Yosemite National Park managers say that if you hear this, "quickly move away from the region"
The representatives recall visitors to know this danger of season.

Any trip to Yosemite National Park can be pleasant to all the senses in its own way. After all, it is the view of a breathtaking view of the mountain, the smell of fresh air and the feeling of the breeze on your skin that attracts so many people toVisit the park every year. But it doesn't matter where you are, all trek in nature comes withIts own risks That your senses can also help you avoid, including your ears. And now, Yosemite officials warn the guests of "quickly moving away from the region" if they hear one thing. Read the rest to see what sound means that you are potentially in danger.
Read this then:The 6 best American national parks to see fall foliage.
Yosemite fought with major forest fires this summer.

This summer was particularly difficult for Yosemite because it treated two major forest fires which forced parts of the park closed and residents nearby to evacuate. Washburn's fire began on July 11, ultimately extending and threatening the famous giant sequoia trees of the park in the Mariposa Grove before the crews ultimately extinguished it on August 1. Conflagration has burned4,886 acres Before it is extinguished, according to the reports of state officials. The oak fire that started on July 22 continues to burn and affected19,244 acres to date But is 98% contained on August 16, by officials.
In response to the immediate threat that forest fires representThe beloved forests of Yosemite, officials ironically used a method to cut specific trees to helpcontrol the fire and limit the damage,The New York Times reported. The program helps to mitigate the conditions by "cutting down" trees less than 20 inches in diameter or to everything that died while pulling the fallen wood and in logs from the forest to prevent the fire from spreading.
"It hurts people's hearts", "Cicely Muldoon, superintendent at Yosemite National Park, saidThe temperature. "But we need to use all the tools at our disposal to save the forests and save the park and restore a healthy ecosystem and ensure people's safety."
But now, the park's conditions have created another potential danger for park customers.
Yosemite officials warn visitors to "get out of the region" quickly if they hear a sound in the park.

The hottest months can be advanced visiting time for national parks, but the same seasonal conditions that make forest fires a concern also lead to another security problem. In an article on Facebook from the Park's official Facebook page on August 12, officials alerted the public that Yosemite trees lived "Drop summer branch"(SBD). They say that the relatively common event occurs in hot weather, again, and although scientists are not sure of the deep cause, we think that a combination of humidity accumulation in the Branches and dry soil conditions would lead them to fall without warning.
"Cooling under a oak is one of the greatest pleasures after a long trek in the summer sun. However, a delicious picnic or a nap in the shade can be dangerously disturbed by the drop in the branch of been, "says post.
And although it may be a short time to react, officials say that an audible warning should be a reason to get up and leave. "If you hear a strong crack in a tree, quickly move away from the area," urges the post.
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There have been recent incidents where visitors to the park were injured or worse by seasonal danger.

While many visitors to the park can assume that the greatest danger meets awild animal, few realize that it is trees that can become an unexpected danger. And recent incidents have shown that many are taken out of care by the event.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
In 2017, two Yosemite visitors were seriously injured when aThe large branch fell On their vehicle which had stopped under a tree, reported the local affiliate Fox26. And in 2015,two young campers were tragically killed when a great member of a oak fell on their tent while they were sleeping in a campsite, theLos Angeles Times reported.
Others reported Miss. During a campsite triplast summer, Visitor YosemiteKathi Andrews Said she had just returned to her cabin after visiting the toilet with her grandson when "the most formidable cracking and crushing sound" took it by surprise.
"I actually raised my hands on my head because the sound was so close," Andrews told Local Bay Area News Over Sfgate. "I have heard from other campers."
When she investigated the noise, she discovered that a large branch of oak had fallen on the way she had just passed a few minutes earlier. "It was incredible!" She told the media. "In the morning, the enormity of our nearby call cut me off."
There are several ways to reduce your risk of being struck by a fallen branch with Yosemite - and elsewhere.

Of course, running from the cracking sound of a falling branch is a last second method to avoid injuries. But Yosemite managers say that you can proactively avoid the danger of branch by moving away from the Californian black oaks of the park - which are the most inclined to SBD - and keeping your environment in mind when you start to settle .
"Generally, it is a good idea to avoid sitting or installing a tent directly under large oak branches," advises the Facebook message. "Be aware of your environment and do not leave immobile people, such as infants or the elderly, directly under large oaks."
Some visitors have already decided to put the advice into practice. "You would better believe that when we camp in Yosemite next week, we will move away from oaks," Andrews told Sfgate.

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