30 incredible facts about pirates who are 100 percent true

This pirate "accent" is an invention of Disney.

Because ofmovies likeTreasury island andPirates of theCaribbean, many of us have some image of pirates: they spend all their lives at sea, they speak withIntense accentsAnd they move the board as punishment.

But in reality, these peaceful marine - which go back to the old era - often have women and children at home, contribute members of their local economies and do not grow "Arrrr" almost as much as you believe before. To learn more about these mysterious criminals, read 30 surprising facts about totally real pirates.

The stereotypic pirate accent was invented by Disney.

treasure chest, pirate facts

September 19 mark the annual scoreSpeak like a day of pirate. But the truth is that pirates have not had a uniform accent. Many sentences we associate with them today come from the 1950 Disney movieTreasury island, featuringRobert Newton like Long John Silver, who was based on the 1883 novel of the same name byRobert Louis Stevenson.

"The performance of Newton - full of" Arps "," Fry me of the woods "and references to homeowners, not only have stole the show, he definitely fashioned the vision of pop culture of how pirates have watched, acted and spoke "COLIN WOODARD, author ofThe Republic of Pirates, RecountNational Geographic.

And so was the holding of stereotyped pirate.

pirates of the caribbean curse of the black pearl johnny depp orlando bloom highest-grossing summer movies
IMDB / Buena Vista Images

The pirates we know modern movies can have a signature style, but that the mode on the screen is not exactly exact. As a historianDaphne Palmer Geanacopoulos, author of the bookThe pirate next door, RecountGeorgetown University, "AloneJohnny Depp resemblingJack Sparrow [in Disney'sPirates of the Caribbean. The pirates wore typical maritime clothes of the day, with captains of pirates and those who have more money by making more expensive outfits. "

But there is a part of the typical pirate holding that is accurate ...

The pirates carried patches, but not because they all lacked a look.

man dressed as pirate with eye patch and sword

In order to help their eyes adjust faster between the bridge of the bright ship and the dark subsresses, the pirates would always be adjusted for the dark, according toE. Bruce Goldstein'sSensation and perception.

And some pirates have had wooden brackets and stakes.

gold pirate hook

There are some other fictitious details on specific hackers. For example, the fight against hackers has certainly lost members from time to time and some of them would have replaced their absent appendices with a wooden hook or ankle, according toNational Geographic.

According toSmithsonian Institute"The members of the crew ... received compensation for the loss of body parts in action - an early form of the worker's compensation".

The pirates wore earrings to prepare the sea of ​​the sea.

pirate illustration

When pirates are accessories with earrings, they were not justtry to be fashionable. According toNational GeographicThe sailors believed that the application of the pressure on the ear ear is moving the sea from the sea. In many cases, the pirates would do it by appearing on an earring.

Unfortunately, although yourInternal ears affect your meaning of balance, put earrings in your hobbies do nothing to mitigate the sea of ​​the sea.

The pirates had a sophisticated mail system and a retirement plan.

old letters mail on scrolls

"The pirates had extensive networks on lands who maintained them in contact with the outside world," Georgetown said. "They had a messaging system (shipping letter books) that allowed them to communicate with parents, and even a suburban service to take pirates of" reprocessing "of their famous haunts in Madagascar to more banal lives in America."

There was a "piracy golden age", but hacking goes back to antiquity.


For as long as there were ships, there were criminals who took to the sea. For example, historians found evidence ofPirates in the Mediterranean As far as 1353 BC. During this time, the Egyptian pharaohAkhenatene Have complained of pirates who had attacked his coastal cities and ports. Tyrans also threatened the commercial routes of ancient Greece and cargoes looted with grains and olive oil from Roman ships, according toGreenwich Royal Museums.

However, there is a certain period that is the most famous hacking. Usually called "Golden Age of Piratie", the period between 1650 and 1720 is when these maritime gray saw the height of their fame, according toNational Geographic. During this time, infamous pirates such asBlackBeard,Calico Jack Rackham, andHenry Morgan Made names for themselves, according to the royal museums Greenwich.

There were a lot of pirate women.

MMH484 . The pirate w:Anne Bonney (1697-1720) . 18th century. Bonney, Anne (1697-1720)

While men have definitely dominated the world of piracy, several notorious women of pirate women, including FranceJeanne de Clisson, EnglandMary readAnd IrelandGrace O'Malley andAnne Bonny(This is an illustration of her above).

The first American pirate wasRachel Wall, which was finally arrested for the flight andHanging at the age of 29.

The cards were as valuable as gold or pirate money.

pirate map treasure map

The pirates may have searched for gold, silver, jewelry and rum while looting ships, but they were also on the lookout for something that was also precious: cards. For example,National Geographic Describes a Spanish atlas stolen in particular 1680 as "an extremely precious pirate booty" which "overjoyed" pirates when they seized it, according to their detailed newspapers.

The manuscript has been filled with valuable navigation information, including maps, graphics and descriptions of different locations. It was so precious that the pirateBartholomew Sharpe Printed a colorful English version of the latter and presented it to the King of England, a gift that might have saved it from execution.

The hackers flew too.

writing, right to left

According toNational GeographicSome members of the pirate crews were literate and were essential for reading navigation cards. The books sometimes even part of the booty extracted from the ships that the pirates were flying.

The hackers had a special menu adapted to life at sea.

cracked eggs on a table, weird state records

The pirates did not have refrigerators on their ships and so they needed a special menu adapted to life at sea. This means that they brought food on board that could not imagine immediately and s Pressing hardened meats and fermented vegetables. They may also have kept animals that could provide the crew with milk, eggs and, finally, fresh meat.

Pirate ships captains were elected.

ocean and sky - funniest jokes

According to the Smithsonian Institute, "Captains were elected by popular vote and could be removed if their performances were short."

The pirates respected by strict rules⁠ and even had curfews!

pirate sailing ship

While pirates are known to be a hoarse group, they followed a strict range of rules - namely the pirate code. Although the exact details of the pirate code varied from the ship to be shipped, most included an overview of the disciplinary practices and how they would divide their stolen property.

The codes also included surprising rules of conduct. For example, in 1722,Captain Bartholomew "Bart Black" Roberts'written a code This has established that "the lights and candles [are] to turn off at eight hours of night; if one of the crew, after this hour always stroke for drinking, they had to do it on the open deck." In other words, do not stay above 8 hours.

Life aboard pirates is often more civilized than life aboard merchant ships.

pirate ship facebook

Merchant seafarers have been treated and have poorly paid - and sometimes the life of the pirate has proved to be the right deal. "The sailors have been so severely treated in many of these vessels merchant by the captains and the owners," said WoodardCnn. "They received fluffy rations, deceived from their salary at the end of travel, often fed spoiled food and placed on vessels that did not have enough provisions on board." So, in some ways, becoming a pirate was a way to stick it to the man.

Pirate ships often had bands and theaters.

strings on a lute instrument

Pirates often spent months and years at sea with only occasional stops in ports offering animations. But the sailors still had to stay busy on their ships, which is why they often had strips on board to play construction sites and play the theater.

The Code of Black Bart Roberts included the following rule regarding the band: "The musicians will have only rested the Sabbath day, on the right, every other day, in favor only."

The pirates have really preserved parrots.

Two parrots outside - funniest jokes

Because the hackers lived on ships, keeping a big animal like a dog or a monkey could be difficult. A much more judicious and strategic option was a parrot. "Back home, people would pay a good money for parrots and other exotic creatures and sailors could easily buy them in many Caribbean ports",Angus Konstam, historian and author ofThe history of pirates, RecountAtlas obscura. "Some have been preserved, but most were sold when the ship reached the house. They were colorful, we could learn to speak - always entertaining - and they recovered a good price on the bird markets in London."

The pirates had their own unique and totally terrified flags.

skull and crossbones pirate ship flag

While the hackers have actually stolen banners from their ships to warn others of their criminal intentions, the symbols on the flags were not necessarily the skull and crosses them that we think today. According toNational Geographic, "Black Bart has he held an hourglass with the devil.Low-captain had a red blood skeleton standing at the priority. AndChristopher Moody's The flag was so colorful, it became known as bloody red. "

While the pirates approached the enemy ships, they would act a friendly flag. At the last minute, they would shoot Jolly Roger, a sign they were ready to attack.

The pirates slept on hammocks.

pirate ship hammock

When they did not attack other ships or surveillance, the hackers had to getto sleep. And while senior officers were usually lucky enough to enjoy private neighborhoods, the rest of the crew has slept in hammocks under the bridge. The hammocks were ideal because they rock and swing with the ship, which facilitates the rest of the night.

Pirates contributed to local economies.

france ships in port

As you could assume that unlawful hijackers have committed to hurting the savings around them, it was actually the opposite, Georgetown said Georgetown. The hackers would spend the gains of their different planciers in the ports every time they have moored, which means that these cities would benefit the same as the cruise of port cities today benefit from the cash flows of visitors. Piracy has also offered opportunities for poor men who may otherwise have been employed.

Some hackers were respected members of their communities.

church pew

The pirates may have been lay, which surely meant that many were social excluded, but others were accepted members of their communities. Geanacopoulos told Georgetown that "some, likeCaptain Kidd, who helped to found the episcopal church of Trinity and even paid for a family foot (although there is no record he used it in fact), were important members of society. colonial. "

And many were family men.

Men's wedding band
Matt Seymour / Beldshshshsh

Some of these men were married and had children before or during their time as pirates while others were waiting until they were withdrawn to settle down and start a family.

Apparently, even when the famous Captain Kidd was sentenced to being suspended from his crimes related to piraille, he "said about these entourages to send his love to his wife and his daughters," Georgetown said. "He said that his greatest regret" ... was the thought of his wife's grief in his shameful death. "

The hackers would marry annoying crew members on a deserted island.

panama beach

One of the most shrinking acts associated with hackers is the fact that they would be brown than the members of the annoying crew on a deserted island. Unfortunately, it's pretty precise. If someone on board was causing problems, they would be deposited on an uninhabited island and let die, according toNational Geographic. And just like in movies, they often receive a firearm with one shot so that we can finish things quickly.

Julius Caesar was captured by pirates.

Julius Caesar Statue left-handed
Jule_Berlin / Shutterstock

Julius CaesarI did not become emperor from Rome without surviving a few situations of argument. In fact, when he was 25 years old, he was taken prisoner by pirates and held captive for 38 days. The hackers demanded the ransom for the liberation of Caesar and, according toBritannica"When [they] told him they had put his ransom at the sum of 20 talents, he mocked himself not to know who they had captured and suggested that 50 talents would be a more appropriate amount. "

Above this, "Caesar went home among the pirates, depositing them and the chouchons when he wanted to sleep. He did themListen to speeches And poems that he composed in his unexpected downtime and pushed them as illiterate if they were not sufficiently impressed. When the pirates were finally paid, they kept loyal to their word and let go. However, Caesar was not about the forgive point and forgets. When he returned home, he had his strength found and kills his captors.

A pirate team once stole the equivalent of $ 200 million in one looting.

missing treasure

Some places have been more successful than others - this includes a score byCaptain Henry AveryAnd his crew, who was once released from a carrier of silver, jewelry, gold, silver and ivory that would be worth more than $ 200 million today, Woodard told CNN. It was the equivalent of what they would have done over the age of 20 if they were working on a typical merchant ship.

A pirate was known as the "Robin Hood of the Sea".

robin hood hat

Sam Black Bellamycould have been a pirate, but he considered himself as the "robin of the woods of the sea." According to theNew England Historical Society, "Black Sam Bellamy has become the richest pirate in history not because of greed but because of anger anger at the English system that has exploited poor and marine boys like him. »

In addition to his crew being a democracy and having no trace of the hacker ever kill a captive "In a famous speech attributed to Bellamy, he disdained the rich merchants he pillaged:" They steal the poor under the guise of the law, Parbleu, and We loot the rich under the protection of our own courage. »

One of the most powerful of the History of Pirates was a woman who ordered more than 300 ships.

G15M3R Ching Shih (1775-1844) was a prominent pirate in middle Qing China who terrorized the China Sea in the early 19th century. She was a Cantonese prostitute who married Zheng Yi, a notorious Cantonese-Chinese pirate. The name she is best remembered by means

Commander more than 300 ships with somewhere between 20,000 to 40,000 men obeying his orders,Ms. Ching ShihIt is thought to have been one of the most powerful pirates in history. Originally codirige with her husband, Mrs. Ching took over what was known as the red flag fleet when he died.

According to the historianRebecca Simon"In 1810, the Chinese government amnesty promised and forgiveness to all Chinese pirates. At this point, amassa [Ms. Ching] so much riches that she decided that time had come to end her career as a pirate queen. She took the government's offer and kept her booty. She used her wealth to open a gambling house, she operated until death in 1844 at the age of 69 "

A British Army at Major Retirement has abandoned his life and has become the "Gentleman Pirate. »

stede bonnet pirate flag

In 1717,STEDE BONNET, A British major retirement army that possessed a sugar plantation in Barbados, decided to become a hacker (which is his tailor-made flag, above). Lorning his wife and his children as well as the rest of his earlier life, Bonnet bought a boat and sailed on the sea. Although his military past did not seem to be his pirate crew, it was probably one of the reasons why her dignified behavior has earned him a reputation for "Pirate Gentleman. "

A BlackBeard shot of his own men just to make a point.

blackbeard pirate

BlackBeard, who sailed the seas in the 1700s, was notoriously vicious and did not hesitate to use apparently extreme violence when he thought it necessary. According toNational Geographic, "Tales of its cruelty are legendary. ... Blackbeard itself fired on one of his lieutenants so that "he would not forget who he was. »

Archaeologists think they finally found Captain Kidd's treasure.

captain kidd pirate

When Captain Kidd was captured (and before he was hanging in 1701), he claimed to have left behind a buried treasure (which is a picture of burning it a Bible near Plymouth). In 2015, hundreds of years later, a group of archaeologistsapparentlybelieve they have placed some of the missing wealth. Off the coast of Madagascar in the area of ​​Saint Marie Island, the divers have found a121 pounds silver bar, Which can be just a small part of the pirate booty.

Pirates today are especially in Indonesia, Somalia and Nigeria.

large ship in ocean - pirate facts

Pirates not only existed throughout history, they also existed in the world, just about wherever there is access to water. Today, pirates are the most common in the waters around Indonesia, Somalia and Nigeria, according toNbc. In March 2019, there were 14 pirate attacks and attempts in Nigerian waters, according toInternational Maritime Office. And if you are looking to refresh even more history, consult one of the12 The best podcasts for the type of story Each buff.

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