5 ways that your skin tells you that your kidneys are in trouble

Do not neglect these five red renal health flags.

From time to time, your skin can act for a range of reasons - cold weather, irritants or allergens, to name only a few. But in the rarer cases, your skin symptoms could indicate serious underlying causes, some of which could beLinked to your kidneys. Experts say that there are several ways whose kidney problems can manifest themselves as skin symptoms - and some of them may surprise you. Read the rest to learn the five ways that your skin tells you that your kidneys are in difficulty and what conditions they can indicate.

Read this then:If your food has a taste of this, have your kidneys checked.

Dry or itchy skin

Woman with itchy, tingling arms scratching skin.

According to the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), havingDry or itchy skin is a common sign of advanced kidney disease. If you feel this symptom, you may notice that your skin becomes rough, scaly, cracked and uncomfortable.

""Healthy kidneys Make many important jobs. They eliminate the waste and additional liquid from your body, help make red blood cells, help keep the bones strong and work to maintain the right amount of minerals in your blood, "said NKF experts." Dry and itching skin can be a sign of mineral and bone disease that often accompanies an advanced kidney disease, when the kidneys are no longer able to keep the good balance between minerals and nutrients in your blood. ""

Read this then:If you often drink this drink, have your kidneys checked, the new study says.

Changes in your skin color

If you noticeChanges in the color of the skin, this can also be a symptom of a chronic kidney disease. "The accumulation of toxins in your body, when your kidneys do not filter your blood as they should, can cause color changes to your skin," explains Fressenius Kidney Care. "You can notice a gray or yellow shade on your skin, areas of dark skin or an unhealthy pale tone. If you have skin that has had itching for a long time and to be ray often, you can also see yellowish and thick skin with bumps or cysts. "


Woman with swollen ankle foot

Swelling (edema) is anotherCommon symptom of kidney disease, because the kidneys are responsible for the elimination of additional liquids and the salt of the body. When they work badly, the liquid can accumulate in the body, causing swelling in the legs, ankles, feet, face or hands.

A lot of people withrenal problems will experience swelling or pockets around the eyes. "If your eyes are always swollen, especially in the morning, take note," warns the National Kidney Foundation.

Rashes and blisters

Man itching rash on arm

Rashes and blisters On the skin is another known sign of advanced kidney disease. "When the kidneys cannot eliminate waste from your body, an eruption can develop," said the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD). "A rash that occurs in people with a terminal kidney phase causes small dome -shaped bumps and itching. As these bumps are clear, the news can form. Sometimes small bumps meet To form rough and raised patches. "AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

They add that some patients with a terminal kidney phase can also develop blisters on the hands, face or feet. "The blisters will open, dry and be crushed. As they go away, the scars appear," explains the AAD experts.

Calcium deposits

Doctor looking at woman's hands under light

Sometimes kidney patients are also developingcalcium deposits Under the skin - most generally near a joint in the elbows, knees or fingers. "Your kidneys have several jobs. One is to balance certain minerals in your blood, such as sodium and phosphate. When kidneys cannot maintain healthy balance, levels can increase. Some people develop calcium deposits in Their skin, "explains the AAD.

If you notice this or any other symptom of suspicious skin, bring them to the attention of your doctor and consider discussing renal screening.

Read this then: If you notice it on your fingers, have your kidneys checked, experts warn .

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