See Last Surviving "Gone With The Wind" The actor Mickey Kuhn now at 89 years old
The former child's star played the son of Melanie and Ashley, Beau Wilkes.

Wind Hit the rooms over 80 years ago, so you might be surprised to learn that whoever worked on the film would still be there today to share his memories. But indeed, a main actor of the classic film, who was a child actor during the shooting, is alive in 2022. When he was six years old,Mickey Kuhn appears inWind As a handsome Wilkes, the son of Melanie Hamilton (Olivia de Havilland) and Ashley Wilkes (Leslie Howard). Now 89 years old, Kuhn is considered the only surviving member of the distribution, although some other non -credited actors are still alive. De Havilland was also a member of the distribution long before his death in 2020 at the incredible age of 104 years.
Kuhn did not continue to act long after his days as a child of the child and the adolescent. But, after a long career in a totally different industry, it now representsWind to events on the film. Read the rest to find out more about Kuhn's life.
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Kuhn acted alongside many major stars.

Kuhn's career in show business started when he was just a baby. His first film was1934Change of heart, with whoJanet Gaynor. "It was my first and only adult movie," he jokedNaples Daily News in 2017. "I had no clothes."
Child and adolescent, Kuhn continued to appear inJuror withBette Davis,,red riverin which he played a young version ofMontgomery Clift'sopposite characterJohn Wayne, andA tram named desire, who gathered it withWind co-starVivien Leigh.
Kuhn retired entirely in 1957. His last role was onAlfred Hitchcock presents.
He continued more "normal" jobs.

After his acting career, Kuhn joined the Navy. He then held posts at Pepsico and American Airlines, as indicated byNaples Daily News. It was in American Airlines that he met his wife,Barbara.
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He remained in contact with aWind CO-STAR.
For a few years, Kuhn and Havilland were together the members of the surviving distribution ofWind. Surprisingly, although they played the mother and the son, they never shared scenes.
"She was still behind the door dying," said KuhnNaples Daily News. "I have never worked directly with her."
They finally met at his 90th anniversary party and went into contact thereafter. In 2019, the young actor told Wxyz Detroit thatThey maintained a friendship By writing letters but that their correspondence has slowed down over time. "Olivia, of course, will be 103 years old in July ... I write to her and I have not had an answer lately," he said.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
He has good memories of his other distribution comrades.
Over the years, Kuhn has shared memories of the time spent with his famous adult co-stars onWind. "They were good with the children and it was fun to be with them," he told Wxyz Detroit.
In an interview withThe Washington Post In 2014, he said to aHistory aboutClark Gable be patient with him. "My line was," Hello, Uncle Rhett. "I kept saying" Hello, Uncle Clark ", said Kuhn. He said that Gable took him aside and explained that even if his real name is Clark, Kuhn had to call him Rhett in The film. "I said:" Okay, Mr. Gable. "And I finally understood it on the fourth time. ""

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