20 bad habits that could transform you blind, say experts

Learn how to save the blind man with this easy and efficient opinion.

You look on the screen right now. And chances are, you do not know the thing # 1 that you can do to protect your eyes while doing it. That's why we wrote that. The truth is that power is within your tourist visits, lifestyle choices and good eye hygiene have a lot to do with the preservation of the vision we get older. Here's what the best experts say you should focus on.Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


You get too much sun

happy older woman smiling with hands behind head

"Regardless of where we live or the year of the year, the overexposure of the Sun is an ever-present danger for our ocular health," Trevor Elmquist, do, a certified ophthalmologist and founder of the Board of Directors of the Board of DirectorsElmquist Eye Group in Florida. "We all know the importance of sunscreen, but many do not consider the harmful effects of UV rays on our eyes."

RX: "Make an effort to wear wide hats, UV lock contact lenses and closing sunglasses, blocking UV shelves to protect your eyes and prevent long-term damage," says Elmquist. When shopping for sunglasses, check the label and buy only shades that block 99% of UVA and UVB rays.


You do not eat anti-inflammatory regime

Woman holding cabbage in store.

"The diet plays a surprising role in the health of vision, both helping and harming," says Lisa Richards, a nutritionist and the author ofThe candida regime. "Refined and transformed foods have inflammatory effects in the body, including eyes. Chronic inflammation can be damage to the eyes and cause a bad vision."

RX: Terme your diet in lean proteins, healthy greases and complete color spectrum of fruits and vegetables. "We should try to" eat the rainbow "for more than our general well-being, but our health of the eyes too," says Richards. "Fruits and vegetables, as well as lean meats, fatty fish, whole grains and low fat dairy products offer the eyes with a support they need to prevent damage."

"It is true that the carrots are good for your eyes," says Elmquist. "A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, especially green vegetables, as well as high fish in omega-3-gras acids can help protect your vision."


You do not follow the Rule 20-20-20

woman with depressed facial expression sitting on grey textile couch holding her phone

Several doctors of the eyes told us that if you look at your phone or a computer screen all day, practice 20-20-20 to reduce the eye strain: "every 20 minutes, divert the screens and focus on about 20 Feet in front of you for 20 seconds, "explains Elmquist. And do not forget to flash." Flashing regularly is also essential for cleaning and lubricating the surface of the eye, "he says." Studies show that we show that we show that we Trend to flash less when using a digital device and the more the screen is small, the less we flaking. "

RX: You may need to remind you to flash a routine. "Every time you get up to use the toilet or go to a meeting, try to make five complete flashes to go back to your eyes," suggests Charissa Lee, OD, an optometrist and head of professional business in North America At Johnson & Johnson Vision. "The complete flashing is important to activate your oil glands in your lids and spread these beneficial oils - and your protective protection cover on your eyes."


You give yourself a dry eye syndrome (des)

Close up black african man taking off glasses feels unhealthy suffering from eye strain after long working on computer

"We ruin without knowing our vision when we create a way of life that accelerates the aging process," saidKellie Blake, RDN, LD, IFNCP, a recorded dietary nutritionist based in Western Virginia. Oxidative stress - The process of damage caused by cells that antioxidants prevent-can increase as the ages of the body, explains. "If our lifestyle accelerates this process, the delicate tissues of the eye are likely to damage and diseases such as dry eye syndrome (des) can result. May cause a loss of vision if the root causes are not Not addressed, as a level of inadequate vitamin D, a mediocre diet, an autoimmune disease, a use of inflammatory drugs and skin conditions. "

RX: "We can slow the aging of our cells and protect our eyes with a lifestyle that maintains our healthy mitochondria," says Blake. "Following a nutrient-based diet based on a plant is critical, but we must also get a restful sleep, practice a conscious movement and manage the stress healthy."


You use expired makeup


"Because makeup can come into contact with your eyes, the application of expired makeup products means giving an easy passage to bacteria and other infections," says Christine Joy, OD, an optometrist andVSP network Doctor in New York.

RX: "As a general rule, you have to replace eye makeup every three months to reduce the risk of infection," says joy. "In addition, do it a practice to eliminate makeup every night and never share your makeup."


You stress

Shocked young woman looking at laptop computer screen at home

If you stand out constantly your hair, your eyes will pay for that. "Unmanaged chronic mental stress is a physical toll on the body and can be problematic for the ocular system," saysJeanette Kimszal, RDN, NLC, a registered dietitian based in New Jersey. "According toresearchChronic stress that cause surges of hormonal stress cortisol can have a negative impact on the nervous system. When the nervous system does not work properly, it can affect our brain and our eyes, resulting in vision problems. "

Cortisol also tells the body to hang on fat, especially around your median. And it's sneaky. Add Kimszal: "The biggest problem with stress is that someone may not feel that they are under stress, but their body could always pump cortisol. This constant stressed state can also support the body of the necessary nutrients."

RX: Fight stress with exercise, spending time with dear beings and relaxation techniques such as meditation and mindfulness. The diet can help: "Vitamins C and E, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids are needed to maintain a healthy vision," Kimszal said.


You rub your eyes

Tired stressed woman rubbing eyes

Your mother was right: your face could really freeze like that. "Rubing eyes too frequently can cause microvascular damage to small blood vessels under the skin," says Anthony Kouri, MD, orthopedic surgeon at the University of Toledo University. "This leads to dark circles and pockets. Rub your eyes also causes premature aging of the skin around the eyes, including wrinkles and falling eyelids."

RX: Do not touch! "Avoid rubbing this area to maintain your young look," says Kouri.


You smoke

Mature woman with sore throat, standing in living room at home.

The smoke will put in your eyes might have inspired a pretty ballad, but in reality, there is nothing romantic about it. "Smoking creates oxidative stress on the tissues of the whole body. In the eyes, the most subject areas are the macula [an area in the center of the retina] and the lens," says Wang. "The formation of free radicals can contribute to the development of macular degeneration and cataracts, which have been more commonly and at a previous age of those who smoke. Externally, the smoke is an irritating on the delicate structures of the cornea and conjonctiva, which can lead to chronic dry and red eyes. "

RX: If you have not stopped smoking, what are you waiting for more? Consult your doctor if you have trouble leaving; Nicotine patches and gums can help.


You do not sleep enough

woman smiling while sleeping in her bed at home

"If we do not sleep enough sleep at night, it can accelerate the aging process," said Kouri. "This can lead to blood eyes, dark circles, eye tremors (known as myokymia) and blurred vision. Over long periods of time with inadequate rest, we can experience paired blood vesied Reason for the ocular strain. In addition, we can experience dry eyes that can cause pain, itching and sensitivity to light. "

RX: The experts, including the National Sleep Foundation, say that adults of all ages should have seven to nine hours of sleep one night. This is not going to help preserve your vision - it has been shown that this has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, cerebrovascular accident and depression.

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You do not get an examination of the annual view

Close up of female hand pointing at eye chart with Latin letters during eyesight test in ophthalmology clinic

It is a common misconception that you should only see one doctor eye when you notice that there is a problem with your vision. "Even if you may think you see well, it's important to make an appointment with your ophthalmologist every year," says Lee. "When you enter, they will look at checking all aspects of your eye health, including how far and back of your eyes are healthy. This can help identify potential problems such as the dysfunction of The gland of the diibomane - otherwise called the first signs of glaucoma, or even such serious things as melanoma. "


You have untreated myopia (approach)

guy is holding his eyeglasses

Crotchness may seem a harmless consequence of aging, but "if it does not go, it can cause a deficiency of irreversible vision and blindness," says Lee. Genetics can increase your risks, as well as lifestyle factors, such as doing too close to work (reading, writing or writing) and spend a limited time outside.

RX: "The Environmental Protection Agency reports Americans, on average, spends 90% of their time inside, so make conscious efforts to spend more time outdoors, especially while time is Pleasant, "said Lee.

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You have bad hygiene

Woman Washing her hands with soap and water at home bathroom

Keeping your own hands and eyes is the easiest thing to do to maintain healthy health. "Bad hygiene can increase your risk of eye health problems such as infection," says Lee.

RX: "To mitigate this risk, you must wash your hands often to mitigate the risk of transferring bacteria to you if you tend to rub them," says Lee. "If you are a contact target holder, be sure to exchange your case every two to three months and use solutions for your contact lenses specifically. Plus, do not wear contact lenses in the shower or swimming. "


You do not wear protective glasses when you swim

Swim goggles

You do not want to open your eyes too much in the pool. Truly. "Human eyes are not meant to operate properly underwater, hence the flagrant trying to see it," says Richard Foulkes, MD, an ophthalmologist and founder ofVision Foulls in Chicago. "Think of everything in a swimming pool: chemicals like chlorine, sunscreen, sweat, dust, urine can all come into contact with your eyes. Believe it or not, from the Saltwater is actually safer on your eyes than chlorine. If you wear contacts. If you wear contacts, the contamination can be absorbed on a contact lens and keep the lens on the cornea can cause infections. All the Debris can also be taken under the contact lens, causing corneal ulcers or corneal lacerations. "

RX: "Always wear well adapted glasses when you swim," says Foulkes. And make sure they are well adjusted. "If they do not fit properly, the water can flee in the goggles, causing irritation and even leading to an infection."

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You use incorrect contact lenses

woman putting contact lens in her right eye,

"Do not eliminate contacts within the recommended time and sleep in contact lenses increases the risk of bacterial infection and inflammation in the eyes," says joy. "Wearing contacts too long during the day can decrease the amount of oxygen to the eye and cause dry eyes or irritation. Swimming or shower in contact lenses is also a big no-no. You can yourself Put at risk of a dangerous threat and currency infection called Acanthamoeba, a type of amoeba living in the water, which can be trapped under the contact lenses. "

RX: "It is strongly recommended to eliminate contact lenses during swimming, showering or taking a nap", advises joy. "Make sure you have your contacts regularly and give your eyes a pause with glasses when you can do it."


You do not exer

arms up squat

"Your eyes benefit from exercise as much as the rest of your body. High blood pressure and diabetes can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle," says joy. Both can contribute to vision problems. "The Regular exercise contributes not only to prevent these diseases, but also reduces your chances of developing glaucoma. Just like our brain, our eyes need oxygen to maintain an optimal level of performance. "

RX: "Exercise regularly, even a light light, is a great way to keep the eyes net."

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You do not wear safety glasses

repairman with protective goggles, he is using a drill and doing a home renovation

Forty-five percent eye injuries occur at home ", often because of the protection of inadequate eyes," Kouri said. "Household risks include cleaning chemicals or pool supplies, home improvement projects or hot fat".

RX: It's better to be safe than (really, really) sorry. "If you do a home improvement project or cleaning around the house, it is better to wear protective protective clothing," Kouri says.


You drink too much

Bartender Serve Whiskey, on wood bar.

This is the expression "blind drunk" is not a turn of sentence. "The strong drink can have harmful effects on your view by aggravating and intensifying dry eye symptoms," says joy. "These symptoms may include burn or burn sensations in your eyes, light sensitivity, redness, discomfort when wearing contact lenses and eye fatigue."

RX: The experts say that men should be limited to two drinks a day and women should stop at one. Not only for your vision, but to reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

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You are addicted to the screens

using phone in bed

"The use of digital devices and cell phones can contribute to an important eye strain," said Ming Wang, MD, PhD, eye surgeon and founder of theWang Vision InstituteIn Nashville, Tennessee. "The focus of focusing for narrow activities can cause eyes in some people to lock near focus, which can cause temporary temporary distance vision. Over time, this may result in The development of more peace that the eyes adapt to the focus Close. It is believed that this is part of what causes an increase in the development of larger quantities of young children in countries in charge of Technology, like China, Japan, Korea and the United States. "

RX: Follow this rule 20-20-20: every 20 minutes, take a break of 20 seconds and look at 20 feet.


You do not drink enough water

Woman wearing denim shirt using laptop in the office and holding plastic bottle of water

"It's important to keep the eyes hydrated," says Wang. "The surface of the eye is the first surface that lights lights before it does not render it on the back of the eye, providing a vision. When the surface is not hydrated, it can bring the Vision of someone very blurred temporarily. Over time, a poorly hydrated surface can form cracks and lead to minor scar tissue development, which can lead to a more permanent blurred vision. "

RX:"A healthy diet, drink plenty of water and take breaks when reading work are ways to keep eyes hydrated naturally," says Wang. "If these are not enough, then the use of artificial tears on the daily counter-counter two to six times a day can be useful. If this does not provide adequate relief, see an ophthalmologist is recommended."

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You will not remove your makeup at night

happy woman washing face

"For those who wear it, do not remove the makeup open your eyes to risk," says Wang. "Bacteria and parasites can grow in areas along the eyelids and eyelashes. These organisms then secrete toxins that can fall into the eyes and contribute to irritation, redness and itching. Over time, they can cause damage. permanent structures that secrete the tear components (the glands of the metimy) leading to a chronic dry eye. "

RX: Make sure you delete your makeup each night.And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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