The experts say to do that when you feel that "life is too difficult"

Kiss the moment. Do not run from that.

Regardless of the difficulty you are trying to avoid them, you can not stop very bad days to happen. Maybe you have lost your job. Maybe you had aterrible break With someone you considered "the one". "Maybe you were blinded by the loss of a loved one. The fact is that we all have difficult moments in our lives when we feel the coldest depths of despair, when the only thing we feel like doing It's going to go somewhere quiet, look at the ceiling and crying. These are the moments when life feels too strong.

When you fell in these depths, it is terribly difficult to know what to do. Although there are a lot of resources and tools online created forhelp you cope with difficult moments in particular, The only thing you can do is the most useful can surprise you.

According to the experts, we talked, the only thing that will make you feel better when you feel that life is just too difficult, it's just sitting with this feeling - to embrace it fully and recognize it and not Try to avoid or erase these feelings of pain you meet. You should also practice radical honesty with yourself and your feelings in the moment, says psychotherapistChristine Scott-Hudson.

"You may want to practice writing the way you feel in a private newspaper," she says. "Do not worry about grammar or spelling, but just write for free for 20 minutes, never taking your pen stylus. Write in the center of what hurts, write it all below. Practice care. Back to your feelings later reading what you put on the page. Listen to you. Feel what you feel. "

In order to stay present, regardless of the strength of practice,Lee Chaix McDonough, A clinical and psychotherapist social worker, recommends request using a simple breathing andmeditation exercise.

"Recognize at the time here and now, try the exercise" 5-4-3-2-2-1 "," said McDonough. "Start by taking some slow and deep breaths. Then notice five things you can see, four things you can hear, three things you can feel, two things you can feel and something you can taste. By focusing on your senses, you ride in the present moment and reconnect at the time here and now. "

As you can imagine, there are also things you should not do in these moments. According to the life coach and an anxiety specialistVikki LouiseSome of your daily adaptation mechanisms, similar to some drinks at the bar, or scroll through the social media to distract you from stressful responsibilities - will not help you when life is really difficult.

"Allow and accept human experience, bad days and all, may not seem exciting or dreaming, but it's really necessary," says Louise. "One of the tips I'm telling my clients is to say every year that you will have 100 difficult days. It's part of the human experience. It means when they feel bad, they can allow it, knowing that it is is a less bad day for them to face later in the year ".

Finally, it is important to remember that even bad days can clarify and give the meaning of your life. Is this relationship that has just finished really meaning more for you that you have previously thought?

According to McDonough, the answer will help you recognize things that are actually important in your life. If you were not already conscious of the importance of this person, now you are.

In short: Only through pain can really know how to be grateful for what you already have. And when you are ready to start taking steps to restore you, be sure to read the17 things happy people every morning.

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