6 reptiles that make large pets, according to experts

If you are looking for a scaly companion, experts say that these animals are your best bet.

For many potential animal owners, the idea of ​​snuggling on the sofa with a fur friend is generally the incentive to start looking for an animal to adopt. However, some people simply do not have time for their schedule to deal with the mostLow maintenance dog or cat. And some small animals that can live in enclosuresmight not be the best fit For other owners either. Fortunately, there are still a lot of options for anyone on the market for a non -mammalian companion. Read more to see which reptile experts say they make large pets.

Read this then:The 7 best dogs for beginners, veterinarians say.

Bearded dragons

A close up of a young woman holding a bearded dragon on her shoulder

Reptiles may not be known to have affectionate personalities such as canines or felines. But experts say that a entry -level lizard can make a very attentive friend.

"Bearded dragons are rustic pets that can also be excellent for children", "Pierre Cabin, founder and owner ofReptile craze, recountBetter life. "They are easy to maintain once their speaker is properly installed. It is surprising to note that they like to cuddle and walk. You can watch TV or play video games while your bearded dragon is sitting on your knees!"

CAB adds that their omnivorous diet also makes them easy to nourish, generally composed of insects, fruits and vegetables.

Box turtles

A closeup of a child holding a box turtle
Istock / Noderog

There is nothing like a pet that is so easy to live in that you will never have to chase it in the house. However, before going out and taking a turtle, experts say that certain types of peeled reptiles are easier to support than others.

"Turtles are often one of the first reptiles of animals that come to mind, in particular water turtles such as red -ears cursors. But the maintenance of a water enclosure can be difficult ... and smelly ", SaidGeorgina Ushi Phillips, DVM, a veterinary writer and in Florida withThe reptile room, recountBetter life.

"Box turtles do not need water, and these terrestrial reptiles will require substrates much closer to what you would use with other reptiles that come from land," she explains. "However, the turtles in the box will need more space compared to the other reptiles. And you should be prepared for a pet for life, because these turtles in the box can live up to 50 years!"

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Corn snakes

portrait of a beautiful corn snake

Snakes are undoubtedly one of the mostmisunderstanding of the animal kingdom. However, slippery reptiles actually make fantastic pets, in particular a colorful variety.

"Corn snakes are one of the most loved snakes, even for owners of beginner and professional reptiles," explains CAB. "They come in different colors and patterns, and these are docile snakes that tolerate manipulation very well. Some corn snakes even come to their owners when they approach their enclosures."

They are also quite easy to support in terms of meals. "These are low -maintenance snakes and are not difficult eaters, so you can feed them live or frozen food."

Crete geckos

A closeup of a crested gecko
Istock / Muttiaath

Some owners fear that the adoption of a reptile as a pet can mean devoting a good amount of real estate to house them. But a low -maintenance lizard can save on space while making an excellent companion.

"Crete geckos are arboreal lizards - which means they like to live in trees - and their enclosures are often higher than they are wide," said Phillips. "It can be great not only to save space, but also allow you to create beautiful boxes that your crest gecko will love it too!"

"They are relatively easy to support, and although some living insects are the best, this can be a smaller part of their diet compared to many other reptiles," she adds.

Read this then:The 5 best pets if you travel a lot, say the experts.

Ball pythons

A young girl holds a small ball python

Surprised animals can be very careful, whatever the species they are. But according to your comfort with them, experts say that some larger snakes can make an interesting pet.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Balle pythons are not small snakes, and adults can reach up to six feet long. Although this size may seem a little intimidating, they always weigh less than 10 pounds, and their additional size makes them a lot Easier to manage compared to the smallest snakes, ”explains Phillips.

And like turtles, you will probably never have to continue after your Pet Ball Python. "These snakes are also docile and slow that make them even easier to manage. This also helps that care is relatively simple as long as you are comfortable to feed them with small mammals as they grow."

Geckos Leopard

leopard gecko on a branch

Anyone in the market of a lizard could be deactivated by the large species well known as the iguanas. But for anyone again in the reptile goalkeeper, some species remain geratic while making an excellent addition to the family.

"Geckos Leopard are one of the most popular animal reptiles, and for a good reason: they are robust, widely available and easy to install," said Phillips. "They are a little smaller than some other reptiles, which can make manipulation a little more difficult, but their docile attitude compensates more than that."

Since the creatures are nocturnal, Geckos Leopard Also require less UV light than other species of lizards, depending on the pets of spruce. And although they should still receive a lot of attention, their cage requires less maintenance than many other reptiles.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / News / Pets
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