Sophia Latjuba ala young tips, which is still in 20s!

Sophia Latjuba looks very beautiful and youthful, as if it's still 21 years old! What are the tips?

Sophia Latjuba's heart, Eva Celia has recently been married to Demas Narawangsa. They made a sacred promise in the altar of the Cathedral Church, Central Jakarta. Suddenly there were many celebrities and netizens who congratulated the new couple.

But apparently there are many netizens who focus wrong with the beauty of the mother of Eva Celia, namely Sophia Latjuba. The reason, the 51-year-old woman looks very beautiful and youthful, as if she was 21 years old! So, what are the tips for staying young in the style of Sophia Latjuba? Let's usSpillThe first tips below!

1. Yoga so that the body is fit and tight skin

MomentcuriousSophia Latjuba's Instagram account is @sophia_latjuba88, we will find a highlight story titled "Yoga". When clicked, it was seen that this beautiful woman likes to do sports that have been around for 5,000 years. InFeedInstagram,Sophia Latjuba was also seen often uploading yoga sports and received positive affirmations from followers and netizens on Instagram.

"Thanks Sis Sophia has inspired the youth of humanity," commented netizens with the initials S at Sophia Latjuba's upload about Yoga on April 30th. There are also netizens who commented funny like, "Want this but his hobbies eat."

What is yoga? What are the benefits? Let's discuss more deeply! Yoga is a sport originating from North India and has been around 5,000 years ago. The word 'yoga' comes from SanskritYujwhich means to join or unite. In principle, yoga focuses on breathing techniques, body posture, and calm mind.

Yoga has been proven to bring various benefits to physical and mental health. Examples such as reducing stress, improving the body's quality such as the heart, body flexibility, and breathing patterns. In addition, yoga can also increase self -confidence, encourage healthy diet, and reduce anxiety symptoms. Besides Yoga, Sophia Latjuba also often undergoing other sports such as cycling.

2. Vegan diet so that it rarely hurts

It was revealed that since the age of around 47 years, Sophia Latjuba has been on a dietFull VeganTo maintain a healthy lifestyle. This type of diet makes Sophia can only consume fruits and vegetables without any animal elements at all. This 51 -year -old beautiful woman also admitted that she no longer consumed meat, eggs, cheese, and milk.

According to Nutrition Expert Adrienne Seitz, DietFull Veganis popular among the international community and is very beneficial for the health of the body such as losing weight, reducing blood sugar levels. But generally, diets only want to improve physical and mental health.

Sophia Latjuba also admitted that he was rarely sick since going on a dietfull vegan,Of course, in the right ways and rules. Like still completing the source of nutrients that enter the body, but do not use animal food types. Examples such as replacing fat in beef to avocado, nuts, and tofu. Or replace animal protein in eggs to vegetable in tempeh.

3. Reduce sugar intake to avoid dangerous diseases

Furthermore, Sophia Latjuba also claimed to have reduced sugar intake for a long time. According to him, it can make him avoid dangerous diseases such as diabetes and strokes. Then is that also agreed by the medical team?

According to Nutritionist Dr. Rohini Patil, reducing sugar intake is proven to bring various benefits such as reducing the risk of developing diabetes. This happens because excessive sugar consumption can increase insulin resistance in the body so that there is a buildup of sugar in the blood. From that incident, type 2 diabetes appears.

In addition, there are some dangerous diseases that haunt because they consume excessive sugar, namely heart disease, stroke, and obesity. Gosh, is it really dangerous? Then if we want to add a sweet taste to food and drinks but stillStay Healthy,How to? According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, it is advisable to consume a maximum of 9 teaspoons of sugar every day. You can also replace sugar into honey or palm sugar.

4. Facial care so that the pores are not blocked

It turns out that Sophia Latjuba does not only maintain a healthy lifestyle. The reason he also treats his face so that the pores are not blocked. Evidenced by several activitiesskincareroutine that is often done like wearingserum, essence, and others.

Sophia Latjuba also often undergoing skin care in a beauty clinic you know! One type of treatment that is often done isSkin Tag Laser RemovalTo reduce the blockage of the oil glands in the skin using laser technology. For the cost, it ranges from 750 thousand rupiah and above.

Doing skin care on the face precisely makes Sophia Latjuba look more younger huh! Are you also interested in undergoing facial treatments likeSkin Tag Laser Removaland applyskincareroutinely?

5. Adequate rest forMen.Aga physical and mental health

Fifth -style tips for Sophia Latjuba ala youth, namely adequate rest to maintain physical and mental health. Because it was revealed that he regularly took 2-3 days every week forofffrom work and focus onHealingand rest. On that day, he also often adds longer to sleep than other days.

According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia on its official website, a break is quite proven to provide various benefits. For example like keepingmoodStay stable, prevent high blood pressure, helps lose weight and increase concentration during activities.

In addition, adequate rest can also help the body in managing the nutrients that have been consumed. This makes the body can avoid obesity or overweight. But it must be remembered that from the last meal to sleep time, it takes a pause for about 1-3 hours.

If the food menu is counted weight, then give a pause of up to 3 hours, whereas if the menu is relatively light like fruits and vegetables, just give a gap of 1 hour. This is very important so that the digestive process is not disturbed.

6. Avoid excessive stress to avoid premature aging

On the last list, it is revealed that avoiding excessive stress can make us stay young. Sophia explained that mental health is as important as physical health, thus avoiding stress to be the first step to achieve good mental health.

Sophia Latjuba claimed to succeed in reducing stress by undergoing a hobby of pottery crafts or known asPottery.This craft aims to make pottery from clay using empty hands. The pottery is then burned and then painted using a special paint or clashed. The results of this pottery craft vary, can be in the form of plates, jugs, jars, glasses, to pots.

The woman who is familiarly called Sofi revealed that pottery crafts taught her about patience, courage, commitment, to perseverance. You cancuriousSophia Latjuba's pottery on Instagram on Instagram!

Categories: Beauty
Tags: / / / Sophia Latjuba
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