Drinking this popular drink can cause liver disease - and no, it's not alcohol

You will want to rethink your consumption habits after reading this.

Most of us know thatDrinking is bad for the liver, but we do not think of non -alcoholic drinks that can cause damage to this vital organ. It turns out that we should.

People who drink little or no alcohol can be sensitive to non -alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD), which encompasses a range of liver conditions. When you have NAFLD, too much fat is stored in your liver cells - and although people with this condition rarely signal symptoms during the early stages of the state, NAFLD can ultimately cause non -alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a more advanced condition marked byliver damage and compromised liver function.

Several factors can increase your risk of NAFLD and NASH, including certain eating habits that make the development of conditions much more likely. Read the continuation to find out which very popular drink is now known to trigger a non -alcoholic liver disease, and how alcohol consumption can wreak havoc on your health.

Read this then:If you notice it around your eyes, have your liver checked.

Non -alcoholic hepatic steatosis can cause serious complications.

doctor writing prescription virtually
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In the United States, non-alcoholic liver disease is the most common form of chronic liver disease. Experts believe that between a quarter and a third of Americans are affected by NAFLD or NASH.

Inflammation and liver damage make these conditions undergo significant changes to their health. "Normally, less than five percent of the liver is fatty in weight, but inPatients with non -alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), up to 50 percent to 80% of the weight of the liver can consist of fat, mainly in the form of triglycerides ", a 2008 study in CanadaJournal of Gastroenterology (CJG) Explain.

Unfortunately, this is only the beginning. Having NAFLD or NASH can finally lead to a range of serious diseases, including chronic liver cirrhosis or liver scars, accumulation of liquid in the abdomen (ascites), fibrosis, liver insufficiency andliver cancer. In addition, theCJG The study notes that Nash is an "increasingly common indication for liver transplantation".

Drinking this popular drink can cause Nafld and Nash.

A young woman shopping for soda in a grocery store

Research has shown that consumption of a popular drink can considerably increase your risk of developing NAFLD and NASH: sugary drinks (SSB).AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

A 2015 study published in theJournal of Hepatology examined the data of the participants in the offspring of Framingham and the third generation cohorts of theFramingham study And I found thatHigh SSB consumption rate were linked to poor hepatic health. "We have observed that the regular consumption of sugary drinks was associated with a greater risk of liver steatosis, especially in overweight and obese individuals," wrote the authors of the study.

TheCJG The study echoes these results after conducting its own transversal study in 36 months. "When it is controlled for other factors, including food composition and physical activity, consumption of drinking drinks was the only independent variable that could predict the presence of foie gras in 82.5% of cases with a sensitivity of 100%. "

Advanced age can worsen soda effects on the liver, says a study.

Older man drinking some sugary soda

A third study, published in 2021 by the journalClinical gastroenterology and hepatology, noted that your age can also play a role in the way in whichSugar soft drinks on sugar affect your liver.

"An average consumption of higher SSB is associated with an increase in liver fat over six years of follow -up and increased chances of Nafld Incident, especially among the older cohort," wrote the authors of the study, referring to the eldest cohort which was an average age of 62.8 years aged. The team noted that there was "no coherent association" observed between the consumption of SSB and liver health in the younger cohort, which was an average age of 48.4.

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The jury has always come out of soda, but it can be a problem.

A young woman drinking diet soda outdoors

Although the authors of the study have all agreed thatDietary sodas could cause similar liver health problems. TheJournal of Hepatology The study "observed no significant association between the supply of soda and the measures of the fatty liver disease", while theCJG The study considered the two types of soft drinks as a threat to liver health.

"Because regular consumption of Coca-Cola and Diet in our study has led to an increased risk of foie gras, factors other than calories and sugar content probably contribute to higher risk", the CJG The authors of the study wrote. "These factors include the consumption of fructose, aspartame, caramel (food coloring) and other covariants. These complexes of sugars and dyes can promote insulin resistance, lipid peroxidation and hepatic inflammation, and are a source of final glycation products. "

If you worry about knowing if your consumption of soft drinks could cause problems for your health, consult your doctor or alternative health care provider.

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