If this happens to you in the forties, your risk of heart disease rises

You do not guess that these two things are so closely linked.

Each year, around 650,000 peopledie of heart disease In the United States, a rate that results in one in four deaths - and 20% of these victims areunder 65, according to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Men tend to develop heart disease on average 10 years earlier than women, whichparticularly vulnerable The possibility of a premature heart attack, a stroke or another episode of acute heart health. Now, experts pass the word on a particular red flag that many men display - often without connecting the points to their heart health. Read the rest to know why having this symptom in the forties increases your risk of heart disease in the fifties, and why the treatment of its underlying causes could save your life.

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The sexual and heart health of men is linked, according to experts.

Couple talking to doctor closeup hands

Research shows that men's sexual health is directly linked to their heart health, thanks to current underlying factors. Having low testosterone, being stressed and having more abdominal fats are all contributory factors both in sexual dysfunction and cardiovascular disease.

In fact, an expert from Johns Hopkins Medicine writes thatCertain forms of sexual dysfunction are considered "the canary in the coal mine" among health professionals. "Sexual problems often predict heart problems," they explain.

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If this happens in the forties, your risk of heart disease skyroche.

couple on bed sad erectile dysfunction having sex

A form of sexual dysfunction in particular can predict future heart problems: erectile dysfunction (ED). According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, having an ED in his forties was linked to an increased risk of 80% of developing cardiovascular disease in the 10 years, which is in the absence of other risk factors.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Although many men reject this question as a normal part of aging, experts say that the current emergency experience almost always indicates an underlying medical problem. "A key reason for erectile dysfunction is considered a barometer for global cardiovascular health is that the penis, like the heart, is a vascular organ," said the site. "Because its arteries are much smaller than those of the heart, arterial damage appears there first - often in front of the symptoms of heart disease."

In fact, other experts say that Ed is one of theLeading risk factors For heart disease. "Having ED is as much a risk factor for heart disease as a history of smoking or family history of coronary disease," warns the Cleveland Clinic.

Some people find it difficult to recognize Ed.

A couple's feet next to each other in bed.

Men can ignore erectile dysfunction when their symptoms do not align themselves with their understanding of the condition. "Many people think that erectile dysfunction is the inability to get an erection, but an early sign of the condition is not to be able to maintain an erection long enough to have satisfactory sex," explains the expert Johns Hopkins.

Not being able to carry out an erection less than 20% of the time is considered normal and is not a medical cause. However, if this happens half the time or more, there is probably a physical or psychological problem, explains the Cleveland Clinic.

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Treatment can help solve both problems.

doctor has bad news for male patient at hospital

The good news? Your doctor can help you treat the causes of erectile dysfunction. "The treatment of the underlying medical condition leads to a drop in atherosclerotic plates which therefore improve blood circulation. Therefore, even if men with erectile dysfunction may not have an obvious heart problem, they must be detected for heart disease, especially before starting the treatment of erectile dysfunction ","Sumir Sahgal, MD, chief doctor ofEssen Health Care recountBetter life.

Your doctor will most likely start any emergency assessment by approaching risk factors for heart disease, including pre-diabetes, high blood pressure or concerns about your weight. They may also want to detect kidney disease, prostate cancer and neurological diseases, which can all cause EDs - before making their recommendations.

However, you can make many simple changes today, even before your next meeting. "Any lifestyle changeimproves heart health Also improves the health of the penis, "explains the Mayo Clinic." Increase your physical activity, maintain a healthy weight, stop smoking and drink alcohol only in moderation - or not at all, "they suggest.

Talk to your doctor to discuss the interventions and treatments that may suit you.

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