Without a sign that you have Long Covid, like Gwyneth Paltrow

The founder of Goop and the winning actress of Oscars says she "had Covid-19 early, and that left me a long tail fatigue."

Oscar-winner and founder of Goop Gwyneth Paltrow suffer fromPost-active Covid Syndromeor longCOVIDand is a long carrier, it reveals in a newtrialOn its GoOP website. Suffering the usual symptoms, Paltrow said after his doctor has seen his blood work, "he explained that it was a case where the road of healing was going longer than usual." Read it to see what symptoms she had, to see if you also had them - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You are very likely to have long-term fatigue

A businesswoman rubbing her eyes.

"I had Covid-19 early, and it left me with long tail fatigue," says Paltrow.Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of the Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, called post-coovid fatigue and other "highly suggestive" symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome or the Myalgic encephalomy, for which there is no cure. Paltrow may not feel that though; She already works on sweat sweat, something some lengths that can do.


You can have an inflammation of the body

Woman suffering from pain kidney disease while sitting on bed at home.

'In January, I had tests that showed very high levels of inflammation in my body, "said Paltrow." After seeing all my laboratories, "she says," He explained that it was a case where the healing road was going to be longer than usual. "" Further inflammation and immune responses that are too reactive to the virus are among the potential explanations of COVID-19 long-persons "," reportsBreakthrough.


You can have a brain fog

Sad woman with face mask sitting indoors at home,

Fauci calls "Brain Fog" an "inability to concentrate" and can lead to oblivion, confusion and anxiety. Another actress and another length length, Alyssa Milano, told Mr. Oz his post-acute Covid syndrome was "a type of very debilitating disease. And it just seemed to move in my body and mind." She continued: she continued: "With that too, I also have the fog of the brain. I am a very inhabited person, of fast mind and there will be times when I freeze and I think:" What is the word I'm looking for at the moment? Who, again, as an actress, like a person who has to memorize the dialogue and be able to write and react, and to be on my toes, it's scary. "


You can take a lot of time to heal and never cure

Doctors and infected patient in quarantine in hospita.

The Paltrow doctor called the "longer than usual" health road. Now that we have a year in the pandemic, there are innumerable stories of long sick carriers for a full year, with, as Milano said, is a terrifying thought, "no end in sight". "It's a phenomenon that's really pretty real and quite vast," said Dr. FaCi at a NIH conference on long carriers in December. His thought has been resoned by his colleague: "We have to dig and do the work that needs to be done to help relieve suffering and stopping this madness," said Dr. Michael Saag, an infectious expert of the University of the University Alabama in Birmingham, co-chair of a session.

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What if you feel you have Long Covid

woman Doctor in green uniform wear eyeglasses and surgical mask talking, consulting and giving advice to Elderly female patient at the hospital

Contact your healthcare professional if you have long COVID symptoms, but you are warned: they can treat the symptoms but do not have a remedy. PALTROW, for its part, declares a Keto-based keto diet based on the plant, like some vitamins: "All I do good, like a gift to my body",Iron Man actress said. "I have energy, I work in the morning and I make an infrared sauna as often as possible, all in healing service." However, his essay, and in fact, all goop, is pushed to buy you buy products, so that it may not be objective and is certainly not a doctor. Contact someone with whom you trust to answer your problem and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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