5 signs of body language which means that someone is lying, according to therapists and lawyers

Experts advise the search for these non -verbal suspicious indices.

People lie For us more often than we would like to believe, and we do not do it. But just because lie is a common event, that does not mean that it is an easy thing to remove. Most people said, saidLiam Barnett, aexpert expert With a zest of meetings. In particular, they are so concentrated on what their mouths say they control less what their bodies do. If you try to decipher if a friend or a partner says or not the truth, you will want to pay attention to his non -verbal clues. Speaking to different experts, we have gathered some of the most common body behavior that can help you call someone's bluff. Read the rest to discover the five signs of body language which means that someone is lying to you.

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Their feet are positioned in a particular way.

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The link between the feet and the lie is something that most people do not know,James Miller, aapproved psychotherapist With more than 25 years of experience, saysBetter life. "Most people are good at monitoring their facial expressions, but most people do not realize that the more the end is far from his brain, the less we are aware of what he does," he explains.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

According to Miller, an excessive movement of the foot or a tapping is a good sign that someone could be distracted by their own lies. But the ultimate tell is actually the placement of the feet. "If their foot or their feet suddenly point, then it is often an indication that the person wants to flee or is about to dissipate with his words. But their feet are incongruous with their words," he said.

They wave with their appearance.

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Many of us know that someone will become more agitated when they lie. ButDavid Clark, lawyer over 35 and partnerClark's law office, said that you should above all monitor the agitation in relation to their appearance. "What I see in court all the time is when a person adjusts part of his clothes," he explains. "It can be their tie or their glasses."

According to Clark, there are two more common appearance adjustments that people could make when they lie. The first is that they can use a handkerchief to constantly wipe their head sweat. And another is that if they have long hair, they tend to run away and brush it on the side. "People do this because they are distracted from their lies," he said.

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They cannot establish visual contact.

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The eyes are the windows of the soul, and therefore a fairly good way of knowing if someone is misleading. Clark says that a "simple means" to see if a person is lying to observe his eye movement. "If they stop making visual contact, it is a sign that the person knows that they are lying and that they reduce guilt in their minds by diverting their eyes," he explains.

The experienced lawyer also advises people to pay attention to the direction that someone is watching, because it could also be a crucial index when it comes to lies. "For example, if the person I ask is to the right and they look on their left, it is a sign that they are trying to access their memory. However, if the same right -handed person looks to his right, They exploit the imaginary portion of their brain and are probably creating a lie, "said Clark. "Lefts have the opposite reactions."

Their body seems more tense.

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The stress of lies often makes our body stretch and close.Joni Ogle, LCSW, an approved social worker and CEO ofHeight treatment, says that it usually brings someone to cross their arms or legs - make them appear smaller and more uncomfortable. "Conversely, someone who is confident and who tells the truth is more likely to have an open body posture," she explains.

TheTouch Casino experts say tooBetter life Whether you should look at someone's shoulders to see if they tell the truth or not. "When we feel tense or uncomfortable, our shoulders naturally ride up and forward, and the distance between the shoulder and the ear is shortened," they say. "This sends a warning sign of a possible lie."

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Their body language is different from what it is usually.

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Sometimes the greatest sign of body language that someone is not universal, but rather unique to each person.Cassandra Leclair, PHD, an expert in relation and a Communication study teacher At Texas State University, says that one of the most important aspects to consider is if someone's body language differs from what you have observed in other interactions.

According to Leclair, you should consider things like: "How does this person answer you now?" And "are they manners and non-verbal, or does something seem to be off?" This can help you determine if there has been a "model rupture", Rodney Simmons , a expert expert Working with tiny changes, explains.

"The only thing you should be able to notice when someone is a change in their typical behavior," said Simmons.

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