10 questions to ask a guy you just met to find who he is

This is not so common nowadays to meet a guy without tracing online online. We are a little used to learn a little (or much) from each other by our presence of social media. And you know what? It is comforting to know something about a person before meeting them. However, it means that when we simply meet someone accidentally, we feel a little lost. Here are some questions that you can ask a guy you just met you to find out who he is.

It's not that these joint days to meet a guy without online criminal harassment first. We are somehow used to learn a little (or many) from each other through our presence on social media. All these photos on Instagram, Messages on Facebook, Ironise-T-Funny on Twitter and even Check-ins In various places give us an image of a person pretty well. And you know what? It is comforting to know something about a person before meeting them. However, it means that when we meet just someone by chance IRL we feel a little lost. So, here are some questions you can ask a guy you just encountered to know who he is.

1. What are you doing to live?
This is an oldie but a goodie. The work of a person tells you a lot about them. It's also a good way to know if they like their work or if it's something they do right in the meantime. A person who loves what they do will tell you with pleasure, and someone who is right to pay the bills will be less likely to want to speak.

2. Do you have animals?
A love for animals is also a very important factor for those with animals. He is an innocent question, but the way they answer will tell you a lot. Some people will start showing images that you, others will say "Oh I want, but I can not right now" and some immediately say "no" and you can make your own conclusions from there.

3. What is the most spontaneous thing you have already done?
This is one of these fun questions that can just be fun to chat, but at the same time you will learn what kind of a person they are. Are they spontaneous and likely to do crazy things or are they more than one "I have to think about it and predict all the possible results" kind of guy.

4. What's something about you who would surprise me more?
It's fun to discover something surprising another person, maybe something they do not usually talk about. You never know where this question you will get, but it is always something interesting. Maybe he can play the banjo or maybe he has a weak for the soap operas, the possibilities are endless.

5. What is your biggest black beast?
Who does not like to discuss their black animal beasts? You will immediately know if you two hate the same things or perhaps this question will reveal that you have completely opposed opinions about the little things in life. Anyway, he's a fun discussion of having.

6. What is your favorite TV show childhood or movie?
It's one thing if you like the same TV show now, most people look at the same things these days, which is the nature of marketing. Like who does not look at Game of Thrones these days, I'm wrong? But finding their addicts to childhood is the best way to know what kind of person they are. An imaginary geek? A Softy who loves Disney? Or maybe they are a horror movie fanatic?

7. What are the expectations you have for yourself?
It could be difficult to ask someone you just encountered what they expect from you or a possible relationship. However, asking them what are the expectations they have for themselves, you will learn what is important for them and it will give you a good idea of ​​what they expect others too.

8. What would you do if you earn a million dollars?
This question can really reveal a lot of things about a person. Maybe he will say that he would like to travel in the world, and you will know that he has a passion for travel and adventure. Or maybe he will want to buy a house and a car and invest the rest, this way you know it's more one of a typical family that thinks in the future. Maybe he will give some to the charity or give to his parents. All this tells you a lot about him.

9. What is your favorite food?
It's a matter of simple, but it can also be quite said. First of all, you will know if they are a vegan / vegetarian or not, on the other hand, you will know if they like simple comfort food or fantasy gourmet meals that tells you a lot about their tastes and their lifestyle habits . In addition, it can always lead to the big debate "should put you pineapple on pizza.

10. Where would you move?
A dream destination of a person is usually a good way to find what they are looking for in life. Do they want to move to a big city fantasy or move to the countryside. Maybe they are in the idea of ​​living in a place where life is slower or simpler or maybe they want to find a busy life of London or New York. It's a fun topic to discuss.

Categories: Relationships
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