This unexpected drink will help your plants prosper

You probably have it in your refrigerator right now.

Keeping happy and healthy plants is easier to say than to do. If you areA gardening novice, you might think that everything you need is water and a sunny window. But once you have passed some plants, from plants to adulthood, you realize that there is much more to consider, including theAppropriate type of soil, watering calendar, drainage and pot size. To facilitate the process, we have consulted gardening experts for their favorite plant saving hacks. Here, they tell us the popular drink with which you can water your garden to strengthen the growth and rescue of dietary plants. Bonus: You probably have this drink in your refrigerator at the moment.

Read this then:5 easy hacks to save your house plants that gardeners swear.

How plants consume water.

houseplants and watering can on windowsill
GRUMPY COW Studios / Shutterstock

You know your plants need water, but do you know why? According toUniversity of Virginie-Western, Plants need water for two reasons: the first is to help them finish photosynthesis, which is the process by which they create their own food, and the second consists in moving the nutrients created during photosynthesis throughout the plant. "The nutrients and sugars of photosynthesis are dissolved in water and move from high concentration zones, such as roots, lower concentration zones, such as flowers, rod and leaves, for growth and Reproduction, "they write.

AccordingTexas A & M, the main nutrients that plants need are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and potassium. More on those in a minute.

Sparkling water can help plants prosper.

seltzer sparkling water lemon health tweaks over 40

It turns out that there is a popular drink that also contains nutrients such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and potassium: sparkling water. "By watering your plants with sparkling water, or even club soda, you will provide them with the nutrients necessary for healthy growth," saidAndrew Porwol,,Master gardener and owner Garden purchases.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Jason White, a professional gardener and CEO ofEverything about gardening, note that the practice can also improve the drought tolerance of plants and accelerate their growth. "The science behind this is that soda water is infused with carbon dioxide gas, the element responsible for making it sparkling," he explains. "Carbon is an essential element in the photosynthesis of a plant and high levels of plants can become larger and faster."

Read this then:If your plants fall, this bathroom product will revive them.

Use this method.

If you want to try this tip, start by finding a bottle of sparkling water or club soda (avoid mineral water and varieties with sugar). You will also want to make sure that your sparkling water is at room temperature before watering your plants. "Refrigerated water hurts more than good because it shocks the roots, killing them," saidEmma Loker, aExpert gardener and team member in Diy Garden.

Then leave your frothy water outside in watering to allow part of the carbon dioxide to escape. Finally, water your plants as usual with your watering. "Do not wet the leaves because it increases the probability of mold growth," advises Loker.

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Use your sparkling water judiciously.

white woman watering indoor potted plants
Shutterstock /

Sparkling water is more expensive than tap water, so it is wise to use it only when necessary. Porwol suggests watering the plants with her once a week. "The interior plants greatly benefit from sparkling water because it gives them the mineral boost that their lack of external soil," he said. "It is also useful for any sick plant, especially those with dull leaves," he says because the drink will help brighten up the leaves over time.

Soon you will have a lush garden and happy and healthy plants. Bottom up.

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Tags: Garden / Home / News / plants
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