Talk to this makes you less intelligent, say the experts

You may want to alleviate your obsession, or at least change the subject.

We all have different ideas on how we want to beseen by others, but most of us would like at least that our intelligence shines. As human beings, we tend to think that we are quite clear and we want to be validated by others. Unfortunately, those around us may not always agree, and part of our behavior could in fact make foreigners and even friends doubt our intelligence. Now, experts have identified a bad habit that could make you less intelligent with others - and there are research to save it. Read the rest to find out what you may want to talk about less in the future.

Read this then:The use of these words instantly makes you less intelligent, shows the study.

We use conversation to assess the intelligence of others.

students hanging out.

The main way we get to know others and make opinions about these people is to speak, saysRaffaello Antonino, a consulting psychologist with more than 10 years of experience and theFounder of Therapy Central.John F. Tholen, PHD, a cognitive psychologist andauthor ofTargeted positivity, agree, noting that "we tend to judge each other according to our conversation because what we say is generally the best source of information that we have on top of each other".

According to Antonino, communication is also one of the most notable ways that people express intelligence. You do not need to be a scientist, a programmer or a novel, you can always consider yourself an intelligent person by others thanks to your communication. "People can conclude that a person is intelligent simply by talking to this person," said Antonino.

But talking about certain things can make you less intelligent.

A team of young designers reading a magazine together in the office

Although communication with other people can make them consider you as an intelligent person, it can also have the opposite effect. Everything comes down to what you are talking about. According to experts, there is a subject of conversation that often tends to affect the way people see you in this regard: celebrities. "If you talk a lot about the new scandals ofKim Kardashian, people may not perceive you as an intelligent person for a number of reasons, "said Antonino.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

A new Hungarian study does not help your case. The study, which was published on November 8 in theBMC psychology Newspaper, sought inDetermine Between the cult of celebrities and cognitive skills. The researchers interviewed nearly 2,000 Hungarian adults, by carrying them two intelligence tests, an attitude scale of celebrities and a scale of self -esteem. According to the study, the culture worship that reported higher has indicated lower performance on cognitive tests.

"These results suggest that there is a direct association between the cult of celebrities and weaker performance on cognitive tests which cannot be taken into account by demographic and socioeconomic factors," wrote researchers in their study.

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There are several reasons why people might think that you are less intelligent if you are obsessed with celebrities.


According to Antonino, one of the reasons why people tend to focus on celebrity obsessed with observation is that they think that celebrities are "easy and meaningless" to discuss. Another is that people consider the content of celebrities as "for the masses" content, in that everyone knows it more or less. "These are the reasons why being obsessed with celebrities can be considered more stupid than being obsessed with thermodynamics or DostoevskyThe Karamazov brothers, "Explains Antonino.

But another major concern is that "speaking a lot of celebrities takes time", according to Antonino - so people will assume that you have no room to discuss or think of something else. "Regarding intelligence and conversations, it is generally the extent of the subjects of which you are able to talk about what matters," he suggests.

Katie Ziskind, LMFT, an approved wedding and family therapist and the owner ofWisdom in counseling In Niantic, Connecticut, says that people tend to believe "You are unable to talk about various subjects to which many people can relate" when you often discuss celebrities.

"Talking about a celebrity can only be relatable for people who also know this celebrity, so you could monopolize the conversation and be perceived as less intelligent if you only talk about your favorite celebrity," she explains.

You can look for signs that others think less of you.

a small group of men talking outside at a party

You may be wondering how much the discussion of celebrities is too much with regard to the way your intelligence is perceived. But according to Antonino, there are generally revealing signs which indicate that someone thinks that you are not that intelligent or that you will be as intelligent as you. This includes people "throwing your point of view without even considering it, do not listen to you at all, [and] always correct your grammar errors or" finish "your thoughts instead of you," he said.

You might also notice what peopledon't talk to you. "If you talk about celebrities obsessively, people may not consider you intelligent and not turn to you for academic or professional advice thinking that you may only know about tabloids," notes Ziskind. "They may not want to continue a long conversation with you because they can perceive you as not being able to add to their lives."

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