By using an alcohol solution of 70% in distilled water, they recommend gently cleaning the entire surface of your portfolio. After that, take a "piece of cotton or dried wool and rub the surface to absorb any excessive amount of liquid remains"; Let the air dry in an "open and well ventilated" place, but never in the sun.
4 Granite countertops

You are probablyClean your kitchen From top to bottom these days, especially if you make a grocery store or take away. However, proceed with caution if you have granite countertops, saysJennifer Rodriguez, Director of Business Development atPro domestic. "People accidentally ruin counters using all-purpose cleaners on surfaces that may oxidize chemicals. It is important to look for the right way to clean the counters to prevent accidental problem," she says.
For granite counters, Rodriguez warns that you do not have to use bleach products, Windex or lysols. Instead, you can use dish soap, warm water, baking soda bicarbonate or isopropyl alcohol. And for more cleaning errors, you can do now, discover23 common cleaning errors that experts really say ruin your home.
5 Wood surfaces

Wood surfaces are particularly in danger when it comes to disinfecting, whether processed or untreated. According toDean Davies, a cleaning supervisor for fantastic services, you shouldNever use disinfectant wipes On untreated wood surfaces, as they will absorb the disinfectant fluid "and leave tasks untreated late.
As for the treated wood,Kait Schulhof,cleaning expert For a clean bee, says that treated wood surfaces do not "react well" hard cleaners such as bleach or alcohol. The chemicals of these products can actually "eliminate the finish of treated wood tables, soils and other furniture."
6 Door buttons and handles

Schlage experts, aMain hardware store, warn that everything inDoor buttons and handles should be cleaned Regularly, as they are "some of the most affected areas of the house" - if not done correctly, they can easily be damaged. UsingCleaners With abrasive chemicals, such as bleach or chlorides, can damage current hardware materials, such as stainless steel, copper and copper. They recommend that you refer to the product manual of your hardware for specificities on what can and can not be used to clean it.
Another advice? Do not apply cleaners or disinfectants on your door buttons and handles during direct sunlight or high temperatures; This can damage the protective coating of your hardware.
7 Car and exterior interiors

The interiors of cars and exteriors are extremely sensitive to many methods of cleaning, explainsChris Richardson, Vice President of Reconditioning toAutomotive e-commerce platform Vroom.
"Abrasive cleaners can remove the clear mantle orharm inland surfacesThe soap of the so sweet dishes is the best, "he says." Wipe all surfaces before and after using the vehicle. Test the soap on a small hidden area of the car first to make sure it does not affect the surfaces. "
With regard to drying, Richardson says to stay away from regular towels as they can "scratch the painting" outside your car and "plastic surfaces inside". Instead, use microfiber towels. And for more coronavirus safety tips, check10 awful errors that you do with your gloves every day.

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