10 ways to remove water restraints and lose weight!

The human body contains about 60% water. More and more people are looking for different ways to eliminate water restraint and lose weight.

Weight loss is one of the most difficult things to do, because it involves a lot of discipline and effort. The human body contains about 60% water. More and more people are looking for different ways to eliminate water restraint and lose weight.

In this article we will discover 10 ways to eliminate water restraints and as a result we lose weight. Follow these steps and you will increase your chances to succeed.

1. Do exercise regularly

Exercises are perhaps one of the best way to reduce water in the body. When we play sports we start sweating, so we lose water. The average water lost when we train for an hour is between 0.5 and 2 liters.

2. Sleep more

There are different sleeping studies that show how important it is to take care of this aspect for both physical and mental health. Sleep helps even regulating the water level in the body. This means that if we rest properly, we help our body reduce the level of water retained.

3. Reduce stress

Stress increases the level of cortisol in the body, the hormone that directly influences water retention. If we better control our level of stress we go through daily it will be easier for us to eliminate from water retention.

4. Be careful how much salt you consume

Salt is one of the most important electrolytes in the human body. It plays an essential role in hydration, if the level of sodium is too high or too low, this will lead to an imbalance.

This imbalance is most often felt in the water retention level. When we eat a lot of salt, usually because of a diet in which we eat a lot of processed food, we will increase the water retention. Therefore, if we are aware of this, it will be easier for us to monitor it and make the best decision for us.

5. Try magnesium

Magnesium is a very useful mineral. In recent years it has become a rather known supplement, but few know its true potential. Magnesium can reduce water retention, a role due to the fact that it is also an electrolyte as sodium. It helps us maintain the balance of water level in the body.

6. Drink more water

If we are well hydrated, contrary to expectations the water retention level will decrease. Our body constantly maintains a balanced balance. If we are always dehydrated, the body will tend to retain more water to prevent the body water level not to be too low.

It is best to listen to our body and drink water every time it is thirsty. Let us not forget that when we expose ourselves to warmer environments, we should consume more fluids.

7. Choose healthy dishes

It is quite obvious that a healthy eating will make a difference when we talk about body weight. There are several foods that we should add in the diet when we want to combat water retention. The most indicated are the ones rich in potassium or magnesium.

8. Reduce carbohydrates

If you reduce carbohydrates and eat very rarely, surely the water retention level will decrease. Carbohydrates are transformed into glycogen, and he is known to be not a great water holder.

If you have a diet with few carbohydrates, this means that the insulin level will be lower and that will lead to water elimination.

9. Drink coffee

Caffeine has a diuretic effect and helps you reduce water from your body. This means that when you really want to take more steps to reduce weight, coffee consumption can come to your aid.

10. Give up wrong habits

The best decision you can make is to give up the processed dishes and excessive salt consumption. Avoid staying very long periods in one position because blood circulation will be weak.


In conclusion, these are 10 ways to eliminate the water restraints you can try today if you want to lose weight. Test and see what works best for you!

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