7 signs that your child could have coronavirus

Covid-19 is connected to a rare but serious disease in children. These are the symptoms to look for.

In the entire Pandemic of Covid-19, part of the population has been largely spared: children. But according to several recent reports, it changes. More than a dozen children aged 2 to 15 were admitted to New York hospitals, due to symptoms of Rare Kawasaki disease, which is now related to coronaviruses. The trend has also emerged inChildren with coronavirus UK.

"Pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome, recently reported by the United Kingdom authorities, is also observed among children and young adults in New York and elsewhere in the United States," wroteMEMBER C. DASKALAKIS, MD, Deputy Commissioners' Division of the Department of Health of New York Disease Disease, in a public letter Monday.

"So far, what we understand is a rare complication in the pediatric population they believeRelated to COVID-19, "State Commissioner of New York StateHoward Zucker RecountThe New YorkTimes. "We follow very closely." Depending on the Mayor of New YorkBill of Blasio, four of the 15 hospitalizedPatients with Kawasaki's disease have been positive for COVID-19, while six others had antibodies.

Depending on which the organ system is affected by Kawasaki disease, symptoms vary in children. But to help you know what to look for, these are the symptoms cited in these recent pediatric cases you should know for the good of your child's health. And for more symptoms to be aware, discover6 new symptoms of coronavirus the CDC wants you to know.

Cutaneous rash on the torso or groin

boy with measles rash all over his body

Kawasaki's disease may have a rash on its torso or groin. According to Daskalakis, this symptom was present in more than half of recently hospitalized children.


young woman vomiting into toilet

If your child vomits and one of the other symptoms of this list, contact a health professional immediately. Daskalakis noted that more than half of the 15 hospitalized children in New York have had trouble keeping their food. And for more symptoms of Covid-19 that should be on your radar, checkThe 7 strangest coronavirus symptoms you need to know.

Abdominal pain

young blonde girl getting stomach examined

A study on the first coronavirus epidemic in China indicated thatGastrointestinal problems were the first symptoms to present themselves in many CIVID-19 patients. And more than half of hospitalized children have recently reported abdominal pain.


Close-up of steel toilet handle

The gastrointestinal problems presented by COVID-19 and Kawasaki disease are not limited to stomach and vomiting ills. More than 50% of recently hospitalized children also had a diarrhea.

Strong persistent fever

Sick Baby with a Fever

YesYour child has a fever For three consecutive days above 102.2, according to the Mayo Clinic, you must absolutely contact your pediatrician or a health professional. This symptom is not only compatible with Kawasaki's disease, which was present in the 15 pediatric patients - but it is a sign that your child has trouble becoming healthy. And for the symptoms of COVID-19 among the elderly population, discover7 silent symptoms of seniors coronaviruses need to know.

Respiratory problems

young asian child with respirator

Less than half of recent pediatric patients have also had somedifficulty breathing, which is a coherent symptom of coronavirus.

Plump hands and feet

swollen children's hands

A unique symptom of Kawasaki's disease is swollen from the hands and feet, according to the Mayo Clinic. Although not yet directly linked to Covid-19, the swollen ends and / or reddish palms and foot soles can be a symptom of Kawasaki disease.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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