15 ways your sex life changes after marriage
This could be different, but that does not worse.

Throughout the otherThe stages of your relationshipYou can expectYour sex life switch. Pangs of passion when you start learning exactly datingwhat your partner loves betterHe is an evolution of intimacy. And if you did it at the stage forever (wedding a.k.A.) Your sex life will change again.
This does not mean that it will be worse after all, you are with this person for the long term and know them better than anyone. But if you have reached this point with your partner (orare about) You may be asking for sex after wedding changes. To help you know exactly what you expect, we have rounded up the best ways your sex life will evolve after you walk in the driveway.
Ways Sex Change After Marriage

Sex will be shorter.
For the better or the worst, the long hours copulation sessions are usually out of the table after a few years of wedding. This does not mean that you will not be engaged in longer meetings from time to time, but probably very special occasions. "This happens for two reasons," saysNadasha Elkerson An expert in relation and coach. "Life is complicated with all the adults you need to do as a team and your free time is shortened. »
This is especially true if you have children, since you never know when you could be interrupted. "When you do not have a ton of time, a Quickie becomes a form of art. If you have children,Here's how to have incredible sex after parenthood.
But it will also be more efficient.
The quick and furious approach is not without benefits. "The best reason it will get faster than over the years, you will understand another very good and both you will know the" combination "with unlocking pleasure in the other," says Elkerson. In other words, you will both be able to do the job.
You program it.
It might not seem like romantic to put aside the time to have sex, but the bear with us. "When married couples start developing a pace around work and family life, they also develop a rhythm around married sex," saysWeena Cullins, A licensed marriage and family therapist and related expert. "When the partners are attendance and do not live together, it's realistic to make love when they have the chance to see, especially if these opportunities are few.
However, when a couple lives together, they may have more physical access to the other, but still feel limited by the requirements of their work schedules and other commitments, it explains. In this sense, the planning approach is big enough because it claims that you care about having sex and you will have enough time to do it.

He will feel more comfortable.
Oh yeah, you read it well. "The more you know, better you know what to do to give your spouse pleasure," Note Elkerson. "The pleasure is more intense because there are less uncertain moments. You know each other very well and feel comfortable, and relaxation translates to orgasm more easily. »
She also says that having a higher level of knowledge can make it easier to experiment, which helps interesting Keep things and passionate.
You will be more careful when and where.
"In the meeting phase, it is not uncommon for passions are so deep that couples are quite carefree where and how they have sex," says Cullins. "Ripping clothes in the heat of passion or even leaves is not a big deal as long as the sexual connection is made. My clients say relationship thinning they think to put a sheet on the couch or bed or carefully remove their clothes before making love, invoking that if they really want to engage in the act they also want to preserve their beautiful things ! »
But you will probably be more risky in other ways.
Precautionals that were once a complete necessity, such as condoms, are reasonably likely to make an exit from your sex life. The same applies to other methods of birth control and protection, since "the fear of pregnancy or STIs can be lowered," saysEric Marlowe Garrison, A sex counselor, author and teacher of study masculinity a William college __gvirt_np_nn_nnps <__ & Mary.
You will probably feel more in love, less in lust.
Sometimes, being with your spouse for a long time can result in feelings of strong sexual attraction morphing in a much deeper, the more the type of love that is emotionally charged less focused and dependent on sex. "It's safe and healthy, but the" joie de vivre "of sexual attraction and decreases lust," saysLisa Bahar, A licensed marriage and family therapist based in California.
You can experiment less.
But it certainly does not have to be like that. "Sexual experimentation can testify while couples adopt the character of" your average and happy married couple "," not realizing that bridal couples happily marriedto do swing,to do have sex toys,to do experience With BDSM, andto do Look at the porn! Garrison explains. So, while the tendency to be adventurous in your sex life often decreases as your relationship goes on, you can certainly make an effort to spice up things to avoid getting bored.
You no longer need romantic florists.
Maybe your yard was filled with pink petal beds and sensual bubble baths, but these gestures tend to withdraw when your partnership develops. "Couples grow up are safe and get complicated and no longer feel the need to take their partner's efforts," said Rhonda Milrad, LCSW, Related and Founder Therapist of the Online Relationship CommunityRational.
Although it is certainly not necessary to do these things every time you head to the room (see: the virtues of the previously mentioned Quickie), it can make things more exciting for consciously the romance factor from time to time .

Your sex takes a new meaning.
Previously, sex was pretty much fun, but now married sex could be more to get pregnant. For some couples, getting pregnant is a piece of cake, but for others, careful planning is needed to achieve the desired goal. "When couples discover that they must be intimate during a woman's ovulation window, which could be as small as a few hours each month - it can cause feelings of pressure, anxiety, from Frustration and sometimes resentment, "says men.
Sometimes the pressure can lead to an anxiety of performance, but the objective of the design can also make sex even more meaningful.
It will probably be less frequent.
"It could have been hot and heavy at first, but if you are married for a moment, it is not uncommon for sex to be less common," says Elkerson. "It does not mean that anyone is unfaithful or less attracted, it's just a symptom of life that comes and your relationship." Basically, it's just peer for the course.
Or that could be more common.
This is mainly true for couples who lived apart or in different cities before marriage, says Garrison. The novelty of being able to have sex whenever you want you to make super frequent Roma for the new cohabitation.
This could be boring sometimes.
You know which positions work well for you, what turns your spouse on and how to do the job as the back of your hand. But sometimes, doing the same thing again and again can be a little monotonous. "You are not necessarily less in love or less attracted," said Elkerson. Sometimes people just become lazy after being together for a long time. "If you find that married sex relationships become less interesting than that, try something new with a good dose of enthusiasm", does it suggest. "Surprise your spouse and maybe inspire them to try something again."
You will be entitled to the point.
"There are fewer preliminaries after marriage," says Milrad. Mainly, it's because the goal is orgasm and finish. "This happens often because when you are in the meeting phase, you try to win and keep your partner's interest, as well as the insecurity you feel in the relationship allows you to put the effort and Attention in love, "she says.
As mentioned earlier, however, there is no reason why it should be this way. If you did not like the super fast nature of your time between the leaves, all you have to do is make an effort to focus a little more about preliminaries and romance.
You will have ups and downs.
Although things are likely to settle in the category of married sex, it is also very likely that there will be times when you will have more sex than you do before. "Sex will change all the time because you have a life to live together," says Elkerson. "If you are in one phase, be patient; another phase arrives. If you stay open to having sex instead of waiting to be" mood ", give him an enthusiastic effort and try to have fun You can have a director sex life for many years to come. "
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