Queiloplasty - Everything you need to know

Queiloplasty is surgery to increase, decrease or lift your lips. Here you find everything you need to know about it.

A type of facial aesthetic surgery that focuses on the lips, cheiloplasty is a much sought after procedure, especially by the female audience. Cheiloplasty can be characterized by the increase, reduction or reconstruction of the lips by altering their shape and defining new contours. In this text, you understand a little about cheiloplasty and how it is performed.

What is cheiloplasty

Cheiloplasty can be done with two goals, aesthetic or functional. In the first case, cheiloplasty is performed to decrease or increase the lips for aesthetic reasons.

Functional cheiloplasty, for its part, has as its main objective the lip reconstruction due to congenital or acquired changes. That is, it serves to deal with issues that may arise shortly after birth, such as lip fissure, and in cases of lip mass or problems arising from trauma, even during adulthood.

Types of Queiloplasty

There are at least three types of lip surgery: lip reduction, upper lip survey and lip increase.

1. Lip reduction:Lip reduction surgery is a procedure for patients dissatisfied with the fact that your lips are large and prominent. It is usually performed under local anesthesia, but can be performed with general anesthesia if more than one procedure is performed together. For the reduction, a horizontal incision is made on the inside of the mucosa, which has its excess removed, as well as excess fat and muscle. The incision is closed in layers and usually leaves no visible scars.

2. Survey of the upper lip:Patients with a very elongated upper lip, ie far away from the nose, can do the burning to reduce this distance. This can be done in two ways: with an incision in the junction between the nose and the upper lip combined with a suture of the cuts that ends up lifting the lip. The second technique cuts the edge of the lip and removes a part of the skin above it.

3. Lip increase: The lip increase procedure can be done by injecting a natural or synthetic material on the lips, creating the impression of a fuller lip and reducing the wrinkles that form in the outer corners of the mouth. One of the most commonly used techniques for lip increase is the injection offillers Hyaluronic acid based and the effects can last between 9 and 12 months. One technique that can be used for a permanent increase is the injection of acellular cadaveric human derme, which is placed on the lips through small incisions.

Who can perform the procedure

Knowing what cheiloplasty is and how the most common types are performed, see the care to have surgery like:

  • Aesthetic procedures should only be done from 18 years
  • Do not smoke for 30 days before surgery
  • Do not use makeup on the day of operation
  • Do not use facial creams a few days before the operation
  • I respect the prescribed fasting time
  • Enter anesthetists and doctors about medicines and allergies

It is important to emphasize that those who have congenital or acquired changes may need to make cheiloplasty to avoid complications and improve the quality of life. In such cases, the patient's age does not matter - congenital lip fissure, for example, can be corrected in the first 3 months of life.

Surgery risks

Like all surgeries, cheiloplasty has some risks that should be considered, especially when it is done with purely aesthetic intentions. Some of the risks of lip surgery are:

  • The common risks of anesthesia
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Irregularities and residual asymmetries
  • Discoloration and lip sensitivity
  • Swelling
  • Damage to deeper structures, such as nerves and muscles

Categories: Beauty
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