10 changes that occur in the body during pregnancy

The different stages of pregnancy can bring a variety of changes beyond a growing belly. Here are the most important changes to know.

When you cultivate another little person inside you for nine months, your body has necessarily reached certain changes. The different stages of pregnancy can bring a variety of changes beyond a growing belly. Not everyone feels the same, because each pregnancy is different. Here are the most important changes to know.

1. Hormonal changes

This is why many pregnant women have this "light". Pregnant women experience a dramatic peak both in progesterone and estrogens. This is also what causes this classic mood during pregnancy. In the process, hormones help the fetus to develop in a healthy way.

2. Weight gain and liquid retention

It is very common for pregnant women to gain weight and retain more liquids. The additional weight and severity slow down the circulation of body fluids and blood. This weight of water can also express limits to the development. During the second trimester, many women are starting to notice swelling. To relieve it, they can avoid holding too long and consuming caffeine or sodium.

3. Sensory changes like taste, sight and smell

People do not know that pregnancy does not only affect the taste of things - it also affects smell and sight. Although some indicate a vagueness or discomfort while wearing contact lenses, most women return to vision before pregnancy after birth. Eye pressure is also an often indicated side effect. Pregnancy can also cause cravings for savory, sweet and embittered food due to dysgusia, or a decrease in the capacity for taste.

4. Mammary changes

While the body is preparing to provide milk to the newborn, the body undergoes several changes. The areolas often darken due to pregnancy hormones, and as they develop, sensitivity and sensitivity are common. The stretch marks can also occur, especially if they increase quickly in size. The milk conduits also develop in preparation. Tiny lumps can also occur from blocked milk conduits, but if they do not disappear after several days of massage and hot compresses, it is a good idea to inform a doctor.

5. Hair and nail changes

Many women have growth of nails and hair during pregnancy, but it can also cause hair loss or hair loss. Eating healthy foods and taking prenatal vitamins are important during pregnancy, but they can also cause brittle nails and keratosis. Postpartum hair loss is also common because hormone levels and hair follicles regulate without adding pregnancy hormones.

6. Traffic and blood volume

The blood volume will increase, which can enlarge the appearance of the veins. These changes in the circulatory system and blood pressure can cause dizziness and fainting during pregnancy. These spells can also occur due to an expansion uterus which exerts pressure on blood vessels, as well as changes in appetite or metabolism. Rest in bed, water and loose clothes can help minimize this.

7. Digestion

Hormones cause all kinds of food cravings, food aversions and nausea during pregnancy. The digestive system also undergoes major changes. Constipation can occur from the additional weight of an increasing uterus, and stomach burns are common in the third trimester while a growing baby grows on the stomach. Smaller and frequent meals can help reduce this, as well as antacids.

8. Energy levels

It is common for mothers to feel exhausted. Being tired often occurs at the beginning of pregnancy, because your body works to adapt to all the changes that occur there. Extreme fatigue is not uncommon, and it can be attenuated by making small naps throughout the day. For many new mothers, energy is at least partially in the second and third quarters.

9. Ligaments and joints

To make more space around the pool to deliver a baby, the body secretes pregnancy hormones. One of them is known to be relaxing and loosen the joints and ligaments, alias of the strips of connective tissue. This hormone extends the ligaments and the joints around the body, preparing for work. Relaxation is also reflected in the "Watchancy Waddle" which is a modified walk due to a change of curvature of the spine and a larger belly.

10. bigger feet

Helmets, some women report that their feet mount a whole shoe size during pregnancy. This is due to various reasons. Some professionals attribute this to an increase in growth hormone. This could also be due to the fact that the arcades in the feet are flattening during pregnancy, increasing the size. Another reason for an increase in size could be that the body produces more liquids than usual, and it slipped into the feet.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: health / pregnancy
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