Never fill these gas station pumps, warns the FBI

This presents a higher risk of being targeted by criminals.

From the shuttle to the office to recover children from school, millions of people in the United States obtaindriving of their car several times a day. Of course, driving this will require regular tripsgas station. But whether you get gas every week or even once a month, each time is an opportunity for the crooks to strike. In this spirit, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) now alerts the Americans about how to keep themselves - and their portfolios - in a state of obtaining petrol. Read the rest to find out which service station pump the FBI warns that you should never use.

Read this then:Never buy anything online with this type of card, the FBI warns.

Thieves target people in service stations more often these days.

fuel pump at a gas station

Getting gas is a necessity for most Americans, which unfortunately makes service stations a lucrative target for thieves. According to the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC), there was aIncreased reports On the flights that occur in service stations across the country. The organization claims that this type of "unique parameter" allows thieves to strike several victims.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Most of the time, customers of the service station leave their doors of car unlocked and items such as handbags and wallets are often left in sight," said the NCPC. "A thief is capable of driving next to the victim's car, open a unlocked door and grasp all the valuables at hand. Then the thief goes quickly. This happens in a few seconds. "

But it turns out that criminals do not even need to be present to steal from the service station. This is why the FBI now warns another threat to know.

The FBI says that a particular flight tactic is often used here.

payment with credit card in the gas station

Criminals engaged in a "skimming" frequently target victims in service stations, according to the FBI. "Skimming occurs whenillegally installed devices On automatic ticket distributors, point of sale terminals (POS) or fuel pumps capture the data or pins of recorder card holders ", explains the agency." Criminals use data to create false debit or credit cards, then steal victims' accounts. ""

These skimmers can be placed on card readers almost everywhere, but service stations are popular sites. In July, the FBI reported that two men in the Miami region had just beenripples With a skimming scheme at the service station at the national level. Both admitted to having plotted with others to "commit fraud of access devices by building skimming devices designed to steal information from the customers of the service station, by installing these devices inside the pumps gas "in several New York counties and elsewhere, according to the Ministry of Justice.

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You should avoid using certain pumps at the service station.

Detail of a fuel pump in a gas station

Scammers illegally installed in the fuel pumps are normally perceptible, according to the FBI. The devices are "generally attached in the internal wiring of the machine and are not visible to the customer", warns the agency. And the data is stored so that they can be downloaded or transferred wirelessly later, all without anyone see any clear flight sign.

Although you cannot see if the fuel pumps have attached skimmers, the FBI always advises you to practice certain safety measures to minimize your risk, which understands never use certain pumps. "Choose a fuel pump closer to the store and in direct view of the attendant," recommends the agency. "These pumps are less likely to be targets for skimmers."

The FBI also suggests other ways to keep you safe at the service station.

A gas pump nozzle inserted into a car at a gas station.

If you have been getting gas for years now without problem, you may have trouble believing that you may become a victim of skimming. But according to the FBI, we "estimate that skimming costs more than a billion dollars financial institutions and consumers each year". Because heonly take a few seconds For a criminal to place a skimmer in a fuel pump, according to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDAC) in Florida, it is a crime that shows no sign of slowdown.

In addition to never feeding in more distant pumps, the FBI says that there are other ways to keep you safe. The first recommendation does not pay outside at all at the pump. "Consider paying inside with the attendant," advises the FBI because it is more difficult for criminals to obtain skimmers in these card readers. If you want to pay the pump, run your debit card as a credit card to ensure more protection.

"If you think you have been the victim of skimming, immediately contact your financial institution," advises the FBI.

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