Can you safely eat eggs expired

Eggs are a nutritious and tasty basic food worldwide. But although they are an affordable and healthy meal for many, the question remains: Can you eat expired eggs?

Eggs are a nutritious and tasty basic food worldwide. But although they are an affordable and healthy meal for many, the question remains: Can you eat expired eggs?

If you have left a box in the refrigerator or on your counter for a few weeks, you may be wondering if your eggs have gone wrong or not. It is true that keeping them in the refrigerator helps to extend the date of "better", but how do you know if your eggs are expired?

There are several ways to know if your eggs have expired. Here are some of the revealing signs:

  • A bad smell. If you find a sulfuric smell that comes out of your eggs, avoid eating them.
  • Look at the expiration date. Everything after a month should probably be launched.
  • Take a look at your egg. If it is cracked, viscous or has powder residues, bacteria are high and you should not eat it.
  • Shake your egg. If it seems that a lot of liquid slips, your egg may not be the coolest. However, this does not necessarily mean that he is spoiled

In the end, the only really infallible way to know if you can safely eat exhaled eggs is to crack an open and check if it is spoiled. Of course, if it ends up being spoiled, you shouldn't eat it. Salmonella and other bacteria can cause foods of food with serious effects.

But as the packaging dates and the storage methods surrounding the eggs are so ambiguous, the eggs which are technically "expired" may not be rotten and contaminated by bacteria.

How long do the eggs last?

Eggs can last between 3 and 5 weeks in the refrigerator and have a longer shelf life than other perishable proteins such as milk or meats. However, you have not always known how long your eggs have been sitting on a shelf at the supermarket and how long they have there.

Advice to extend your egg freshness

  1. Put them in the refrigerator when you go home - higher temperatures can be spoiled more quickly.
  1. Check the dates - Some labels may have a "best" date which is more a loose suggestion, while others have an expiration date. You can also search for a pack date, which will allow you to know how long you have.

3. If you are not sure of the date, even if the eggs are not spoiled, cook them at a minimum internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit, which will help you avoid contracting a disease of food of food .

4. Don't wash your eggs. Many people think that egg washing can help eliminate bacteria, but in fact, it is the opposite - once an egg has been washed, it is more likely to transfer the shell bacteria outside on the inside.

5. Do the water test. Fill a bowl of cold water and place the egg inside - if it flows, your egg is safe. If he floats, he can spend his time.

6. Do the Candling Egg test. Using a dark room and a small concentrated light source, you can do this test. Hold your light source to the egg and tilt it from left to right, which will reveal the contents of the egg. If you see a large air pocket, it can be spoiled.

What to do if you have eaten an expired egg

You can see the signs of egg -based food disease in symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headache and cramps. In the case of a healthy person, you should go well in a few days, but the youngest, much older and those who have a weakened immune system should request medical aid.

If you have eaten eggs with mold, you can get a rash, a flowing nose, itching or whistling breathing. Make sure you hydrate with water, ginger and sports drinks that can help reconstruct your electrolytes.

Who should avoid exhaled eggs?

Anyone who is immuno-compromise, young children and the elderly all run a higher risk of contracting salmonella and other foods of food. If you are more at risk, remember to buy pasteurized eggs. Pasteurized eggs are heated in lukewarm water that kills bacteria outside the shell without cooking the egg inside. These eggs are also safer to use in recipes that require raw eggs, such as Dutch sauce or Caesar vinaigrette.

In the end, you should go with your instinct and if something has a taste or smells, it is better to throw the box. But one of the reasons why we love the eggs is that they last a long time, so if they have been there for a few weeks, don't worry!

Categories: Food&Travel
Tags: eggs / health
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