That's why you should never use a hand dryer of the bathroom

Beware of the toilet plume.

When using a public toilet, the widespread belief is that it is more ecological and more friendly and hygienic to use the dryer by hand instead of paper towels. But new research suggests that the dryer can actually be the worst of the two options, for really, really,really gross reason.

Each time a toilet without lidois, its fecal bacteria grow in the air, a phenomenon known as "toilet feather". Now, a new study, published in the newspaperApplied and environmental microbiology,I found that this fecal bacterium is sucked into the dryer in hand and back on your hands.

Which means, yes, all this hot air is saturated with ... Just stop here.

To conduct the study, the researchers examined 3 bathrooms at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine and compared the amount of fecal bacteria in the plates exposed to the air blown by a hairdryer to those who are simply left in the bathroom. What they have discovered is that while being exposed to two full minutes in the bathroom, an average of less than a plate by plate, just 30 seconds under the hair blown by a hand dryer averaged an average of 18 to 60 bacteria. To aggravate things, the barriers of the nozzles themselves also contain a minimum amount of bacteria.

"These results indicate that many types of bacteria, including pathogens and potential spores, can be deposited on hands exposed to hand dryers in the bathroom and that spores could be scattered in buildings and deposited on Hands by hand dryers, "wrote the authors in the study.

Of course, whether or not it will continue to use dryers by hand depends on the amount of information you are disgusted by this information (similar toWhether or not it is that plastic bottles contain micro-plastics Suffice to make you go to the bottles of metal forever). To minimize the amount of bacteria, they spend, researchers suggest companies adapted to their dryers with HEPA filters, but until this happens, you may go better to stick to paper.

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Categories: Health
By: naima
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