Eating this popular food can age your skin faster, provide experts

Take advantage of it in moderation if you want to be your best.

As we get older, we tend to feel younger than us. Of course, there will always be these lucky few whoNever seem to age, but for most of us, it is an inevitable part of life. We notice the wrinkles, cracks and dry plates in our skin and suppose that these are natural signs of aging skin. But the foods we eat can play an important role in the health of our skin, which makes it age faster than it should. Curious to know how what you eat can increase the aging process of your skin? Read the rest to know which popular food damages your skin and makes it more quickly.

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Eighty percent of Americans have too much sodium in their diet.

three spoons filled with different types of salt
Angelus_svetlana / Shutterstock

According to centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 90% of Americans aged two and more consume more sodium than they need. 2020-2025 food guidelines for Americans (DGA) recommend a daily sodium intake ofLess than 2,300 milligrams. (To give you an idea of ​​the quantity, a single portion (100 grams) of bacon contains1,800 milligrams of sodium.)

Sodium absorbs moisture in your body - which is why eating too many savory foods can make you feel dehydrated. Without adequate hydration, your skin is not nourished and is more sensitive to wrinkles and aging.

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The transformed meats are rich in sodium.

Plate of Processed Meat
Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock

You have probably heard that eating transformed meats canIncrease your risk of chronic conditions Like heart disease, cerebral vascular accidents, diabetes, cancer and premature death. But these delicious treats also accelerate the aging of the skin. In effectNortheast dermatology partners. Salted foods bleed for moisture of your skin, they say, while nitrates alter the skin repair process.

"The diet of processed meat means that our body produces an increased level of trimethylamine n-oxide (TMAO) as a product of the metabolization of intestinal bacteria", explainsJessica Krant, MD, a dermatologist certified at the CouncilNew York laser and skin surgery center. "This compound is toxic and inflammatory for our body," she continues. "The treatment of meats increases the damage caused by the addition of excessive nitrates and sodium to the mixture. The two trigger advanced glycation (ages) which increase collagen and degradation of elastin, wrinkles and The dull. "

Acne flares are not only for adolescents.

shot of a young woman inspecting her skin in front of the bathroom mirror and looking upset

Many people are dismayed to see that buttons do not disappear as if by adolescence - and transformed meats can contribute to the problem. Many transformed meats containAntibiotics and hormones which are difficult to digest, causing hormonal imbalances that manifest in the body, such as acne or other skin problems. According to very Well Health, amino acid leucine found in most processed meats canStimulate oil production of your skin, which obstruct pores and cause acne eruptions.

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Transformed meats can cause skin inflammation.

woman scratching her face
9Nong / Shutterstock

Regularly eating the transformed meat loaded with sodium can cause chronic inflammation, both inside your body and your skin. Too much sodium causes yourThe kidneys absorb water And do not correctly filter the toxins, leading to bloating and pockets. This balloon is called edema and often occurs in the face, hands, ankles and legs. Although this is not a serious condition, edema can be uncomfortable. In addition, eating too many transformed meats rich in sodium and nitrates can cause eczema escapes and sparksInflammation of certain skin conditions, like rosacea and psoriasis.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Some people can even develop allergic skin reactions to processed meat. "There is an allergy to meat called" Alpha-Gal syndrome ", which is triggered by the bite of a lonely star tick," says Krant. With this condition, hives, rashes, itching and other unpleasant symptoms can occur insideTwo to six o'clock After eating meat or dairy products, says the CDC.

A change of diet can improve the appearance of your skin.

Fruits and vegetables together

Consuming transformed meats in moderation will not hurt you, but if you want to maintainhealthy and shiny skin, do not make them a staple food in your diet.

"We can improve and start reversing the damage caused to our skin by reducing or eliminating processed diet food," said Krant. "Replace the meat transformed by whole and unprocessed foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. [These foods] are rich in fiber, rich in nutrients and low in toxins."

Our bodies naturally want to be healthy. By exchanging processed meat for whole foods and Plant proteins, You can start repairing and curing skin damage caused by transformed meats. As a result, you will feel reduced skin inflammation, fewer acne thrusts and younger and flexible skin.

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