5 red flag relations that you should never ignore, warn the therapists

You could save yourself years of agony with an incompatible partner.

There is no bypass because the relationships are not easy. First of all, you have to find someone you log in andfix a date To see if there is a spark. Then things become even more difficult. After dragging several times, you must decide if this person is someone you want to continue to see or if you have to cut links as soon as possible. Making this choice is sometimes difficult, although it is easier when some red flags are present. To help you understand them, we have consulted therapists to tell us the red flags that you should never ignore in a relationship. Read the rest to save you years of agony with an incompatible partner.

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They have no friends.

impatient woman
Motorcycle / Shutterstock movies

If your new partner is sort of a lone wolf, it could be worrying.Jessica Harrison, aAuthorized professional advisor And the owner of courageous counseling and consulting, says that the lack of long -term friendships is a major red flag. "This shows that they were not determined to grow in relationships, which takes time and efforts from the two friends," said Harrison. "People change over time and part of being in a long -term friendship means accepting your friends and your friendship when it redefines itself throughout the life cycle." If they have not practiced this in a friendship, they could find it difficult to do it in a romantic relationship.

It is possible to go ahead with someone who has no long -term friendships. Harrison simply recommends ensuring that you do not detach yourself from your own social circle while you do. "Many people who have no long-term positive friendships in their lives will ask, suggest or demand that you are also freeing some of your friendships," she warns. "Do not make this tragic error." Your friends are your support system and you should abandon anyone who wants you to abandon them.

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They say their ex is crazy.

Couple on a date that is not going well due to different food tastes

Discussing ex is delicate in general. But if the person you go out with his ex-partner "crazy", you will want to take note of it. "This is one thing if you both talk about your past relationships and that they show self-awareness and self-insistance," saidKeresse Thompson,,Approved clinical social worker and the host of the podcastJournal of an empathy. "But if someone shows absolutely no self -awareness or no lessons he learned from his previous situations, it can be a huge red flag."

Describe a negative vision of their ex shows that they may not be able to take responsibility for their own actions in the relationship; There could also be a good reason why their ex was "crazy", as being a victim of lie, manipulation or abuse.

They will not engage in deep discussions.

Ghost, bad date, mistakes, profile

Your first meeting will probably be filled with small conversations and jokes. But if you are not starting to develop emotional intimacy when you continue to see a new person, it could be a red flag. "As the relationship progresses, there should be discussions on all hard subjects - liberation, politics, money, emotions," saidDana Torpey-Newman, aapproved clinical psychologist who specializes in couples therapy. "This should be real conversations where the differences are identified and examined." While discussing these subjects, the former cannot guarantee that you will not make disagreements on the road, "you considerably increase the probability of moving in a connected way through these events if you have shared values ​​and perspectives on life, "she said.

Sometimes the person you go out can hold deep conversations because they knew that their values ​​are probably antithetical for yours. If this is the case, Torpey-Newman suggests thinking about the question of whether you can be your authentic self with someone who is different from you in a significant way. "We often reject red flags like this because we are extremely physically attracted or have fun with the person we go out," she said. "But a fundamental difference which results in one or both partners having to delete the fundamental aspects of themselves to create a harmonious relationship is neither sustainable nor satisfactory."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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They try to change who you are.

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The right partner will accept you as you are, while the bad partner can do the opposite. "One of the biggest red flags of a relationship is when you notice that you are involved with someone who wants to change the way you behave, talk, dress, interact with others, live or pass your time, "saidMonica Vermani,,clinical psychologist and author ofDeeper well-being. "Someone who wants to change you essentially does not want the real you, he wants his version of the perfect partner - and he is ready to train, denigrate and manipulate an individual to become his perfect partner."

Best case, this person makes you feel less than and dull your shine. Worse cases, their actions become more controlling and develop in abuse.

You get a bad atmosphere.

Woman sad in bed

Sometimes, a negative intestine feeling is the most revealing red flag, even if you cannot identify the problem. "If you have a feeling of prudence about the person you are getting out of, don't ignore it," saidMichael Devely,,Authorized and family wedding therapist And owner of Cely Counselling. "It's your own personal red flag, and it tries to tell you something."

David Helfand, an approved psychologist specializing in couple therapy, agrees. "The human intestine has a whole nervous system called the enteric nervous system," he said. "It helps us to syntonize a very subtle consciousness, but because it has no cortex, it has no language or discreet conscience." However, he notes that the body is able to react and send us messages long before our conscious mind gives meaning to a situation. So if your intestine tells you something, listen - it could be the biggest red flag of all.

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