What will happen if there are many cherries? Benefits and harm

Many adore a bright, juicy and sweet cherry. And this is not surprising. In addition to a bright taste, it has a number of useful properties.

Many adore a bright, juicy and sweet cherry. And this is not surprising. In addition to a bright taste, it has a number of useful properties. It contains carbohydrates, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, anthocyani, carotene, wine acid, as well as iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and other nutrients necessary for the body. We will analyze in more detail the beneficial properties of cherries and what amount of it is optimal per day.

Cherry is a low -calorie fruit with a low sugar content. There are only 45 calories and 8 grams of sugar in 100 grams of cherry. The use of cherries will not make you fat. Cherry is also rich in vitamin C, anthocyans and carotene. The combination of these three substances has strong antioxidant properties that help slow down the process of cell aging.

Cherry is a berry with the highest iron content. 100 grams of cherries contain 59 mg of iron. As you know, iron is the main raw material for the human body for the synthesis of hemoglobin. Cherry also contains a record amount of vitamin A. For example, in apples and grapes it is 5 times less. Vitamin A is the main raw material for rhodopsin in the retina. Regular use of cherries can improve vision. This fact must be noted for those people who work at the computer for a long time.

One cup of cherry contains 3 grams of fiber, or 12 percent of the daily norm, if you take 2000 calories per day as a sample. True, if you eat a lot of cherries, the amount of fiber consumed can cause side effects, such as bloating, gas and diarrhea. Especially if you are not used to eating such food. You can reduce the risk of side effects, gradually increasing the amount of fiber, which will give the digestive tract to adapt.

In addition, ripe berries contain oxicumarin - a substance that normalizes blood coagulation. Doctors advise to use cherries or cherry juice as a prophylaxis of stroke and heart attack.

Cherry is extremely useful for women's health, as it contains vitamin E. He takes an active part in the development of female hormones. Its optimal amount provides smoothness and skin tone, and makes the hair shiny and silky.

Is it so useful to eat cherries? If you like it, then there are no problems. How much should TT eat? The answer is in your stomach. Just what happens in your head, the stomach also has neurons that will tell you when enough! If you continue, then run to the toilet. Excess in everything is bad. This is true.

Categories: Food and travel
Tags: health /
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