This common belief in dementia has been proven by a new study

Your risk may not be as high as you think, according to the last search on dementia.

There are countless things we believe weknow dementia- And this familiarity comes from the unfortunate prevalence of the disease. In the United States only, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that nearly 5.8 million people areLive with dementia. To hear about "dementia" or "Alzheimer's disease" arouses fears of lost memories, mood and behavioral changes and increased risk as you age. But a common belief in dementia was recently dissipated by a new important study. Read the rest to discover what researchers have just learned about the risk of dementia.

Read this then:Doing this at night can help you keep dementia away, the study says.

Researchers often identify new dementia risk factors.

older white woman brushing her teeth in the mirror

Dementia and Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of the disease, is a hot topic for research, as there is currently no treatment or effective treatment. Studies have identified a variety of risk factors for disease, including snoring, hypertension and evenDo not brush your teeth.

With so much information available on dementia, it may be overwhelming to know how to best reduce your chances of developing a cognitive decline. But new results suggest that you can withdraw a concern from your list, even if this is something you already had.

Having this virus does not increase the risk of dementia.

man with pain on side of body
Shidlovski / Shutterstock

If you have had shingles, you may not need to worry about the increased risk of dementia - despite what previous studies have said. The shingles, a current disease also known as Herpes Zoster, and the chickenpox are both caused by the Micken-Zona virus. According to the CDC, when it is infected for the first time by the virus, you develop this rash of itching chustThe virus can stay dormant In your system even after your best. This makes you sensitive to shingles - which causes a painful rash on one side of the body - when the virus reactive later in life.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Studies have suggested thatzone infection Increases your risk of dementia, while others have found no association, reported the new medical (MNT). It was thought that the enriched risk was caused by the potential of the zona to cause inflammation in the brain, infect brain cells or damage blood vessels in the brain.

But a study published inNeurology June 8 noted thatzone infection- Although a worrying condition alone is not associated with an increased risk of dementia.

"The study adds growing evidence of other countries, including the United Kingdom, that Zona, despite the other complications, including post-Herpetic neuralgia, generally do not increase the risk of dementia", "Charlotte Warren-Gash, PHD, an associate professor of epidemiology at the London School in hygiene and tropical medicine, told MNT.

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You might actually have a decrease in the risk of dementia if you have received a diagnosis of zona.

senior woman smiling at daughter
Piksel / Istock

The study used data from the national Danish registers, including information from 247,305 participants over 40 years old with the Herpes Zoster and 1,235,890 comparators of the general population. When assessing the participants' data, the researchers found a low reduction in the risk of dementia for those who previously had the herpes Zoster virus, compared to the general population. But the researchers also issued a word of prudence on this conclusion.

"It was unexpected and we cannot explain the reason for the results of our study", "Sigrún Alba Jóhannesdóttir Schmidt, MD, a study author and epidemiologist at the Aarhus university hospital in Denmark, told MNT. "It is possible that this is simply due to missed diagnoses of zoster in people with unheeded dementia, as people with cognitive problems may not react to symptoms or seek health care for the zona. Even if this it's not the case. "

Schmidt also noted that this could be due to antiviral drugs that treat the zoster, suggesting that these drugs protect against dementia. But the investigators could not deepen this hypothesis, she said.

Researchers do not think that vaccination is likely to reduce the incidence of dementia.

person receiving vaccine
Joel Bubble Ben / Shutterstock

Within the study, there was a small group of participants who developed encephalitis (brain inflammation) after the zona affected their central nervous system, Warren-Gash told MNT. This group has seen a higher risk of dementia.

"However, encephalitis from other causes is also linked to the risk of high dementia, so the association is not specific to the zona," said Warren-Gash.

It has also commented on vaccines available for the Micken-Zona virus, adding that they can help reduce the risks associated with shingles, but probably do not play a role in dementia. "While zona vaccines effectively reduce the risks of zona and its known complications, it is unlikely that they are effective in the prevention of dementia," she said.

Read this then: If your writing looks like this, you may have an Alzheimer's disease early .

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Tags: / Health Advice / News / Science
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