DIANTVES reveal their biggest mistakes

Learn from these people who had a lot of ups and downs trying to lose weight.

Losing weight is not always an easy trip. It takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice, and there will inevitably be setbacks along the way. In fact, most people who lose weight are not successful in long-term researchers at the University of Pennsylvania revealed that 65% of dietary people earn it within three years.

But even people who have reached their weight goal and have maintained their weight loss have had their fair share of errors throughout their weight loss trips. We asked for real people who lost weight what their greatest diet blunders were and how they solved their problems to lose weight. Looking to throw these books for good? Make sure you check out our list of the50 best weight loss tips.


Do not follow food properly

Food Journal

"The biggest mistake I've done along the way and a typical struggle for my clients, do not keep accurate records of which food-food as well as drinks - I put in my mouth every day," said David Ezell, Clinical Director of Darien Wellness. "There are a variety of applications that you can use to follow it or simply use a pencil and paper. Anyway, record each calorie."

He said that not with precision can lead to accidental consumption of a few hundred additional calories at the end of the day, which can have an impact on your weight loss goals. It is important to first find the number of calories you need in a day and stick it. "Determine your nutritional goals with a dietician, a weight loss coach or even the use of an online calculator and eat precisely with these numbers for two weeks", "he recommends.


Have a mentality all or nothing

junk food fridge

Christine gather reveals that her greatest mistake was to have an obsessive mentality all-or - nothing and focus too heavily on calories. "Ideally, you would not count at all [calories] and simply focus on quality food," she says. "This obsession with counting has led me to the eaten frenzy, which stretched what could have been a three-month weight loss trip in a decade of Yo-Yo-Ing and fight with compulsive supercharging."


Do not treat emotional eating

DIVEN explains that his second largest mistake trying to lose weight did not deal with emotions behind the reason she was eating. "For me, in my teens and early in college, I put books to avoid intimacy. I was nervous around guys. So I sabotage myself. It's easier to accept that Joe does not like you Because you are big that your fat is to accept Joe does not like you, age, "she explains.

Now she has a better relationship with food. "When I headed an Ironman last year, I did not even count on calories," says the Diven.


Leave if you do not see the results immediately

scale frustrated

Carrie Burrows, PhD in nutritional sciences, lost 100 pounds of 100 pounds; She lost weight, then gained her during pregnancy and lost her again. "I returned to my old habits and my bad habits," she says. "The biggest mistake was to quit smoking when the results were not when I wanted them when I wanted them. When I fall from the wagon, I went in a cycle. Eating junk food, gain weight, be miserable. The thought of starting again was overwhelming. "

But set micro-objectives helped it instead of unrealistic expectations, such as the thought you need to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. "I realized that I must have rules or borders, so I do not slip too much eating," she explains and do not buy triggering or temptation. She also ceased to look at the fitness as a punishment and kissed a positive discussion.


Do not be honest on why you are overweight

overweight woman couch chips

"Several years ago, I lost 90 pounds of 90 pounds in 14 months after years of unsuccessful attempts," says Kat Carney. One of his biggest questions was not honest to know why she was overweight in the first place; At 5 feet 6 inches tall, its highest weight surmounted at 240 pounds.

"In the past, I told myself that I had a slow metabolism, or I was boned boned. When I took an honest look and an inventory of my lifestyle, the signs were crystalline, [as] Very sedentary, [or have] bad choice of restoration and habits, "she explains." Now that I had a roadmap, I could tackle my habits one by one. "


Do not embrace a change of way of life

man couch

"The biggest mistake I did was to follow a plan instead of learning to live a lifestyle", Michelle J. Szymborski, Chief Executive Officer and founder to do healthy Fit, Inc., said. When it was previously a diet with diet pills, restrictive plans and liquid plans, Szymborski says it constantly gained its weight. "Now, I live a balanced and balanced way of life. I have transformed my health and career. Now, I am a health coach who helps other women win the battle on" diet "mistakes. We are all people with different dietary needs. We need to listen to our bodies! "


Eat all the time

fast food drive thru

"One of the main reasons I was overweight is that I was ate virtually every day," says Carney and attended rapid casual chains such as Starbucks. "Whenever I try to lose weight, I would go a diet and I would eat fat and I would be miserable. In addition, I had no roadmap for the way to eat in the long run." She had never learned to cook and did not get used to eating at home and did not realize as many calories she did eating.

"This last time, I knew that I had to learn to cook healthy, fast, easy to do and tasty meals that I liked as much as my favorite food meals," she says. If you still want to lose weight by dining, be sure to avoid the# 1 worst menu option in 41 popular restaurants.

Categories: Weight Loss
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